Hello TeamLiquid, here comes another buddy post. This may be a little longer than I initially planned on writing it but I want you to know as much as you need about me.
I am a Terran player on the Europe ladder and have been playing Terran since I got the beta in May (also pre-ordered the game). The thing is I am ladder-phobic and as such I got somehow placed into platinum but then lost to clearly better players so I abandoned the ladder altogether in September last year. What with the TSL 3 I decided to start playing again but unfortunately only one or two of my internet friends are still playing Starcraft 2 and even they play rarely.
So I am this ladder-scared (well not anymore, I plan to change asap) friendless player basically who's looking to improve and have a fun time doing so. Out of game I'm this super analytical person who makes remarks (usually right) like "What if he went Thor instead of tank, would that have turned out better? Look so to me" or "Ahh his macro slipped during the battle, need to chrono those probes and make more stalkers". Unfortunately, in-game I can't do that, I panic and choke up, going "SHIT! What do? Spam MM Tanks and hope I win" while macroing poorly.
I am looking for an actual friend, not only a practice partner. Someone to have fun with and chat out-game as well as have fun with in game. I want from my friend (and hope to be able to do the same for him) the following: - For him to motivate me to play on the ladder - For him to help me refine my builds and timings - Casual team game fun and co-op versus AI fun - Watch tournaments and games live together
That kind of "good jazz", if you know what I'm saying. I think I'm ready to start anew and get better without taking month-long breaks. So if anyone is interested in this, hit me up: PuppetMaster 301 on the European Ladder.
Thank you for reading, I'm looking forward to this.
It seems you are in a similar situation as I am. I'm adding you later today
So, I need to ask you these 2 questions:
1- Can even the lowest tier players aka noob shitz add you? 2- Do you listen to Fara Zahar?
2nd question should not be taken too seriously, I ask that to every single Romanian I have a chance to talk to.
@Numerical: Sure thing.
@Djagulingu: 1. Sure, as long as you are also willing to improve alongside me and have fun. Personally I feel like I belong in Silver at the moment (yeah, two whole leagues down) and that's actually where I resided during the beta. 2. Nah, I listen almost entirely to metal and electronica. Nothing against the group or their music though, just not my thing.
Shoot. I would totally hit you up, except I'm on NA. If you ever get a NA account, post again!
@Flytrapz: That's very unlikely unless I eventually get to a professional level and can afford buying another game. That's still a distant future goal though.
Hey MasterOfPuppet, I, like Numerical, am in the same position as you. I'm too scared to enter battle.net and play poorly, thus putting me in a bad league. I also am like you when it comes to analysing other people's play. I see what they can do better, but when it comes to using it myself in-game I panic and tend to lose because of TERRIBLE macro. An occasional 1v1 game for me consists of me expanding and then failing to utilise the newly-gained resources. I am in the European ladder, and am on rather frequently (but not too much at the moment due to GCSEs). I am also looking for someone I can casually play with, while at the same time developing my skills in a laid-back environment. Do you think we could play some games? I was also in the platinum league during the first season, so I think we could become good practice partners. By the way, I'm currently a Protoss player, but am also angling towards switching to Terran/Random as I love all races. So anyway, I'll add you on Starcraft 2 and hopefully we can become good SCII partners, Cya.
Edit: By the way my name is 'WhiteShadow' on Starcraft 2.
@Bennybo100: I'd like that. Like I said I also hope to be able to help my friends and not only demand help. Besides, the more, the merrier. As the humble marine says, Lookin' forward to it.
hi masterOFpuppet! I don't know if you have found enough friends already, but i would like to be your friend . i'm a gold level protoss player and most of my friends have stopped playing. i'm not scared of the ladder, but i just want everything to be perfect and thats not always the case. my big problems are scouting and being creative, and sometimes i forget to make units.
my scII name is : ShoneValtias i'll add you soon :D
Currently looking for some friends on sc2 the NA server side so i can improve my game with and have fun learning new things just hit me up. started bronze then silver and now currently in gold in between so im trying to learn this language but need friends to do it with lol screen name : PyroZ Code : 277
Play time every NA EST mornings from 7am-12pm
I would like to join in aswell if i may, baow.351 :3 could we create a channel for us loners?
Actually, I'm feeling naughty and I'll make one. join "day9madeusdoit" ! and spread the word to other loners to join in if they want
I'm pretty serious about improving my game but understand what Day9 said in this particular daily where it's not fun unless you're doing it with friends. I'm only Gold right now as a Zerg it can get pretty frustrating grinding away by yourself for hours, so this sounds like the perfect opportunity to inject some fun into my game and hopefully improve at a faster pace! I'm also EU, UK specifically, feel free to add me on kikki.312 (And anyone else for that matter in similar position)
I'm in NA, as well, so I'm afraid I can't be of much help there, but I'm also interested in finding friends here as you are. Due to the time zone differences, I'm not sure how much you and I could synch up, but feel free to PM me, if you want.
For anyone else in NA that wants a practice partner or wants to chat about SC, watch tourneys together, chat on skype/teamspeak/vent, definitely PM me!
Hey guys. I'm also brought here by Day9 and I'd really like to get more into SC2 multiplayer. The thing is that I've never really played many RTS games at all, especially online, but SC2 just seems so fun to play that I'd really like to get into it.
Go ahead and add me in-game: Plixy.837 or on xfire: w4n
Hey, im sure day[9] must have some mind powers or something as i am yet another person who came here after seeing his stream. I've not got much rts experience under my belt in the slightest and am ladderphobic after being demolished quite a few times.
Feel free to add me: Avail.688