This morning (well... afternoon... yay summer) I turn on my four-year-old, crappy HP desktop computer only to find that the power light wouldn't turn on when I pressed the power button and nothing would display on the monitor, despite the rest of the computer whirring to life. After a minute or so of being pissed at it (it's done this before) and trying to soft reset it I realized it wasn't working and just pulled the plug.
Since then the computer has not turned on or reacted in any way to anything I've done to it. First I tried alternate outlets and proper voltage and all that other generic junk that they probably ask you to check if you call customer support. Through extensive research/google I assumed it was most likely a power supply problem, so I spent the next hour or two trudging to storage and getting my old desktop and figuring out how to take out the power supply, then coming back and doing the same for the broken one in order to swap them.
After taking awhile in figuring this out because I am not very hardware-literate or handy, I get all my shit together and realize, hurray, HP has their own power connector-hard drive interface that isn't the standard one that my old computer used. So I likely can't even remove the HD and transfer it to a friend's computer to backup all my stuff. Nerdrage was had.
I'm not sure what the hell to do at this point because I do need that desktop as the only computer I have other than that is a crappy netbook that I use for notetaking. Do you know what it's like being a nerd with no computer except a netbook? It'd be like... well I suppose it's like being a diehard SC2 fanboy while BNet is being retarded and you only have BW. Except BW is infinitely superior so I guess that analogy doesn't work :O
The way I see it my options are - Try to find an HP store or whatever to get a proper HP power supply so I can get all my stuff back - Pay to retrieve stuff from hard drive? I'm assuming you can do this somewhere - Pay to see if people can fix it/find what's wrong with it - Forget about all my stuff (music/games/personal junk) and buy a new computer - ??? If some wizard out there knows what's up with my computer and knows how to fix it (the power LED at the back blinks when power is plugged in, and the power button doesn't work... s'all I got) then by all means post if you somehow read all the way here
TL;DR this blog doesn't really have a point, other than BW > SC2. 5 me if you agree
Dunno how to help you man, but 5/5 !
I was so pissed off when my hard drive died last year, I felt like I had lost everything, then I eventually bought a new one, and I dont really care anymore about losing personal junk and old replays, etc. Think about it as a good occasion to have a "clean hard drive".
5 for TL;DR
as for the actual problem, I wish you luck in fixing it... the last time I had hard drive problems I lost my HD
If all else fails you can still connect your netbook's monitor output to your old HP desktop's monitor, no?
As for getting your stuff back, I would try the first option initially.
I had 2 laptop failures this weekend. First my mom stepped on the chord and broke the DC jack of my mini laptop, rendering it useless. Repairs are about $300 which is close to what it cost me in the first place. It was bought on best buy in the US (black friday lol) so didn't get the warranty.
Then I accidentally dropped my other laptop while drunk, breaking the sound 3.5mm output plug: the computer seems to think there are headphones connected to the computer so I can't get it to use its speakers either.
So I basically went from being content with my 2 laptops to having to buy a new one in 48 hours. Fuck.
Hong Kong4685 Posts
Buy a new computer, never fix a 4 year old one (Not worth it).
what is this 'custom' HP interface that the HD uses for power? if you can show me the pins, we can figure out how to convert it to molex (standard power connector) and you can use any cheap PSU.
im asking this because there is rarely if ever a custom interface for HD power so it could just be a reorganization of wires, and/or sata power. do you know if your HD is sata or ide?
sata power looks a far ways different then the 4 pin molex which dominated in providing power for everything until recently.
I dunno about you guys but I've never had anything die on me in the 2+ years since I started to buying parts myself :D