You should show them the episode where he goes catfish noodling (I believe that's what they called it) with some rednecks. You'll get to teach them about rednecks, English, and the improper use thereof, all at once.
Are you all guys disgusted by the cow episodes that much? I haven't seen it, but I'm assuming it's because the guy had to put his entire hand into the cows' asses and pull shit out? I know because I had to watch things like that live.
Well, showing 13 year old girls a live cow birthing isn't exactly my idea of a fun and happy lesson plan. It's rated 14+ in the US anyway lol.
Middle school? I'd say the one with Mike out trying to catch wild chickens (in the LA area I think?). That one will be good for a laugh. Couple other full episodes that would be worth looking into would be the Shark Week episodes "Dirty Jobs that Bite" and "Dirty Jobs that Bite Harder". Nothing better than Mike having to jump into a shark feeding frenzy to test a shark suit and shark repellent.
Also grabbed the link for a list of episodes for you to take a look through. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Dirty_Jobs_episodes