Tune in to NASL every Tuesday to Saturday! Pre-show begins at 5:30pm PST/8:30pm EST. European rebroadcasts the following day at 5:30pm for the UK, 6:30pm for Central Europe and 7:30 for Eastern Europe.
Rating Service | July vs White-Ra
TLPD International | 2049 vs 2124
TLPD Korea | 2079 vs n/a
GosuGamers ELO | 1346 vs 1259
SC2 Money Rankings | $19,825 vs $21,370
SC2Ranks World Ranking: Season 1 | n/a vs #25
Fantasy NASL Salary | 400 vs 300
July vP: 10-10 (50.00%)| Last 10 (old -> recent):W W L W L L W L L W TLPD.KR
White-Ra vZ: 69-35 (66.35%)| Last 10 (old -> recent):L W L L W W L W L L TLPD.I
Rating Service | qxc vs MoMaN
TLPD International | 2171 vs 1992
TLPD Korea | n/a vs n/a
GosuGamers ELO | 1095 vs 1113
SC2 Money Rankings | $6,705 vs $125
SC2Ranks World Ranking: Season 1 | #89 vs #375
Fantasy NASL Salary | 150 vs 50
qxc vZ: 29-18 (61.70%) | Last 10 (old -> recent): W W L W W L L W L L TLPD.I
MoMaN vT: 26-48 (35.14%) | Last 10 (old -> recent): L L L L W L W W L L TLPD.I
Rating Service | DarKFoRcE vs CrunCher
TLPD International | 2143 vs 2228
TLPD Korea | n/a vs n/a
GosuGamers ELO | 1144 vs 1077
SC2 Money Rankings | $995 vs $520
SC2Ranks World Ranking: Season 1 | #248 vs #103
Fantasy NASL Salary | 50 vs 150
DarKFoRcE vP: 34-28 (54.84%)| Last 10 (old -> recent): L W W W L W W W W W TLPD.I
CrunCher vZ: 16-14 (53.33%)| Last 10 (old -> recent): L L L W L W L W W W TLPD.I
Rating Service | TT1 vs SjoW
TLPD International | 2101 vs 2021
TLPD Korea | n/a vs n/a
GosuGamers ELO | 1180 vs 1171
SC2 Money Rankings | $9,500 vs $23,128
SC2Ranks World Ranking: Season 1 | #892 vs #22
Fantasy NASL Salary | 200 vs 200
TT1 vT: 44-38 (53.66%)| Last 10 (old -> recent): L W L L L L L L W L TLPD.I
SjoW vP: 99-69 (58.93%)| Last 10 (old -> recent): W L L W L W L W L L TLPD.I
Rating Service | iNcontroL vs Ensnare
TLPD International | 1993 vs 2116
TLPD Korea | n/a vs 2044
GosuGamers ELO | 1075 vs 1074
SC2 Money Rankings | $1,600 vs $13,563
SC2Ranks World Ranking: Season 1 | #479 vs #208
Fantasy NASL Salary | 150 vs 200
iNcontroL vT: 13-17 (43.33%)|Last 10 (old -> recent):W L W L L L L W W L TLPD.I
Ensnare vP: 13- 3 (81.25%)|Last 10 (old -> recent):W W W W W W L W L L TLPD.KR
Ensnare vP: 2- 3 (40.00%)|Last 10 (old -> recent):W L W L L * * * * * TLPD.I
- Fantasy NASL Draft Guide
- Team Liquid Player Database: Starcraft 2 International "TLPD.I"
- Team Liquid Player Database: Starcraft 2 Korean "TLPD.KR"
- GosuGaming ELO "GG ELO"
- SC2 Money Rankings
- SC2Ranks World Ranking
- Fantasy NASL