The whole situation surprised me.
I approached the whole deal like I would approach any job. Research quietly, ask questions in a non-threatening manner, always be extremely polite, put customer service first without bending over backwards for people who are just trying to pull my leg or get free shit.
I started doing steroids when gyms reopened at the end of May 2021. My goal was to enter a few bodybuilding competitions for the summer/fall 2023 season. I was fat, ugly and hadn't trained in 2 years.
I live in an area rife with criminality, and I know whose toes not to step on.
I dieted like a motherfucker. I lost 37kg in 6 months, and then rebounded back up by 5 kg with visible abs and a strong vascularity.
I had struggled getting any sort of sex, and now people were literally falling at my feet.
I developed contacts and sources to learn more about performance enhancing drugs, how to get and administer them, how to plan programs, and how sex selling worked.
I could finally source drugs for other people, who had always gone to the shady locker room guy, and get them better quotations, more selection.
I developed a network of serious bodybuilders and amateur ones in no time.
So now I sell drugs.
I wanted to get professional photos done to advertise this business, and I had no money to invest because everything was going into drugs.
So I put some decent gym pics out there, and found a photographer on Grindr. More than one, but this one turned out to be really good.
He shot a set with me for free, wanted me to shoot more, and brought up the point "Have you thought about escorting? You could make a lot of money".
So I did.
I have no qualms about doing dudes, testosterone keeps me going and I have enough cialis that I use for pre-workout to last me 6 months.
So, to the myriads of dudes that were texting me on Grindr, I started telling my price. Before getting banned, 2 dudes paid me for sex, and it was easy as balls. Guys finish really quickly, it turns out.
I had this idea of setting up an onlyfans, and while I did the bare minimum it turns out it's way easier to get found on gay social networks and most gay escorting websites let you put up ads for free.
On the first day I put up my ad at 7 PM, and by the next morning I had received over 20 calls and texts. I did everything on a fake name, burner phone, with no links to my social media, and 6 guys had already found and followed my private IG.
That'll probably come bite me in the ass later, but I'll deal with that when the time comes.
I'm asking for 150€ an hour if I don't jizz, 200€ if I do, and 500 for the night. Making 500 euros a night, multiple times a week, is FUCKING RIDICULOUS if you live in a mediterranean country.
I've paid almost all my debts and by the end of the month I should have enough drugs to last me until the end of the year.
Everything else is going to my Porsche fund.
Here's the kicker. I am acting, with clients, the same way I would at my office job, except a bit sexier. I tell them what I do and don't do, send courtesy pictures and videos to the regulars to keep them involved, I had an unrelated infection that led me to cancel a couple appointments and warned everyone in advance without hiding anything.
The feedback could not have been more positive.
And here's where it gets even better.
I know a cop at my gym. I know a Latin King at my gym.
I have all the protection in the world, for free. They both outright told me, that since I'm actively not hurting anyone, nothing will happen to me.
They don't know where I live but they both have the tools to find out, and guess what. They'd rather keep me around since my knowledge and activity is actively positive in the territory.
If you're considering a steroid protocol, or a heavy heavy diet, hit me up I guess.
Here are some shots of my 6 month transformation plus a picture of me 8 months in at the end.