It's funny how this is such an obvious attempt from the moderators side to redeem themselves after the whole "female SC clan" fiasco.
While i'm disappointed in the fact that it took such an "event" to open everyone's eyes on this (much like when the top WoW clan Nihilum wouldn't accept girls because of the "guaranteed drama" and the debate that followed), i guess it's better than nothing and i welcome the initiative.
I guess it happens when we're talking about a 98%+ male dominated community, especially of young ages.
On October 15 2010 21:37 Ghad wrote: Sc2 should be pretty suited for women actually: Its basically 2D, and there's lot's of multitasking.
Edit: Girl gamers shouldn't be too upset about looks being judged, god knows the male gamers get enough of that on this site as well haha.
I've never once seen a guy asking for help/talking about his ladder games/strategy/imbalance get asked if he was fat and ugly.
Allright, maybe on a rare occasion. But I've never seen it from multiple posters. taking up half of a thread's front page.
It's funny how this is such an obvious attempt from the moderators side to redeem themselves after the whole "female SC clan" fiasco.
Can't say they are over-reacting. Considering the things that people get banned for on this forum, pretty much every one of those posts qualified.
Moderators actions in this thread is totally justified.
Great Interview by Take. He is getting more and more awesome with each show. He has a lot of good ideas like this interview, or the video, where he asked the people about eSports recently. Way to go Dennis!
Some observations:
Take appears to be very short, or she is very tall. I recall him being eye level with idra during the IEM thing, maybe idra is tiny too?
The most exceptional thing about her is that she's pretty. Her SC2 skills and even BMX skills aren't noteworthy at all. I'm sure there's plenty of ugly girls who would smash her in either SC2 or some sort of BMX Jousting competition or whatever it is they do. There's a certain hypocrisy to interviews like this so I'm not surprised how much of a minefield the threads turn out to be. It's like no one wants to acknowledge the obvious truth to why anyone is taking any interest in her chosen hobbies.
lol nerds getting crazy when seeing a girl I really DO appreciate all the bans and warnings.. guys how should girls get into it, if their are just treated like this... idiots
Anyway thx for the interview Denis
Not sure if this has been said, but she's bronze in 1v1.
On October 15 2010 12:37 Rah wrote:Show nested quote +On October 15 2010 12:21 Captain Peabody wrote: And internet trolls acting like disgusting miscreants to a lady...please grow up. Chivalry is not dead, and I WILL verbally berate you over the Internet if you mess with a woman. So there. chivalry is dead, and you can thank bitches for killing it. What I mean is I'll stop acting like an asshole when the asshole stops getting the girl. Putting the pussy on a pedastal? Been there done that, smartened up. Though I will agree though that these clowns getting banned have about the tact of a construction worker on lunch break. I have some construction workers working on an extension to my house at the moment, and at the very least they display worlds more tact than the posts we see banned or warned in this thread. I don't think I've seen such immature reactions since grade school.
I support womens' leagues and urge the opposition to consider the perspectives of prospective female gamers and fans. They likely have considerations and goals different from ours' when treating competition.
Sweden33719 Posts
On October 15 2010 20:53 dandelion wrote: One of the reasons why I don't like being a girl gamer amongst guys, is that you get put under scrutony. Your looks and your skill level has to be sized up and discarded someway.
I understand that some think it's exciting when a girl enters, and that's fine. But please, don't make these silly excuses if she outplays you.
She only plays the game because of the attention. If she's better than you she probably got boosted because she's a girl. If she's better than you she's played more. If she's better than you she probably plays terran, lol. If she's better than you, you point out she's not high diamond, so she still sucks. And if all else fails you can always say she's ugly.
Sorry for my little rant, it's a pet peeve of mine. Props to guys that treat girls like they would any other. As a terran user, I can tell you that this is pretty much how all terran players get treated! (the bolded parts, not the entire list !)
United States41682 Posts
On October 15 2010 21:57 Thrill wrote: It's funny how this is such an obvious attempt from the moderators side to redeem themselves after the whole "female SC clan" fiasco. I disagree with that, that would imply that this is an exaggerated response or that the claims made by others about tl had some merit, which I personally do not believe is the case. This topic does serve to highlight that we don't tolerate gender based offtopic typical internet memes any more than we do the rest of the "first!" etc culture. Rather than a one off attempt at redemption it should be seen as a renewed statement of policy.
On October 15 2010 23:54 Liquid`Jinro wrote:As a terran user, I can tell you that this is pretty much how all terran players get treated! (the bolded parts, not the entire list !)
Equivically bad treatment of Terrans by the community, is clearly the first step towards gender equality within the SC2 community.
But seriously, yeah if I was a girl on here I'd never say so. I mean, you see quite a few women watching some of these lan events, and they can't ALL have just been dragged their by their boyfriends or a fanatical desire for Day9s manliness, some of this must actually love starcraft, and I can't help but get the feeling the rest of us overly competitive, ranking obsessed, oversexed nerds tend to scare away female gamers.
In my personal experience girls tend to like gaming, its just that they tend to gravitate towards communal games like WoW or console fighters, because both these games have nice social elements to it. When I asked my sister why she quit WoW she was far more concerned about the quality of the community than any gameplay elements. Lets be honest, most competitive games like DoTA, Halo, CS all have pretty crappy communities. Hopefully Starcraft 2 can mark a change in regards to how women are treated in the community, but I aint holding my breath.
Bans.. Bans everywhere..
Good interview, I find it hard to believe she can stay competitive in two sports and stay ahead in school, but diciplin is a wonderful thing to have..
Interviewer was surprisingly good, too.
I dont really get why she was interviewed.. I mean if she was doing good in some kind of sc2 competition I would understand, but obviously she is a 36 point bronze player. I mean come on, she is certainly not the only girl in the world that plays SC2. Are we still in a time and age where a girl playing a videogame is big news?
Edit: On a sidenote, she basically supports the oppression of women by accepting to be interviewed as a bronze sc2 player for a gaming site imo.
On October 16 2010 00:24 diehilde wrote: I dont really get why she was interviewed.. I mean if she was doing good in some kind of sc2 competition I would understand, but obviously she is a 36 point bronze player. I mean come on, she is certainly not the only girl in the world that plays SC2. Are we still in a time and age where a girl playing a videogame is big news?
Edit: On a sidenote, she basically supports the oppression of women by accepting to be interviewed as a bronze sc2 player for a gaming site imo.
I get your point. When I first saw the interview (being a female gamer myself) I thought oh wow, stereotypes, here we go again. For instance, I don't think it was necessary to mention her former boyfriend.
But I would imagine that a female SC2 player who agrees to such an interview is even more of a rarity than a female SC2 player in general. If you decide to expose yourself as a girl in esports you can bet there's gonna be trolling and borderline sexist comments and all that crap. (Btw, the comments here on TL got nothing on the stuff some people posted on the German communities such as readmore...)
So, you really need to develop a thick skin, and apparently she has - seeing that she's obviously comfortable with being interviewed. I myself wouldn't have had the balls (yeah, I went there) to do it. ^^
pretty good interview, qualitywise. contentwise i am not so sure, i definitely approve of female gaming though.
On October 16 2010 00:24 diehilde wrote: I dont really get why she was interviewed.. I mean if she was doing good in some kind of sc2 competition I would understand, but obviously she is a 36 point bronze player. I mean come on, she is certainly not the only girl in the world that plays SC2. Are we still in a time and age where a girl playing a videogame is big news?
yeah this is what i was thinking... nice interview, but it's just a girl who happens to play sc2 and has lots of other 'non-girly' habits instead of a starcraft 2 player who happens to be a girl
Theres never gonna be a lot of girls who are any good at this game. Two reasons
1) To get good at this game you have to enjoy winning and despise losing. Not like 'oh well i guess im just no good' but 'HOW THE FUCK COULD I LOSE TO THAT CHEESY SHIT *breaks wall* K FUCK IM PRACTICING TILL I NEVER LOSE TO THAT CHEESE AGAIN'
2) There is no reason for them to. Its not financially beneficial to sink enough time into this game to get good, it doesnt actually benefit you in any way unless you enjoy seeing others lose due to your machinations. You have to take pleasure in the fact that you and someone you've never seen before went into a battle of wits and speed and you triumphed over him, showing your superiority.
And thats just the tiny amount of girls that actually want to play an RTS. Some people are talking about making female only tournies to tempt women to join in on the sc2, but why? People will still watch these tournies, and still discuss on some forum or other how fugly or hot they are and completely disregard their play, probably for good reason.
I mean thats your first reason gone, and whats the other? That if women have their own leagues they'll be motivated to get better or reach the level of the male top (or even mediocre) players? Because that didnt work for tossgirl.
If this was an interview of a dude who was pretty good at a lot of stuff but not really amazing at any of it and played sc2, I'd be equally impressed as I am with this girl. I mean its not like she has done anything specifically related to sc2 that warrants her getting an interview, right?
edit: anyone who calls her ugly must be seriously fucking insecure or lonely. just wow. edit 2: On a side note, someone should interview Haemonculus if they want an interview with a female sc2 player, since shes actually good at the game.
That guy is totally hot, he probably only got his interviewer status cause of it. I mean he could be doing so much more than interviewing a girl gamer. (end pathetic attempt at satire.) People need to chill... Here's a quote by a military training instructor from my boot camp, "You aren't male or female to me, you are just meat on legs and those legs better march in unison." In recent social circles and amongst the young we hardly factor in race anymore unless raised otherwise, soon the same will be done for gender discrimination amongst games. It's nice that the community as a whole appears to be more open to the female demographic, aside from a few plebeian town drunks. The more open it seems to be the more attention that can be brought on it and the more it can prosper. Thanks mods for slamming the idiots. Btw i think the point of the interview was to show a burgeoning growth of female gamers and what this girl has "done" for said community. I guess making an all-female ESL team counts but k.
Ps. She's hot, but that doesn't matter. Show some human decency and shut up if you got something negative to say.