Hey guys!
I'm sure many (or at least some) of you are like me. For the last couple months I have been engrossed with SC2. Whether it the forums, the streams, the players, the tournements, I have spent many a hour devling into the great community that is Starcraft. But I never seem to actually play. When I do play its on ladder or vs cpu because I live in redneck Alberta and I'm the only one of my friends that has a decent enough internet connection to play this game, and I'm not having fun anymore.
So what I'm getting at here is I'm looking for some people to play with, maybe it's one game, maybe more I'm just looking for some people to have fun with on SC2. As if I don't sound noob enough my name and code on SC2 is also my tl name...ugh. Also I'm on the NA server so message me or comment below. And as this is my first post EVER on tl <3 I'm looking for some feedback so help me out, because hopefully this wont be the last post thanks!
Hey SC2 I s more fun playing with people you know i'd recommend Day9 Daily #269 (http://day9tv.blip.tv/file/4890848/) as it gives some hints on how to get into multiplayer and get some SC2 buddies. My name is Log and my code is 356 feel free to add me. Also some other folks inspired by Day9's latest newbie tuesday have started a chat channel called buddiship, which is all about just making some starcraft2 friends and having a good time.
Welcome to TL ^^
Too bad im on SEA and the lag to NA is huge, otherwise i'd play with you. Try making friends on ladder/Chat rooms/Customs
I hope you get into playing sc2 and reach masters one day
On March 19 2011 12:50 KMARTRULES wrote:
I hope you get into playing sc2 and reach masters one day
cue pokemon theme tune
Well I do want to be the very best haha thanks guys and I will definitely check out that chat channel
Welcome to TL! I'm Albertan as well. We got one of the biggest sc communities outside Korea here ^^
Welcome to TL! I am from Manitoba, but I have been to Alberta many times! PM me if you ever need any help
Hey i'm Aezo. Character # 975. I'm looking for people to chat about sc2, and play too since day9's daily.Hit me up on bnet sometime i'd be glad to chat practice or play.
Hi my name's Pylo character # 891. I'm looking for some people to play with and chat with. I'm bronze too so I'm happy to play with anyone :D. Let me know if on Battlenet if you want to play.
If you need help, astroorion 159. Terran and willing to help.
^^Nice name
On March 19 2011 12:50 KMARTRULES wrote: Welcome to TL ^^
Too bad im on SEA and the lag to NA is huge, otherwise i'd play with you. Try making friends on ladder/Chat rooms/Customs
I hope you get into playing sc2 and reach masters one day That must be an issue of where you live. The difference between NA & SEA latency, at least for me isn't noticeable. Focus on improving, get into good training habits & enjoy yourself. SC2 is very fun as long as you know what you want out of it.
Welcome to the community ^.^
If you need help online verses zerg, I'll gladly help.
Name: Chef Code: 420
Ohai there, I feel like I am in the same boat as you, since I've been very interested in the game, but haven't really played much and don't really have anyone to talk to. Feel free to add me . (name: TheGodbout, code: 162)
Feel free to add me. If you want to play some practice games and i can help you out and give pointers. Im on every once in a while
MOARpylons - 371 Gold Protoss
Hey, have the exact same problem, I'm Darclite, code 257 on NA. I'm a protoss, I've played a ton against the AI and in co-ops, I haven't played many 1v1s on ladder but I want to start practicing too.
Feel free to PM me or add me
I'm in the same boat as everyone else here. Bronze Terran on NA character BrandNew #964. Hit me up and let's get our game on