On November 13 2010 19:38 TheYango wrote:
Mineral boosting wasn't interesting. It was something you did because there was no loss from doing it, and no gain from not doing it.
Also, from a balance perspective, it would be a nightmare to deal with in the long run. How do you balance early game timings properly when they fluctuate by 0-7% for no defensible reason?
It was something that seperated the pros from the newbs , like muta stacking in brood war , mineral jumping (with probe/scv/drone) in brood war , perfect splitting in brood war.
Look at the long term TvZ balance in the Korean Proleague and you'll see it goes between 40-60% win rate for either T or Z when new strategies etc are developed and the balance ebbs for months.Nowdays you wouldn't see that short term imbalance in favour of T or Z when a new strategy is developed as blizzard will just nerf that particular strategy without waiting enough time for a counter to be developed.The rate things are going SC2 will have more useless units than brood war.
(Coming from a z/p player in sc2 who doesn't agree with the supply depot before rax and the factory for reaper speed upgrades)