Here starts my day, I woke up at 5 A.M. slept in for an hour and started playing at around 6:30 A.M. I played about like 5 games. Today I've lost to only koreans so far. This one sly sly sneaky korean bastard said he was from Russia. 2157 didn't quite seem russian but i bought it anyways. Later on I did some snooping and he was korean!!! That makes complete sense though because from my experience, korean players always have a build in mind and stick to it mostly. I was certain this guy wasn't russian because of his playstyle, he ended up with a really quick lurker drop into my main while my cannons were just short of warping in allowing him to win because of the mis timing. I originally thought he was going for a hydra break, but I should have konwn better because when the hydra break didn't come and he didn't expand, he was obviously teching to lurkers(i knew that) and I was troubld on whether to stick to the archon push or get range+observers.
Now I know that I should have gone for the second option, because the push failed completely when he dropped in my main unexpectedly. Me vs Faggot Z
My other problem with a korean was that he went for a really pressure heavy build. I put down enough cannons quickly enough for his 3 hatch hydra break to failed in which he transitioned into 5 hatch neo sauron build and went for a very big army. If I was a regular noob toss who didn't know any better but to stay in my base and wait I probably would have won, but I moved out prematurely. I didn't quite know how to confirm his mass amount of units. The corsair micro was sloppy because it was early in the morning and I should have done better
me vs faggot korean z 2
I have played for about 3 hours now straight without a bathroom break. Here are some of the replays of me losing. Now for an hour or two, I'm going to have to analyse the replays really carefully to see why I lost and what makes a korean player superior in terms of play styles. You guys are welcome to point stuff out. All help is appreciated ^_^
http://repdepot.net/replay.php?id=18079 PvP Dual Proxy Gate build. I shouldn't have built cannons because they would be useless unless he DID dt rush but I would still be too far behind.
http://repdepot.net/replay.php?id=18080 PvT I believe this is my strongest matchup, however I need to learn more things about it. FOr instance, I need to learn about switching up army compositions, stick with a solid build, and know when to stop my pressuring and not getting too greedy. This game I sort of went for a reaver as I saw he was goin 4 facs. I think things might have worked out better if I executed my attack better and prepared for this. This is a build I will have to practice more about streamlining the economy side by not using too much to harass while at the same time letting me to stay even military/economic too.
http://repdepot.net/replay.php?id=18081 http://repdepot.net/replay.php?id=18075 Similar replay PvZ This was the second time today I got beat by this same rush. The zerg player has 3 hatcheries so I assume its 3 hatch hydra, then he gets lair quick lurkers and drops in my main aggressively. I put up a very nice fight, but in the end, I just lost T_T Help on this one pls
*I think I need to work on builds that scale up the level more. For example although 2 gate is good against nooby Terrans, any decent Terran won't lose quickly to this build so I should practice something that is played higher up levels.
"If I was a regular noob toss"
like one that is 11-7 D+ for instance?
No the kind that doesn't know any better and just sits in his base and builds a shit ton worth of an army then stomps over zergs with bad macro or gets contained by good zergs
Katowice25012 Posts
You don't think a Russian can hit D+?
No it was the way he was playing and the name itself. It didn't seem like a Russian name(gut feeling)
That look like a russian name? .
lol @ people pretending they are not from their native country
once i had met a korean claiming he was from spain
then i was like hola hola espanol??
and he didnt reply me
i immediately quitted the gam
edit: not trying to dodge any1,just hate ppl lying for such small things =\
at least learn espanol first =P
/p usually pinpoints koreans for me. Pings in the 700-900 range to me are almost ALWAYS korean.
16945 Posts
I still tell people I'm from Jupiter lol
.............................and my mouse is useless
I always say I'm from Korea whereas I'm not, then when I win, I get some BM dude who's telling me he hates yellowfaces / asians shit...
Luckily for me I couldn't feel offended because it doesn't apply to me :p.
LOL I can tell you why you didn't win that PvP... you didn't even proxy correctly. You did a pylon on 9, a gateway on 11 and a gateway on 12. If you are going to cheese at least do it correctly.
why does every1 seem to care about werer you are from, i have a bunch of random names that "appear" to other people to be korean, and just by that i lose soo many games as people join my game and instantly leave b/c they think im a korean who is gonna destroy them
Wow you're D+
You believe that PvT is your strongest matchup.
Oh man you are close to enlightenment.
I knew you were a protoss. Grinding games on ICCUP has never been so easy. Just sit and click some buttons now and then, 100 apm ain't a thing lol
On August 03 2009 02:23 Foucault wrote: Wow you're D+
You believe that PvT is your strongest matchup.
Oh man you are close to enlightenment.
My thoughts exactly, haha
Bosnia-Herzegovina1437 Posts
On August 03 2009 00:39 DarkSanta wrote: I always say I'm from Korea whereas I'm not, then when I win, I get some BM dude who's telling me he hates yellowfaces / asians shit...
Luckily for me I couldn't feel offended because it doesn't apply to me :p.
LMFAO Haha that is gold dude
I went from 19-4 D+ to 19-8 D+ yesterday. I was on acid. I laughed.
I had an elimination race with a Terran on BS, and he had enough minerals to make a depot in my base. I killed all his buildings, except that depot. He killed all of mine because I only had 8 minerals left. GG.
Okay it's time for me to give you some guidance in your life. You say you want bitches. You say you want skills. Well let me teach you how. Here are 10 steps to success:
1. Stop waking up early in the morning to play StarCraft You wake up early to gather more pimples on your face from screen over-exposure, to ruin your posture by sitting slumped forward and staring at the computer. You work your little Asian hands fulltime, because between your 150 apm and masturbating with tweezers, you are well on your way to carpal tunnel syndrome.
2. Start working out. Instead of playing SC in the morning, go out and run a mile, if you can make it that far. Do 100 sit-ups and 50 push ups every morning and every evening. If you can't do both in one sitting, you are weak and need to train more. If you can't do 100 sit-ups in a row, you have to do 70 twice. If you can't do that, you have to do 50 three times. Got it, kid? You want this girl, but you're a double-chin Asian in middle/high school. You're not going to get anywhere without a better physique, because teenagers are hormonal judgmental and superficial creatures.
3. Get a job. If you get a job, or any form of income (working for parents/chores, selling drugs, prostitution, etc.), you will have money for the following things: girls, clothes, drugs, alcohol. Those are the only 4 things you need right now, if you want to get a girlfriend/get laid before you are 40. You need money. Get it. Doesn't matter how.
4. Get a new look. I know your mentality, you think that you see a lot of kids in your school walking around in the same jeans everyday, only changing their T-shirt once in a while, and you think that it is acceptable for you to do the same. Wrong. You need to show some self-respect and grooming, otherwise girls are going to treat you like how you look, which is trash. Get yourself some trendy Hollister T-shirts, maybe a few American Eagle dress shirts, put them on top of a nice T, roll up the sleeves, and keep them untucked from your shorts (khaki shorts at Hollister are ~$25-35). When you become trendy, you get attention, if you can pull it off correctly. Then go to the hair salon, tell them to give you a better haircut than a grease-bowl. Something short that you can gel up and style is the best option.
5. Get educated. Download or purchase the book "The Game" by Neil Strauss. Read it. Take the valuable information about social conduct out of it and apply it to real life. If your personality on TL is any indicator of your mental capabilities, social exposure, and understanding of decency, you need a LOT of help. Read this book, and read some real fucking books, not that 9th grade reading assignment shit. It will make you more mature, and more mature = more chicks. Do it.
6. Get some contacts (not for your vision, idiot). Talk to girls. Talk to more girls. Hang out with girls. Get to know as many girls as possible. The more girls you know, the more options you have, the more experience dealing with girls you have, the more back-ups you have for when you inevitably fuck up on trying to hook up with one. Make sure to touch upon all the different social circles, because otherwise one girl will call her hofriends and let them know how you are a douchebag who tried to rape her at the movies. Get invited to parties, go to them, do something cool, and get invited to more until you are socially accepted.
7. Get a drug dealer. Even if you don't do drugs (which you should, weed is the bomb), others will, and it's a way of socially connecting with others. Most girls who smoke are not those dirty hippies who fit the stoner stereotype - almost every attractive girl at my schools and other schools in the area smoke pot at parties. It doesn't have much long-term or short-term damage and it's worth the money.
8. Get a girlfriend. At this point you should be fitter, more attractive, and more socially acceptable. Time to make a move. Getting a girlfriend in high school is easy as shit. It doesn't even have to be someone that attractive at first - just to make it clear that you can date and will date. Climb up the social ladder with every girl you date, going from 6/10 to 8.5/10 or so. I don't think you'll be able to go higher but 8.5 is decent. No fat or ugly chicks, every time you even look at one without a sneer it lowers your social value.
9. Cheat on girlfriend. This only applies to the lower rating girls, but cheating on them is the best way to show that you are a badass and are willing to do shit. Other girls like this, as long as there is no prospect of you dating them. So, there are 3 types of girls (mini-lesson): Type A is girls you are dating to climb the social ladder, Type B is the girls you want to date (8.5 and up), Type C is the girls you would never date but would cheat on your girlfriend with. Keep abundant numbers of all three in your network until you are dating a Type B.
10. Play StarCraft instead of talking to girlfriend on the phone. If she is not having sex with you or building up to having sex with you, there is no need for her presence outside of school. You already have to hang out with her and go to the movies and shit, there is no need for her to be taking up your time at home with some meaningless high school bullshit. Tell her you are busy during the day working, and use that time to play StarCraft and get better. This doesn't mean neglect her completely - keep up your game in person, but don't let her think you don't have anything to do all the day and you have the time/patience/whippedness to listen to her gossip on the phone. Oh, and posting blogs about SC is pointless, you should just play 2 more games instead of wasting people's time with your stupid blogs. Those 2 games give you more benefit than any blog ever will. Except maybe this one, because I wrote this guide to life in this one.
There you have it, now go out and do it.
I once met a Korean who pretended to be in Japan. Then I started speaking Japanese to him, and so he pretended he was a foreigner living in Japan. LoL
On August 03 2009 03:37 fanatacist wrote: Stuff
Or you could skip all of it and just go to step 10.