Eh, there's tons of OP shit in warhammer fantasy...
Let's take Vampire Counts. Well, ok, they got like one overpowered piece of bullshittery, and that's 1-die invocations of nehek and the stupid Necromancy rule. Other then that they're actually pretty balanced. Yes the corpse cart is a bit silly, yes Wight King BSB's are rock solid as fuck and yes Cairn Wraiths are, in the right circumstances, horrendously lame to play against, but for the most part they're actually ok. Quite strong in the right hands but manageable if they have to fork over tons of points just to have a solid battleline.
Daemons of Chaos are abominations though. First, you take an entire army and give them fear, immune to psychology, 5+ ward saves and instability, which is arguably better then undead crumbling. Now, this looks a lot like Undead armies, but undead have this cool little thing where although the units have neat advantages they come with disadvantages; they are pisspoor in combat and cannot march, relying a ton on strong characters to bolster the ranks. With Daemons you get already solid units that with characters become WTFBBQ powerful. Consider the following: 15-20 Bloodletters + Khorne Herald + Jugger + Firestorm blade + armour of khorne, + skull totem
Arrayed 7x2 or 3 this is a core choice that will basically munch it's way through anything. It has fear, hatred, killing blow, 5+ wards, M5, S5, Immune to psych ('only' 1 attack and t3) plus it's being lead by the Jugger Herald, who boasts a 0+ save (wtf, str 6 hits required to drop it to a 3+ save?) who has all the above bonuses but also has flaming attacks and hits at str 7 with WS 7. As a final shit in our collective cut, the unit cannot be marched blocked with the skull totem. I love this game.
20-ish Plague Bearers + Nurgle Herald + Palanquin + vapours + slime trail.
Plague bearers, Str 4, T4, 5+ ward, pretty solid. Oh wait, now they regenerate too! And they have poison attacks, so they're not too bad in a scrap either. Oh yeah, and they're re-rolling the to-wound rolls, and pesky things like outnumbering and flanking doesn't really bother them.
Siren Song. Items and abilities that affect one's movement phase positively are generally seen as shining beacons of wonderfulness. Siren Song goes one better by affecting your opponent's movement phase, and by effect I mean totally fuck over. Oh, and it's not like you had to roll dice to get that ability to work for you or anything.
Flesh Hounds. 35 pts. Mag res 3, 2 str 5's and 2 wounds. Wait, 2 wounds? How did that one get through? Cold One Knights, Chaos Knights and Knights of the Blood Keep all have a mere 1 wound, somehow you get to have 2? And near immunity to magic as well? Hah!
Flamers. And now we get to the most horrid of all offenders, the Flamers. 35 pts as well, and they skirmish so they have great mobility. They shoot d6 str 4 flaming attacks at people, so a unit of 6 (210pts) can easily cripple units in a single flurry of dice. Well, that's ok, because they suck in melee right? Wrong! 2 str 5 attacks each (and that's after they stand and shoot you as well)! T 4 and 2 wounds as well! How the FUCK did these fuckers make it into the army list?
USA29055 Posts
this thread makes me so happy
I could never get into the actual game-play of all this stuff, but I loved the painting of the models and the end result you get with a painted army. Very late but just wanna say the OP you did an awesome job! Mine is still work in progress *cough*
On September 06 2009 17:07 iaguz wrote: Eh, there's tons of OP shit in warhammer fantasy...
Let's take Vampire Counts. Well, ok, they got like one overpowered piece of bullshittery, and that's 1-die invocations of nehek and the stupid Necromancy rule. Other then that they're actually pretty balanced. Yes the corpse cart is a bit silly, yes Wight King BSB's are rock solid as fuck and yes Cairn Wraiths are, in the right circumstances, horrendously lame to play against, but for the most part they're actually ok. Quite strong in the right hands but manageable if they have to fork over tons of points just to have a solid battleline.
Daemons of Chaos are abominations though. First, you take an entire army and give them fear, immune to psychology, 5+ ward saves and instability, which is arguably better then undead crumbling. Now, this looks a lot like Undead armies, but undead have this cool little thing where although the units have neat advantages they come with disadvantages; they are pisspoor in combat and cannot march, relying a ton on strong characters to bolster the ranks. With Daemons you get already solid units that with characters become WTFBBQ powerful. Consider the following: 15-20 Bloodletters + Khorne Herald + Jugger + Firestorm blade + armour of khorne, + skull totem
Arrayed 7x2 or 3 this is a core choice that will basically munch it's way through anything. It has fear, hatred, killing blow, 5+ wards, M5, S5, Immune to psych ('only' 1 attack and t3) plus it's being lead by the Jugger Herald, who boasts a 0+ save (wtf, str 6 hits required to drop it to a 3+ save?) who has all the above bonuses but also has flaming attacks and hits at str 7 with WS 7. As a final shit in our collective cut, the unit cannot be marched blocked with the skull totem. I love this game.
20-ish Plague Bearers + Nurgle Herald + Palanquin + vapours + slime trail.
Plague bearers, Str 4, T4, 5+ ward, pretty solid. Oh wait, now they regenerate too! And they have poison attacks, so they're not too bad in a scrap either. Oh yeah, and they're re-rolling the to-wound rolls, and pesky things like outnumbering and flanking doesn't really bother them.
Siren Song. Items and abilities that affect one's movement phase positively are generally seen as shining beacons of wonderfulness. Siren Song goes one better by affecting your opponent's movement phase, and by effect I mean totally fuck over. Oh, and it's not like you had to roll dice to get that ability to work for you or anything.
Flesh Hounds. 35 pts. Mag res 3, 2 str 5's and 2 wounds. Wait, 2 wounds? How did that one get through? Cold One Knights, Chaos Knights and Knights of the Blood Keep all have a mere 1 wound, somehow you get to have 2? And near immunity to magic as well? Hah!
Flamers. And now we get to the most horrid of all offenders, the Flamers. 35 pts as well, and they skirmish so they have great mobility. They shoot d6 str 4 flaming attacks at people, so a unit of 6 (210pts) can easily cripple units in a single flurry of dice. Well, that's ok, because they suck in melee right? Wrong! 2 str 5 attacks each (and that's after they stand and shoot you as well)! T 4 and 2 wounds as well! How the FUCK did these fuckers make it into the army list?
I'm bonjordo on wargamerau iaguz
You'll <3 the daemon list i'm buildnig then xD
2250 Daemons
Blood thirster 490 points - Armour of Khorne - Immortal Fury
Herald of Nurgle 250 points - Level 1 Wizard - Palanquin - Slime Trail - Noxious Vapours
Herald of Slaanesh 165 points - Level 1 Wizard - Siren Song
19 Daemonnettes 283 points - Full Command - Siren Standard
16 Plague Bearers 247 points - Full Command - Icon of eternal Virulence
10 Blood Letters 120 points
10 Horrors 120 points
10 Horrors 120 points
5 Flesh Hounds 175 points
5 Flesh Hounds 175 points
i'm going to make the horrors one big unit most probably.
Lol blood thirster with Slaanesh stuff. Power gaming yay :p
Well, on the note of powergaming, with how gw has written the new chaos books going purely 1 god/mark is boring/unfeasible.
On September 06 2009 19:12 kefkalives wrote: Well, on the note of powergaming, with how gw has written the new chaos books going purely 1 god/mark is boring/unfeasible. I stopped to read the rules and books after the second edition. I just wanted to say that it seems completly incoherent and imbalanced compared to the previous versions
Basically, yeah. Going just with one mark is not really doable anymore whereas in the older days if you wanted to take a single god you were shoehorned into it by the rules.
Personally, I think this is kinda fine as the old rules on marks were very restrictive and a bit confusing (coming as a Beasts of Chaos player). With the split of chaos in 40k and fantasy and the teching of polytheism, Chaos has become a lot more flexible in army selection, although from a fluff point of view it can get a bit weird. For example, would a squad of Khornate bezerkers really abide a tzeentch sorcerer amidst their ranks (or any kind of sorc for that matter)?
In the old days monotheism army lists were still pretty boring anyway. Going the undivided route gave you tons of options and kinda makes it a no-brainer.
Reminds me a bit of imbaness of Chaos in WH40K too (back some time, dunno how it shapes now). Chaos lord on a bike + 2 squads of marines hiding behind a tank (marines and lord were obligatory choices), tank is there just to keep CSM from harm long enough. Tactics: 1. ride your lord as fast as you can towards the enemy 2. when your lord reaches enemy lines, use your insignia (or whatever it was called) to summon your bloodthirster 3. watch enemy die
Talk about no-brainer...
On September 06 2009 21:44 Manit0u wrote: Reminds me a bit of imbaness of Chaos in WH40K too (back some time, dunno how it shapes now). Chaos lord on a bike + 2 squads of marines hiding behind a tank (marines and lord were obligatory choices), tank is there just to keep CSM from harm long enough. Tactics: 1. ride your lord as fast as you can towards the enemy 2. when your lord reaches enemy lines, use your insignia (or whatever it was called) to summon your bloodthirster 3. watch enemy die
Talk about no-brainer...
oh the daemon bomb, with old school rending (6's to hit equals auto wound no armour save. AHAHAHAHA WHAT A JOKE).
as many daemonnettes/keeper of secrets/seekers whatever as possible andn 1 chaos lord on bike. turbo boost and profit.
Sweden33719 Posts
On September 06 2009 08:51 DrTJEckleburg wrote: My brother and I used to love playing this when were younger(sadly we had to use mostly paper as that stuff was just too expensive for us). We played mostly the original Warhammer and then the re-makes started coming out with new rules and battle books and we just lost interest. Warhammer 40K was really fun to play too, plus most of the models were plastic so we could afford that. We bought Gothic(space version of WH40K) at the Games Workshop HQ in Glen Burnie but we never even played a game of that, sadly. The guy that was working there was so awesome, he convinced us to buy it.
I still have a beautiful Lord of Change in a box some where and my brother's Screaming Bell was on my headboard for a long time(now in storage!). I'll get some pictures up later, really nice stuff OP, what rule set are they on now? Like #3? I wonder where all my original books are. 5th edition of 40k, 7th edition of Fantasy.
Do you still have that BattleFleet Gothic set? They no longer sell the starter box for that you know, could probably get a decent price for it on ebay (more than what you bought it for I'd think, especially if it's in perfect condition). I've been contemplating getting into BFG but no starter box is off-putting =]
On September 07 2009 00:24 FrozenArbiter wrote: I've been contemplating getting into BFG but no starter box is off-putting =]
Getting into it is no problem since you can buy the whole new and updated rulebooks. You can also get most of the ships. The real problem is finding people to play with And the game itself is pretty damn awesome.
Sweden33719 Posts
Ye, you can even download it for free from the GW website. But still, I like getting two nice starter fleets :D Everything else is in metal and thus more expensive hehe.
On September 07 2009 01:52 FrozenArbiter wrote: Ye, you can even download it for free from the GW website. But still, I like getting two nice starter fleets :D Everything else is in metal and thus more expensive hehe.
Well, the starting fleet for DE didn't cost me all that much if I remember correctly. After all, you won't need a huge fleet at start, better to make a basic one first and learn how to play.
i just read the books, no money for the models
Rawr, so I have recently been getting back into warhammer after a break of about a year. I was about to re-make this thread... and then I remembered that I already made it. Anyway, presenting my latest work, my BFG fleet!
Warmistress Shiver's Chaos Fleet: -1 Repulsive Class Grand Cruiser -2 Devastation class cruisers -2 Carnage class cruisers -2 Slaughter class cruisers -3 Iconoclast frigates
Comes to about 1,500 points. Pretty good size for BFG battles imho.
My flagship, a repulsive class grand cruiser, the "Nom Compos Mentis".
Our ranged snipers and carriers, two devastation class cruisers, the "Madrigal" and the "Undead Son".
Our close ranged killing machines, two Slaughter class cruisers, the "Wreath" and the "Deliverance"
I forgot to take pictures of my Carnages. They're the "Pharaoh" and the "Algoagnia". These guys deal a crapload of damage.
And finally,
Three little iconoclasts, aka torpedo/bomber fodder. The fearless (or uninformed) crews of these little bastards will happily eat up a bomber wave to protect the main fleet. Also I think one of them might be a little crippled in the brain.
Also in the works are a Desolator class battleship, the "Herald of the Fourth World", 2 more cruisers of undecided design, and about 3.23 metric shittons of attack craft.
If anyone is a warhammer fan and hasn't tried BFG, I can't recommend it enough. *ALL* of the rules are free online and can be downloaded from the GW website. A full fleet is going to cost you... $100 tops. Compare that to a 40k or fantasy army. The rules are fantastic. Simple, yet allow for loads of tactical decisions. And quite frankly, when you put two painted fleets down facing each other on a star-map, it looks AWESOME!
So let's get this thread going again. I need some more motivation to paint stuff! Rawr! Show off your work everyone!
isn't BFG about giant mecha vs giant mecha fights?
is it about spaceship fights?
On September 11 2010 05:34 freelander wrote: isn't BFG about giant mecha vs giant mecha fights?
is it about spaceship fights? Yes, it's a space-battle game. Each player controls a fleet of ships, try to kill each other, or break blockade, or attack a convoy, etc etc. Loads of different scenarios. I really enjoy the game, and it's crazy cheap compared to other GW games.
Used to play WFB/40K before I just stopped for a bunch of reasons, not to mention EVERYONE AND HIS DOG PLAYED SPACE MARINES, god were marines boring to play against (personally i played Dark eldar/high elves). However a couple months ago I picked up Warmachine, now this game I am in love with, I find the rules far more sensible and fun as well as it feeling a more tactical game with lots of very critical decisions to be made every turn, not to mention it is a lot more balanced than warhammer it seems, there isn't really a ranking for races and every race can win a tournament I feel. Also tournaments tend to be run so that you would take multiple army lists and have to play using different Warcasters (essentially the leader of your army, they cast spells, allocate focus points(which your machines use to smash face)) in different rounds so you have to be able to play different styles. I would highly recommend trying to get someone to demo you the game