This edition of Odds and Ends dedicated to Yellow's legendary dance
The Dance
And the best version
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And the best version
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How to do the Kong Dance
Roffles, screw Mister. Do this dance and you'll be a hero and everyone will forgive you.
Roffles, screw Mister. Do this dance and you'll be a hero and everyone will forgive you.
"The Storm" Yellow: I get really embarrassed when I watch the Kong dance too
In a special interview prepared by Fomos with Yellow, Yellow talked a lot about the recent momentum of Airforce Ace, the background that led to such an improvement, and episodes related to life at the Airfroce, and his plans after his release.
During this interview, Yellow drew attention by mentioning something related to the Kong Dance. The Kong Dance was born during a fan meeting, when his contract with KTF was over and he returned to Toona, his old team. He has revealed that because he was the oldest member in his team, he thought he could create a better atmosphere in the Progamer talent show by doing the dance by putting less pressure on the younger players and by enjoying the moment with the fans. This dance was broadcasted on MBCGame's "Who Are You" Program, and after that it was edited and put together with various music to create many videos, and became called the "Kong Dance". Recently, a member named "WhiteWolf" in a gaming community created the instruction manual on how to do the kong dance.
Yellow has said "I think I've watched over a hundred videos related to the Kong Dance, and I've recently seen the Kong Dance instruction manual. Now I also enjoy seeing things like that", and then added "Whenever there is a new song, the dance is always merged together with that song into a video. I'm really surprised though that the music and the dance seems to go together."
Continuing, he said that "At one time, it was something that hurt me a lot, and I fought with my fans to not post something like that on the Mini Homepage, but now I've hit nirvana and now I find it entertaining, and I watch the videos and shrink [T/N: he's embarrassed] a bit. It's really fun."
He also revealed his true dancing skills in this interview. Yellow said that "There were a lot of people around me in Highschool that danced really well, and I have danced with them together in practice rooms and sports centers. I think up to that point my dance skills was about the same as normal people and I went to night clubs", and then laughed, saying that "I didn't know I couldn't dance until I watched the Kong Dance video. There was a lot of shock when I watched the video of the dance I did. I thought it'd be the same as everyone else but I didn't know I was that bad".
Meanwhile, Yellow used this interview to prove the train ticket (2nd Train, 22nd Seat) in the June 22nd interview. This special interview , where you can see Yellow's charisma once again, will be on Fomos on July 14th.