Okay, so it's been a while. Less then a month left to my birthday, the 9th of august! Turning 16. Yeaah, celebrating it with booze. I was at my cousins house and partied pretty hard from saturday to monday. And guys.... Too much alcohol on sunday, and the hangover on monday... Not a good combination. Trust me. Not a good combination at all. I can't take much alcohol, though. I hate being Asian in this case. Oh, well... I'm making my own rap song now. The lyrics are almost done, the beat is finished which was a hell to complete. Seriously, it had sections where it was just... I've been veeery uncreative. Okay, so I'm trying to learn Canon Rock by Jerry C again, but I really want to learn the original version(classic version is made by Johann Pachelbel). I'm also trying to learn the beautiful piece Air by Bach in the C Major(Not in the original D Minor, I think it was). It's fun because it uses more open strings and so it's fun to play with, studying the piece of how it's built up and studying the melody of the piece.
Whew, I thought you were gone for good...
Haha, aww you've missed me? *hugs you*
are you allowed to drink at 16 in sweden?
Well it's not like you'll get arrested for it. If you drink in public and the police is feeling like annoy you, they will tell you to pour it out or if you're really drunk they will drive you home. You can't buy anything from stores and selling to a minor is illegal.
But it's still pretty much coolio to drink