Does anybody have any information on Universities that teach or specialize in teaching Design in England?
I'm looking forward to see my chances of studying abroad, and England seems like a pretty great place to study in. I like more than all, Digital Media and Art. If anyone has any information, or someone knows where I can find information, please let me know.
thanks a lot to all ^^;
try this website:
it will show you all the unis that will teach the subject you like and you should be able to view the course on the website too, if not, then just go to the university's page
^ link is good as UCAS is the body in charge of university admissions in the UK.
Also check out http://extras.timesonline.co.uk/tol_gug/gooduniversityguide.php
The Times guide is regarded as a pretty good resource for university info. They also publish a book which is very comprehensive but I'm not sure if you can get your hands on it in Venezuela :S
Oh.. maybe you are aware but international students who are not part of the EU pay very high university fees (~3 times as much as others). So I think a 3 year course will cost around £20-30,000.
39489 Posts
talk to Kizzbg, that's EXACTLy what he does here in the UK and he's from abroad as well. (well I think he's EU so the ££ Elric talks about doesnt quite apply)
If you have his contact info Chibmeister could tell you since he studied this in England.
Hong Kong20321 Posts
hm like chelsea or st martins or sth like that