So recently mobilicity in Canada offered this $40 a month no contract unlimited deal which allowed you to have unlimited everything save, except international calling, this includes voicemail, unlimited data etc... So I thought great! Why not my contract is almost up and they're offering me $100 to switch to them. I also really need the international texting because my girlfriend is currently traveling for a year! They also had a $20 unlimited international calling option and no one else offers anything close to that.
So I bought out my Rogers Wireless Contract for $200 (plus tax) and paid for my first month plus bought a nexus s with that carrier as they use the AWS (AWH?) 1700 / 2100 mhz bandwidth.
The first two days with it were great! the phone flies, the next two days were terrible....
Basically the phone no longer sends texts, constantly drops off the network and CAN"T WORK IN BUILDINGS
I was like wtf? This is Canada if it's raining or snowing you want me to go OUTSIDE to make a phone call on my cell...?
I work in an office by the window at York University and I can't get any reception inside or outside of the building in the middle of the university, in the middle of a field.
So I called tech support, did every trick in the book, change wireless settings, factory reset, put in a new sim card (which is paid for $20).
And the phone still won't send texts, let alone work when I need it too. So after this tech support said I can go to a dealer since I haven't had the phone for more than 30 days and replace it. However I bought the phone from someone who was sketchy but sells the HTC Incredible S for $400 as well, I'm thinking I will ask if I can exchange this Nexus S for that phone and go back to Rogers / Fido except I will be paying $80 - 90 a month, but it will work ALL the time and IN BUILDINGS and I can send texts etc...
So should I go back? At this point I've spent
$200 to buy out my contract
$20 on a sim card
$400 on a phone that doesn't work
$40 on the first month of phone service
All + Tax!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for reading