![[image loading]](http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2028/2512432706_75b7ed998c.jpg)
^ Photo thx to Pillars Maynard on far left
So I use to be decent back in the day, anyways sorry for the missing screenshots, this battle report is, of course over 9-10 years old. So to set this up, Maynard imho was the best N.American Starcraft gamer who ever lived (and is still living I suppose).
Prologue- Lipton@ Vs Maynard crica 1999
Well this was way back when, in the Haven(Maven’s Haven on Kali) I was bored hoping someone would ask for a 1on1 or something, anyways Dudey was acting like Maynard’s Don King and challenging people to face off 1on1 vs Maynard with Dudey watching. I jumped at the chance and hosted up. I created on LT with 4 watchers since Dudey my good buddy Gozita-X17 and Phoenix all wanted to watch.
Note I included a more detailed after report for what should have been done what is good to do etc etc

![[image loading]](http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3536/3465212989_e107540764_o.gif)
Too bad these days I check CreditReports.com more often :/
Pre game warm-up:
Me at 6 oclock and Maynard at 9.
Choosing toss my most comfortable race for The Lost Temple, cause I like the Toss game on LT. Maynard randomed and got Zerg. I knew in my head from watching some of May’s games to expect mass Hydras.
What I was thinking then at the early stages of the game was to prepare for the hydras and then counter. This thinking was a bad move on my part; first off most good players will tell you that waiting to counter, defense early and holding back will get you killed or put you in slow death mode. All I was thinking was not to get taken out too quickly vs Maynard. I did not expand early and waited inside with some zealots on the ramp and rushed to put out 4 temps and also put down a few cannons on the ridge. (Remember peepz this was before the Bisu build or anything Pro Starcraft)
First Blood
Maynard came in with around 2-dozen hydras. I killed about half of them with losing very little and when the hydras retreated I moved in to take my natural and start producing goons. Below is a comment Maynard made, why I don't know?
After I started mining my expansion and proceeded to counter attack Maynard’s 3rd expansion, my horrible of scouting was another big mistake(didn’t find out how much he was expanding fast enough), but here is the shot of an ex-Zerg expansion.
Wanting to start pressuring Maynard again, I went on to his natural with temps and more troops this time. I don't know how but I was forced to retreat, I had 2 dozen troops Goons/Zealot mix with a couple of archons and 3 temps with storm vs a hand full of hydras and a ton of drones, but hey this is Maynard.
Actually they way the placed his buildings, the 2 sunkens on the top and the 20 plus Drones made a huge difference. The forced my Templars to ejaculate prematurely by baiting them with only a handful of Hydras on the top ridge, I killed the hydras on the top but the storm would have been best used on the drones. Why? Because of the massive amount of drones clogging around that hydra den completely closed off my zealots and Archons from getting to the like 6 hydras left. Wasted my chance to break through by microing my goons to hit the drones to kill them off, instead of just taking down the buildings in the way; which would have allowed my Zealots to get up the ramp and take out those Sunkens. In the end however I had killed most of his drones, 1 sunken and a few hydras but with the sunken he had left a fresh new hydras he beat me back. I remember also that during this battle I failed to queue troops in my gateways, a mistake I hardly ever make.
Mid Game
The game started to go further into midgame with me wondering what the hell is Maynard doing? I found another 1 of Maynard’s expansion to the right and right main base; there I get a F- for scouting again. Charged my full force up there to take it out while expanding again. Later Maynard would hit my newest expansion with dozens of hydras again before I had a chance to take out his expansion at the 3 o’clock main.
I think in the below screen shot, Dudey attempts to make a wise crack

I had been massing dozens and dozens of goons who were 2-2-2. They went up vs the hydras who looked equal in number in the end my dragoons were victorious, but at a great lost as my 3rd base was taken out and my natural has suffered extreme probe loses as well as my standing army. I quickly got a dozen more goons but then out of the darkness came the whole fury of the Maynard Swarm, they came they saw and they pwned ='(
I did not get all of the hydras in this screen shot but believe me there were tons 8(
End game report
What I should have done:
1. Not dung in like I did and been more aggressive and taken the fight to Maynard instead of letting him breath and build up and take the whole map 8(
2. Scouted like I usually do and not like a damn newbie ='( he took like every base on the map except for the islands(well was mining from like 4 or 5 of them and had a hatch sitting at the rest.
3. While I was mass gooing I should have made a few more temps along with them.
4. Pulled back when I could not have taken his natural and sat outside and massed right there.
5. Sent a zealot or probe to every spot.
What did Maynard do wrong?

Originally posted:
Well hope you guys enjoyed this old school battle report, I've found myself checking out more older reports on BR.comStarfeeder: Lipton vs Maynard, Starcraft BR circa 1999