More like the world is too big for you. You may have all these dreams and ambitions, but there's already someone out there more talented, capable and hard-working than you in a particular area.
The world doesn't care for people "who know they can be the best", only those who prove they are the best. From your last paragraph I suppose you do realise this, but it's just that simple really.
Being ambitious isn't a bad thing though, even if you're doomed to a life of mediocrity.
On April 29 2009 16:04 GrayArea wrote: Sometimes it feels like nothing in this world can ever be good enough for me. Being a simple working class man, being a lawyer, being a doctor...they all seem like they aren't good enough for me. Like I can be someone so much bigger, so much greater, I want to be the best.
I just like doing my own thing and being unique. One of a kind, someone who shines, someone different.
When I think about the world, and all the possibilities it has, it just doesn't seem enough. I want to do something that nobody has ever done in this world. I want to cure cancer, write a novel series that belittles Harry Potter by 100 fold, be the biggest star this world has seen. I want to shine so brightly that the progress of history itself could not and would not be possible without my influence.
Seems to me you want to be special, but you do not want to put in the hard work like education, working 10 hours a day at least, etc. Keep on dreaming then little man, you have yet to learn the ways of the world.
Every person that has ever accomplished anything significant (at least 99.9% of them, there are always flukes ofc.) was not at all against any form of conformism. Instead they 'played by the rules', but worked so hard that they eventually rose above the masses.
If you keep fighting against everything, if you refuse to work for your school, your job, if you expect to just be important one day, ... then little man, you are in for a BIG surprise.
What a pathetic thread. I want to be admired but I am too lazy to do anything. Waeh waeh the world is not big enough.
What are your accomplishments so far expect being 19 and being ambitious? Here is an idea: Try to accomplish anything before you complain everything is too trivial.
Completely serious suggestion though: Win a boxing match. That should reset your perspective on a lot of things.
I recomment volunteering working with the mentally handicapped. If you think your cut out for it. Try to find something that isn't about you. It can be a releave to let go of your ego and set aside your preconceptions. Doing something for people who do not try exploit your ambition could make it feel more authentic.
Maybe you want to proof yourself first to affirm yourself and get recognision from others if that is one of your desires. After accomplishing that your needs might grow into a different direction or you might like to continue on the same path. Be aware of what others expect of you and what your attitude is towards those opinions. It is all part of getting to know yourself.
There are academic avenues of development but also alternatives. You are not stuck on one path but also don't have unlimmited time. Acedemic preasure can help you develop fortitude. What do you want to accomplish with your degree. Make money. Get perstige, status relating to who. Help people. change the shape of thing to come. Improve society as a whole or help individuals personally.
I hate conforming too. Unless you are rich there is really nothing you can do but work and/or go to school if you don't wanna conform (as ironic as that sounds).
You need to stop trying to figure out what you want to be, and start learning who you are. Sounds to me like you're so afraid of being something that's "not good enough" that you've lost touch of what matters... Being happy.
In my honest opinion, you need to take a year or two to live in this world that's just not big enough for you, get a job doing some real work, and grow up in the process. Sometimes it takes lowering yourself to something menial to make sense of your life.
I felt like I was too good for certain things once... Then I got a job framing houses with a non-english speaking crew, and busted my ass for about two years. Want to know the crazy thing? I was more at peace with myself... more happy... during those two years than I ever had been before. I learned more about myself, about life, and about... well, speaking Spanish, than I ever had before. It gave my life new direction.
Now I'm getting ready to enter law school, and I have every intention of changing the world (even if it just means helping one person) when I get out.
Stop being a bitch and do something hard for once. I think that after you put yourself through something that's "not good enough" you'll come out the other side with a new outlook on life in general.
This thread reeks of the whole "I could beat all the progamers if I just played as much as them" narcissistic mentality. Your saying becoming a lawyer, dentist or doctor is beneath you and that you wouldnt be satisfied? Try getting into one of those degrees at least before spouting that crap.
The inspirational people who do amazing things with their lives are generally at the top of very competative fields. Youve given us no indication that you can even compete at a basic level in those fields so I think you should start there.
In the end, anyone can turn around and say that they wanna change the world. But it takes a hell of a lot hard work to actually do so. I doesnt sound like your willing to put any hard work in however.
Very interesting thread, I sometimes have similar feelings. It's not that I look down onto certain occupations, it's more that I fear having chosen the wrong one and that I am wasting my life on it.
My life goal is world domination. Why is that dream always locked away in the realm of fictitious evil characters? I have the vision but unfortunately not the work ethic to pull it off.
You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake. You are the same decaying organic matter as everyone else, and we are all part of the same compost pile.
Seriously, once your older, prepare to have your ego crushed, I already know I'm nothing special, and that is why I continue to work harder than anyone around me to accomplish my own goals. Feeling it is absolutely garbage, absolutely fucking shit in this world. You will get mocked a fool, and your nothing unless you actually do something.
But here's another quote from a great writer: "Never mistake motion for action."
I saw that pre-edit GrayArea haha. I got similar responses in the couple of blogs I wrote. I think we share rather similar styles of thought. No need to share more than the message, and keeping the rest to yourself.