The incredible sight., How pretty the night.
How insignificant, from my chair outside. Minuscule, useless it's light.
Disappeared in the mist. Sunk into the abyss. Once there second not. Suddenly gone I wonder what was.
The star made me love my being. Turn around for a drink an disappear;
My words themselves evaporated from my mind, swallowed in a midnight bike ride. Gone with the very loveliness of it's own existance.
Star in the night, such incredible sight.
You took me to far away places, how I wish I could have stayed
Forever stay in my gaze, but gone...;(
This incredible night, no doubt forgetten once sobriety
returns aswell as my abillty
to spell is useless, please;( return me my night
kirby kiirby
sweetest vidia game charactaaar
haha i bet you all are like lol wassup
weell yno think about it seriously sit and think about it
what do you do in life thats so awesome
Work at the hospital save lives? Pff what goood that I work with maria sharapova she gives me blojob lul great for fun obv
Stil smurfs existed only in my youth they were like run around and avoid gargamel so they could live
pink floyd is good but trendy, doesnt make it less good though, the lunatic is on the grass, the lunatic is on the grass, remember games of broodwar, jaedong greaterthen flash obviously flash sux. JAEDOING ftw. lolol
Zerg is so great. Best race
id like to go to a place one day
then il see you all and itl be chill but im still just some fag litttlle kiid hahahahah alilulul GARGAMEL VEUX MANGER LES SCHTROUMPHS
WELL,,,, my task bar,,, its gone up slightly, its not the same as before,, that sucks majorly...
Chills name full is blake
Rekrul got banned haha
Is nothing sacred??!?!? I wish it was all
Theres a fly around my monitor its useless wtfs a fly good for..
the troo is all worst then the fake,,, but its true for real
siz fantasy is my best friend but who the fuck is he.
HAHAHAH SOOO funny you think you're all okaaay,,,, the worst are the ones who think they are bad,,, you think youre good?!?! cuz youre bad??!?! dont think so...
Chrono trigger came out in the ninetees,,, is it better then the eightiess?,, they had billy idol...
the funniest part is erasing the history.,...,,
so one time i said 'send me pm's for fun'...
well i thought 'hey i ususally mind my behavior this time il post the first thing that comes to mind'...
well you see how that worked out,, vanished,,, like yno, powereredSR
RUSH is a great band,,,, from canada,,, canada is alright, quebec is better though
in case you didnt see this is a serious entry,, fantasy rest assured this is an oldschool one,,,, just the matter is different,,,
the matter is serious, take a look around and see wtf you're doing,, is it worthwhile?,,, if so what would drink be for?,,, to see it in a different light?,,,
well i interviewed teamliquid and it toured the world and it said to me,, that its real self was crazy,,, but we all are,,, especially the ones who think they arent at all...
FUCK!!,, i just realized..
fake is better then real,... fake is tailor made, fake is made to please...
well now il be real, and it wont be as good,,, and fantasy wont like it,,, but itl be real,,,
well it doesnt matter, SAILOR MOOOON is my fav show, thats a great show, MOON TIARA ACTION!!,,,
Well microsoft paint is the best program it tells you my feelings,
id love to go to the lan and commentate in rock opera but i have to go to a familly corn roast,,, familly comes first yno,,
well its ok one day il be alone so then i can do whatever others want and i can please them
btw commenting in your own blog is a sign of weakness so im weakness times two