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  | Players | Description | Map | Uploader | Date |   |
(25) | FlaSh
Jaedong | WCG 2010, check it out! | Tau Cross | Ares[Effort] | Oct 23 10 | 6776 |
(4) | Sorry[kaL]
Pretty[huat] | Pretty good game | Fighting Spirit | Ares[Effort] | Oct 20 10 | 1658 |
(0) | My.Miss
KT.MGW)3rd | P opens up with dt sair against mass muta, decent game! | Fighting Spirit | Ares[Effort] | Oct 19 10 | 1604 |
(0) | GGoM[GsP]
KT.MGW)3rd | Nice play by both players. | Odd-Eye 3 | Ares[Effort] | Oct 18 10 | 1429 |
(0) | Shauni
dredredre | nice rep, very close during end! thx ilovezil for rep. | Heartbreak Ridge | Ares[Effort] | Oct 16 10 | 1402 |
(2) | BrOwnClan
NeoGaia.X | P does 12 nexus, T responds with marine and scv push. | Fighting Spirit | Ares[Effort] | Oct 11 10 | 2285 |
(10) | Bv.Ace
[Soul.M]ManimS2 | Read first comment for description! check out this replay | Match Point | Ares[Effort] | Oct 08 10 | 1659 |
(4) | 1a2a3a[fOu]
neo.g_sherry | decent game! some nice macro from both players. | Heartbreak Ridge | Ares[Effort] | Oct 07 10 | 2026 |
(1) | Ares[SpeeD]
jangkwae | nice game, 33 mins of huge battles! | Python | Ares[Effort] | Oct 06 10 | 1979 |
(0) | a(O_Oa)
SoSi.Flower | Good game, back and forth action! | Fighting Spirit | Ares[Effort] | Oct 02 10 | 1808 |
(5) | Minus-931
itzjy | Sick game, a lot of huge battles. Fast arbiter and recall by protoss! | Fighting Spirit | Ares[Effort] | Sep 29 10 | 2362 |
(5) | MVP[name]
chobo[1st] | bonjwa | Fighting Spirit | Harem | Sep 28 10 | 1855 |
(2) | HyuL[MuJi]
wGtt[Victory] | Very aggressive game leads to low eco and more aggression! | Python | Ares[Effort] | Sep 25 10 | 2055 |
(6) | Minus)VerrA
NsP_arista | pretty good game! 47 mins of some sick tvz! | Fighting Spirit | Ares[Effort] | Sep 24 10 | 2232 |
(1) | AcE]1st[
Honesty[3.33] | Really nice TvT featuring Honest once again! | Fighting Spirit | Ares[Effort] | Sep 21 10 | 1904 |
(4) | OTL[StOry]
gatorade`mania | Z with pretty good mutas, T with good late game! | Fighting Spirit | Ares[Effort] | Sep 20 10 | 1625 |
(5) | ultra_Lt
Honesty[3.33] | some nice micro by the winner | Polaris Rhapsody | Ares[Effort] | Sep 18 10 | 1860 |
(1) | By.Sw
Honesty[3.33] | T tries to push early on, later P follows it up with some recall action. | Fighting Spirit | Ares[Effort] | Sep 17 10 | 1550 |
(5) | La[ScM]
Bf)-_- | `Is)BackHo is actually La[ScM] in this rep. Nice feedback on temps! | Fighting Spirit | Ares[Effort] | Sep 16 10 | 1393 |
(9) | F.NeC-4570
dbrdhkdrnjs | pretty good game with unfamiliar faces, Zerg is A-! | Fighting Spirit | Ares[Effort] | Sep 15 10 | 1541 |