The first weeks I didnt really play. I wasnt home so I kinda came back for the mid-season. I started playing 1v1 and it was kinda hard, because top foreigners and some Koreans were there. I played boxer and got RAPED! Was hillarious, he raped me in 10 minuts with 2fact build ( im P ) After relazing I wont do good in 1v1, I started playing what I play best : 2v2! I started of with 30-1. I allied my main ally so I did kinda good. He went inactive, but I continued laddering -> from 30-1 to 55-30 *hihi* The strange thing was I didnt lose any rank, was just stuck at B rank. Why my ally finally came back, I got high B+ before something really fun happened. This is the story:
I allied bOrN4yOu, which was my account, but I gave it away. The IP adress was saved to be mine, so it seemed I allied someone playing at the same house as myself. This obviously isnt allowed so I got bOrN4yOu + Get.BaltA. locked and cleared stats. Lost high B+ 2v2and high C+ 1v1 ( was going to ladder the 1v1 up)
The last days before season ends, I tried to ladder up my new acc" Get.BaltA- " to get A-, which didnt happen. I havent played whole week so I guess I will have to say goodby to that goal ( im B+ atm ).
It's dumb I didnt get my goal but yeye. One day left playing but dont have time
What is ur story of this season?
Yeah I get lazy laddering except for 2x2. I can go all out and play like 50 games strait of 2on2 if I have a cool ally. I just can't bring myself to play 1on1 competitively though. I just get lonely and bored when I don't have people to talk to, I feel like if I joined a really active ICCup team I could do it though.
I had a C+ high in 2on2, but I think I could do a lot better in 1on1 or if me and ally weren't retarded when we got higher up. We would go like 21-0 then just start fucking up hardcore, I have no idea why. It wasn't just because of easy ranks lower down, we just play very solid then get into ruts and play horribly and get out of shape.
I was at 2900 points, was 6-1 in my last 7 games and was looking forward to hitting C-. Then I went on a 1-8 streak, got pissed off and cleared stats.
2-0 1260. I hate laddering.
im 1-12 today. I managed to work my way up to 4400 and im almost at D+ now.
I was going to mass ladder and try and end the season with a C+ high but that will be really hard for me now that im at 3200pts. I've abandoned the C+ goal and decided it would be best if I just focus trained my TvZ since I feel it is my worst match up right now.
Next season I want a B- high. It's a pretty heavy goal but I think if I practice enough and dont waste time in the chat channels I feel I can do it.
I played random to see how well I'd do, ended up getting C+ with 39 wins and 10 losses.
I went 3-2.
Sat a solid D.
I probably could have gotten to D+ if I'd put in more games, but I didn't feel like it.
[x] Got to C-
[x] Played more than 50 games ( 56 ! )
[x] Face raped some C/C+ resetards using phot + zeal rushs
[x] Almost beat a B friend in a 30 minute game.
Played about 450 games, had a blast, got to C-, and really played all the races until settling onto zerg.
finished C- with a 54% win rate
my goal was C and I barely achieved it, so happy :3
proof for playing boxer or it didnt happen
also, why would you even start the game allied to that guy if you know how the iccup rules work?
Season is over? O.o. My goal was C- which i reached with a decent winrate and without too many games played. Next season i plan to play as many games as possible and improve lot's (no cheese). Oh, and i beat a B protoss and a B- zerg during TSL, which was awesome.
Norway28529 Posts
i got a- a- b+ and b played alot was fun lol
My ally and I use dozens and dozens of accounts that he creates and plays on as do I and we've never gotten in trouble for it (literally dozens). Got up to B+ early in season in 2v2 (was rank 5 at the time) but stopped for a couple months. Got B- in 1v1 fairly easily before I stopped playing for 2 months to focus on school.
i just laddered the first 3? weeks of the season really with 1 acc. after that i played mostly allys to practise or made nearly every 3rd day a new acc and stopped using it at C+(think because at that point i started lossing some games^^). highlight was when i made my blog and went on B- with using the iD on 4 days. season aim was to use only 1 acc and making 500 Games + Blue rank and i miserably failed at that. next season i will focus on 1 smurfaccount.^^
ya,,,I didn't really play at all was too busy playing osu
Idk when the season started...but i started about 4 weeks ago. Ive got 363 games so far. Stuck between D+ and C- lol......
[x] Got C- with my main race (zerg) [x] Succesfully won with a 1 base MC rush PvsT (D+) [x] Succesfully won with m&m into wraith (HT snipe ^^) into 3-3 BC PvsT (D+) [x] Failed doing that against a korean who was leveling up his account (A)
Had a lot of fun throughout :-).
screwing around asl smurfing tsl
great season^^ over 1k ladder games xd
ill just try get a+ the last days now and it will be perfect