--- (3:07:45 AM): wanna 1v1?
--- (3:08:29 AM): lt
NotSoSuperMario (3:08:57 AM): lol, no thanks
NotSoSuperMario (3:09:32 AM): I was just curious to see if you'd gotten past lt yet
NotSoSuperMario (3:10:01 AM): moved on to greener pastures
NotSoSuperMario (3:10:19 AM): nah, just foundsomething without ramps. ::laugh::
NotSoSuperMario (3:15:11 AM): for the record, I suck ass at ramps
NotSoSuperMario (3:15:15 AM): there's no denying it
NotSoSuperMario (3:15:38 AM): it's because I almost always play rampless maps
--- (3:16:26 AM): then shouldn't you play ramps and get used to them rather than run from them?
NotSoSuperMario (3:16:43 AM): why? you're the only person I know who uses ramps
--- (3:17:06 AM): haven't you watched replays of pros?
--- (3:17:14 AM): almost every map has a ramp
NotSoSuperMario (3:17:18 AM): the ramps themselves aren't the problem
NotSoSuperMario (3:17:29 AM): the interplanar interaction they permit is
NotSoSuperMario (3:17:39 AM): in my experiance
NotSoSuperMario (3:17:52 AM): to get form one plane to another, you have to use dropships or Recall
NotSoSuperMario (3:18:07 AM): no other way to do it, save lifting off your buildings and making troops where you want them to be
--- (3:18:32 AM): um, not grasping what you mean
NotSoSuperMario (3:18:36 AM): and no, I don't watch replays of "pros"
--- (3:18:59 AM): you should, you're missing some awesome moves
NotSoSuperMario (3:19:01 AM): I can deal with the fact that starcraft is pretty much a waste of time, but watching OTHER people play starcraft is more than I can justify
NotSoSuperMario (3:20:22 AM): ::shrug:: starcraft had its day
NotSoSuperMario (3:20:27 AM): I used to be golden
--- (3:20:36 AM): and you couldn't use ramps?
NotSoSuperMario (3:20:45 AM): eh, sure I could
--- (3:21:05 AM): but what about the interplanar interaction
--- (3:21:08 AM): did it change?
NotSoSuperMario (3:21:21 AM): I just used to be better at dealing withit