On September 13 2010 02:41 Art_of_Kill wrote:Show nested quote +On September 13 2010 02:40 valaki wrote: Actually this kind of building harass existed in SC1 too, when you took out a hatch with 7 stimmed marines, when cracklings tore apart a whole base in under a half minute and when 4 zealots took down the spire before you could do anything. as u say t,p,z could do, in sc2 not all races can do that Not like other races can't do it, immortal drops can be devastating for one. Terran definitely has the most efficient drops, though.
On September 13 2010 02:35 Lylat wrote:Show nested quote +On September 13 2010 02:20 CruelZeratul wrote:On September 13 2010 02:17 SiGurD wrote: BratOK vs Sen last game was really well played by BratOK actually. SEn played really good too that game i thought he was gonna win for a second or two there. But Brat managed to come back pretty well and harassed perfectly, great multitasking there too! gj BRAT! Load 8 Maraudeurs into 2 Medivacs, unload, Stim, kill Hatch, yeah, really great. Rofl dude you wouldn't be able to do half of what BratOK did, stop trashing really skilled player when you're nobody
I wonder how you know how nooby I am, lol.
the terran drop is just way to cost effective
Thing is, you cant even kill marauders in time before a really important building goes down, and slows your progress by a huge margin. High hp units get healed while doing stimmed armored damage.
I am thinking, if spore crawlers at key points can make the terran think twice before dropping, seeing it can do some damage to the medivac, but if it does not kill it before retreat, mutalisk can clean up easier as medivacs are wounded. Then maybe, Im just dreaming. Right now terran can que up drops without even thinking, and that needs to be countered. Either spores, or a few hydras with infestors? I hope some smart zergs figure this out, and no, Im not talking about imbalance.
TaKe: "lets not talk about imbalance"
hasuobs socke gosucasting
That was some pretty meh play on both sides :|
BratOK should destroy this final so badly.
On September 13 2010 02:58 Blix wrote: omnomnomnom!
Everyone there is a great caster except Take :D
Props to Take for organizing this tho.
On September 13 2010 03:01 AntiGrav1ty wrote: Everyone there is a great caster except Take :D
I disagree. He's extremely entertaining to listen to.
take is an awesome caster
just let socke take care of the music and it would be perfect
I don't really like his solocasts. With co-casters it's very entertaining because they are awesome and the guys usually have a good chemistry goin on.
Co-casting is always more fun, but rotterdam + demuslim is a pretty nice combo
what is their quakenet channel?
BTW Take is an awesome caster <3
Does anyone else thinks that Rotterdam looks a bit like Justin Bieber, or is it just me?
On September 13 2010 03:07 DrCooper wrote: Does anyone else thinks that Rotterdam looks a bit like Justin Bieber, or is it just me?
hehe not a little bit
On September 13 2010 03:07 groms wrote: what is their quakenet channel?
BTW Take is an awesome caster <3
On September 13 2010 03:07 groms wrote: what is their quakenet channel?
BTW Take is an awesome caster <3 #esl.tv Quakenet or Take.tv
Edit: damn too late