I have having this problem for a while lately, and it seems that in my room there always a constant stream of dust. I cleaned the floor several several times and table, but it does not help. Got me one of this: http://www.amazon.com/Honeywell-HFD-110-QuietClean-Purifier-Permanent/dp/B000MUOKI6/ref=pd_sim_e_23
Didn't really help. I still I find dust on the tables and in areas elsewhere where I cleaned. The problem is that I can't concentrate on anything or a task or even play SC because the dust enters the air, makes my eyes watery and makes me sneeze. I also can't stand when there's dust going on everything. I'm trying to find the source of all of the dirt but haven't been able to find it. Any advice or suggestion into solving this situation?
First wipe the dust from tables etc. with a rag. Then use vaccuum cleaner and last wipe the floor with a wet rag.
i dont know how the tenancy laws are in the US but here i would contact my landlord.
United States17042 Posts
is the air filter becoming dusty and taking the dust out of the air? Is there a source for the dust, or dies it just constantly regenerate itself in your room?
Is the dust from wood, sheetrock, or something else? I'd find the source of it... pull back all furniture and follow all the corners of the wall and seal up any possible 'holes' where dust could be entering then do what benecol said.
Well my place is filled with wooden furniture and its got a glass window with wooden borders, its closed most of the time. Its basically a frame with a glass and a net (two sliders for each one) with an area in-between (there is dirt in this area but the window is mostly closed). The dirt could be coming from the furniture since some of it is large. There is also dust under my bed but its mostly covered plus I can't remove my bed because the entire bed frame is attached to the wall and it's really large.