So, should Blizzard really care about Africa? How much sales do we really generate for them anyways? I don't know, but still feel like we should get a server.
They segregating the community by having multiple servers already! I hate that (who doesn't!), but playing with <300ms lag is something to wish for!
Poll: Should Blizzard host an African server?Yes (107) 69% No (47) 31% 154 total votes Your vote: Should Blizzard host an African server? (Vote): Yes (Vote): No
Yes and No.
Yes, if there would be enough demand but No becaus I honestly doubt that there would be enough demand for an African b.net server so it would not be cost efficient nor would it be fun if there are not enough players in Africa.
Agreed, so if anyone can help generate some stats that would be appreciated. When does it become viable for Blizzard to do so?
Without a server it will be a good few years before we have decent infrastructure to play with decent lag.
Going to collect some data and see what we come up with.
imo Iceland should not be allowed to use the EU server untill they pay us back.
Even HoN has african servers, so I'd say yes. People don't realise that africa does have a lot of people in it with computers, internet etc. especially south africa.
yea even the middle east/european people could use them if the asia servers are too lagged up
I wonder, if there was an african server, would i get better latency to that or the asian (taiwan, china, korea) server
I would say YES if a lot of people if there are enough motivated people to use an Africa server. I would say No if their connection arent good.
I would say YES, Many people don't realize that South Africa is a great market
the Dagon Knight4000 Posts
On May 01 2010 21:15 Abenson wrote: I would say YES, Many people don't realize that South Africa is a great market
This a thousand times. I've lost touch with them, but back in the day some of my friends who were most serious about SC moved to South Africa and found a really vibrant community of SC players there
in a perfect world (where revenue and costs arent important ) blizzard would set up a server in every area so everybody could play lag free and competitively. but this isnt the case, and blizzard is going to stick to places with a high density of players. setting up a server in a little corner of the world with few players and a small scene isnt going to look like a flash business idea to blizzard. they'd probably rather make us north or another europe server or something
How many people would use that server even if they weren`t from Africa ?
Of course YES
fuck africa, give Australia a server. We are a continent too!
On May 01 2010 19:37 disco wrote: imo Iceland should not be allowed to use the EU server untill they pay us back.
On May 01 2010 22:14 haduken wrote: fuck africa, give Australia a server. We are a continent too! Aren't you guys getting one though?