On November 22 2010 09:15 seRapH wrote: I still think hydra dens are a basic structure. BH. Why do I have another hatchery in my main?
Haha I've actually done similar a few times where I accidentally build a supply depot instead of a starport, but that's just due to misclicking. Luckily (unluckily) I'm a slow enough player that I almost always see it right away.
im 1700 zerg, and i still supply block myself, sigh :<
Getting involved with women who have crazy eyes.
Forgetting overseers D<
That's about it actually, I've really worked on supply block, now I just suck at game sense
Forget to make fifth drone.
Forget Pool.
When playing a new map I will often block my nexus with my pylon for my wallin PvZ. I almost always have approx 2 less supply than I should when I'm saving up for mutas. I will forget a key building in my build order, commonly the nexus in PvZ lol.
SC2: I try to constantly chrono, and often will chrono despite being supply blocked. I never get detection as zerg. Cannot get my mind over the whole overlord needs to become overseer thing. If I don't expand I will always have 50000 too many workers. D: Well, even if I do expand I'll end up with way too many.
Getting supply capped.
And at the instant I get supply capped, I try chrono boosting units. :[
I forget pool all the time. 12 hatch, okay, gas, yeahhh, here comes his scouting worker, gotta drive it off .... fuck. Alt-QQ
I have seriously gotten to like 16 supply without noticing I didn't make a pool
list of funny mistakes i've made 1: realizing 30 minutes into a game I literaly have zero upgrades from my forge while my opponent is at least at 2-2-2 2: trying to out micro an early push and accidentily a+clicking my own unit -_- 3: forgeting to HOLD POSITION with my zealot on my ramp and facepalming after 20 zerglings run by into my mineral line 4: wasting a chrono boost because I'm suppy blocked.
just a few examples
On November 22 2010 20:14 Soviet_Birthday wrote:list of funny mistakes i've made 1: realizing 30 minutes into a game I literaly have zero upgrades from my forge while my opponent is at least at 2-2-2 2: trying to out micro an early push and accidentily a+clicking my own unit -_- 3: forgeting to HOLD POSITION with my zealot on my ramp and facepalming after 20 zerglings run by into my mineral line4: wasting a chrono boost because I'm suppy blocked. just a few examples hi bisu
dying to early rushes because of supply block chronoboosting the last 2 seconds of an upgrade instead of probes or saving it putting 4 in gas
oh yeah, and choking your ramp only to have probes blocking stalkers when the mutas come
Sometimes when I go hatch first, I forget my to make my pool after =_=.
Then sometimes when my opponent does a drop and tries to snipe tech buildings, I forget to remake my spawning pool despite remaking everything else lol.
oh i have another one, forgetting whee i put my observer! I usually have them on a hotkey but sometimes i put units on that hotkey and then its impossible to find.
Transfering 11 Probes to a walled off exp in PvZ. =D Then just left them there for the remainder fo the game.