I am official switching to Terran when I feel the need to be very annoying. Also if for some reason this build fails don't forget to lift off into a corner.
On May 08 2011 00:08 Tien wrote: This build has been used for years now.
Destination was a popular map for terrans to utilize this build.
Nothing new, just the gayest of gay terran builds.
Would you mind explaining exactly what this build has to do with homosexuality?
Wikipedia for "gay":
Adjective gay (comparative gayer, superlative gayest) (dated) Happy, joyful, and lively. (dated) Festive, bright, or colourful. Pennsylvania Dutch include the plain folk and the gay folk. Homosexual. (colloquial) Characteristic of homosexual appearance or behavior (often in a stereotypical sense). Feminine in behavior, or, non-masculine, behaving in a way associated with females. (slang, pejorative) Used to express dislike: Lame, uncool, stupid. This game is gay; let’s play a different one. = I dislike this game; let’s play a different one.
We can now add a quote from the dong himself about this build: "I have somewhat expected him to cheese, but it was much worse than I expected." (from the interview)
On May 08 2011 00:08 Tien wrote: This build has been used for years now.
Destination was a popular map for terrans to utilize this build.
Nothing new, just the gayest of gay terran builds.
Would you mind explaining exactly what this build has to do with homosexuality?
Because Terran players that can't play a straight up game will use it. Like Leta for example.
Great players like Flash are too boss for such gimmicks.
What the hell, did you watch flash vs GGaemo today? Just because it isn't early all in flash uses semi cheeses constantly (14cc valk mnm build vs JD on Odd-eye, GoltankMnM vs Jd on polaris rhapsody and vs GGaemo and vs Hoejja on Garden of God (look on GOMTV.net for this one)).
Back on topic; Man this build is so... fucking abusive lmao, cant wait for the VOD. I am curious if we have seen a "total counter" to a 12 hatch, since a 9overpool would really denie it good wouldnt it..?
Adjective gay (comparative gayer, superlative gayest) (dated) Happy, joyful, and lively. (dated) Festive, bright, or colourful. Pennsylvania Dutch include the plain folk and the gay folk. Homosexual. (colloquial) Characteristic of homosexual appearance or behavior (often in a stereotypical sense). Feminine in behavior, or, non-masculine, behaving in a way associated with females. (slang, pejorative) Used to express dislike: Lame, uncool, stupid. This game is gay; let’s play a different one. = I dislike this game; let’s play a different one.
This should make it clearer for you.
If by wikipedia you mean wiktionary. Learn to cite sources. Also, stop being homophobic.