2008 US Presidential Election - Page 6
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United States3468 Posts
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United States22883 Posts
On July 24 2008 23:37 HnR)hT wrote: That's because it's far simpler to cite the especially egregious quotations that everyone is familiar with and that no one can deny, instead of spending hours collecting substantial information on Wright and his pathological church that took over a year to come out. Just because one stupid fool resorts to the excuse that they were taken out of context, in spite of the fact that this has been largely discredited on the national scene, and that Obama himself abandoned them (and him), and the said fool continues to rationalize everything Obama and Wright do and say without adding a shred of evidence or argumentation, doesn't mean I'm going to spend hours responding in depth until the most die-hard true believer is forced to come to the same conclusion about Obama that I have -- which is impossible at any rate. Wow, you wrote an awfully long post to say "I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about and have no sources." | ||
United States3468 Posts
On July 24 2008 23:48 Jibba wrote: There's so many things wrong with what you just said. Living in a majority-minority district (whatever that is) adds extremely little credibility to your argument nor does it discredit anything Hawk said. One could infer you'd have slightly more knowledge of the situation (very little, given how short 1 year is) but that in itself would be wild speculation. You could very well be cooped up in a shack or in a rich suburb, etc. That line of reasoning fails. You have not cited anything. I'm not sure where you went to college or who you've had to write papers for, but you've done absolutely zero citing in all of your posts and have provided zero empirical facts. That goes for the statements you made earlier in your post. Are you a sociologist studying migration and housing trends from the inner city to suburbs? Are you a criminologist who has found data substantiating the claim that crime rates are skyrocketting (if they even are) because blacks moving to suburbs? Or are you an unbelievable racist wasting all of our time on an internet forum, showcasing your fondness for Fox News and all of its Hussein references, and posting mindless crap that is completely devoid of reason? I believe this to be the case, and I can prove it by citing your posts on pages 3, 4 and 5 of this thread. That's what citing is, mother fucker. Do you know the plain English meaning of the verb, "to cite"? It doesn't necessarily mean I have to provide references, and to demand that I do is to hold me to a higher standard of proof than everyone else. Illiterate scumbag. | ||
United States22883 Posts
cite1 Audio Help /saɪt/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[sahyt] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation –verb (used with object), cit·ed, cit·ing. 1. to quote (a passage, book, author, etc.), esp. as an authority: He cited the Constitution in his defense. 2. to mention in support, proof, or confirmation; refer to as an example: He cited many instances of abuse of power. 3. to summon officially or authoritatively to appear in court. 4. to call to mind; recall: citing my gratitude to him. 5. Military. to mention (a soldier, unit, etc.) in orders, as for gallantry. 6. to commend, as for outstanding service, hard work, or devotion to duty. 7. to summon or call; rouse to action. You're wrong on all accounts. Citing is based on proof, of which you have none. I'm sure you'll say "look at 4!" so I'll just point out right now that it's a citing of personal feelings. 7 is based on action of the direct object. | ||
United States2921 Posts
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United States758 Posts
On July 24 2008 23:48 HnR)hT wrote: I'm not making any statement about the worth of individual human beings who happen to be black. But blacks collectively are a problem for society, which is borne out by statistics on black-on-white murder, assaults, rape, and general hostility (just read Michelle Obama's illiterate and racialist Princeton senior thesis). This in spite of the fact that whites have gone to great lengths to improve the condition of blacks through government action for the past 40 years. This is the most hillarious statement I've seen in a while. "Blacks collectively are a problem for society." Lets get them going on the trains to the camps. We all know what final solution is necessary here. (I'm being completely sarcastic) GTFO? You have very little understanding of how income levels and environment influence people. Blacks are not a problem. It's gangster culture, rap music, poverty, and the ghetto environment that's the problem. If you're too stupid to seperate these influences from race there is no hope for you buddy. | ||
United States32026 Posts
On July 24 2008 23:48 HnR)hT wrote: But blacks collectively are a problem for society ROFL I'm sure your shameless racism really helps things progress, huh? | ||
Canada996 Posts
On July 24 2008 23:48 HnR)hT wrote: I'm not making any statement about the worth of individual human beings who happen to be black. But blacks collectively are a problem for society, which is borne out by statistics on black-on-white murder, assaults, rape, and general hostility (just read Michelle Obama's illiterate and racialist Princeton senior thesis). This in spite of the fact that whites have gone to great lengths to improve the condition of blacks through government action for the past 40 years. You're a racist not a realist; and its offensive to me when you try to appear so. The way in which you refer to minority in question is not tollerable and as for the points you try to make: Its self-evident that you are simply an insecure and suspicious person of which the internet alrerady has its fill. When you feel its time to make the world a better place, start with yourself rather then choosing to point out the imagined faults of others. This is a much harder route but in the end has a much greater chance of making a lasting impact on society. Edit: Racism is infectious and converts the majority of its vicimts into perpetuaters; which is the main reason it still exist. It creeps into our system through the media, our friends/family and even through the jokes we share. Knowning this should make it easier for me to udnerstand how a such a view can come from the lips of a fellow seemingly intelligent (not unintelligent maybe?) North American but it doesn't and just makes it all the more disgusting. p.s. Obama rocks yo momma in 08~ | ||
United States6980 Posts
On July 24 2008 23:48 HnR)hT wrote: I'm not making any statement about the worth of individual human beings who happen to be black. But blacks collectively are a problem for society, which is borne out by statistics on black-on-white murder, assaults, rape, and general hostility (just read Michelle Obama's illiterate and racialist Princeton senior thesis). This in spite of the fact that whites have gone to great lengths to improve the condition of blacks through government action for the past 40 years. Ok, well, if we're going strictly by statistics, 90% of violent crime is committed by men... how should we deal with that? But wow, what you wrote is absurdly racist. | ||
United States12224 Posts
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Sweden3187 Posts
Here's a talk from November that I liked a lot. | ||
United States41117 Posts
Maybe Bush's diplomatic scar can actually be healed. | ||
Sweden3187 Posts
On July 25 2008 03:37 {CC}StealthBlue wrote: Too bad the opinion of Obama in Germany isn't the same here in the U.S. I think Europe will pretty much lose all respect for America if McCain is elected and we will become the laughing stock of the world and they will wonder if we actually can make changes ourselves. Maybe Bush's diplomatic scar can actually be healed. If Obama doesn't win i´d like to appoint him president of the European Union instead plz^^ | ||
United States65 Posts
I recall when I took a statistics class, the professor posed an interesting situation. It was a bi-variant statistical study (obviously a contrived study) that showed an increase in ice cream consumption had a positive correlation with increases in the crime rate. A (fictional) city counsel man sees this study and decided the solution to the crime problem was to ban ice cream. Will the banning of ice cream actually cause a drop in the crime rate? It doesn't take a Ph.D in social statistics to realize the ice cream consumption isn't the problem. It did not take us (the students) long to figure out that the true cause of the increased crime rate was most like an increase in temperature. It is always important to keep in mind other variables exist that can bias your statistical analysis. | ||
United States4 Posts
Go Barack! | ||
United States41117 Posts
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United States758 Posts
On July 25 2008 10:45 {CC}StealthBlue wrote: Why the hell is Obama not gaining any ground in the polls, damn! He is now losing ground in 4 battleground states. Just wait till the debates start. McCain is going to get slaughtered. | ||
United States2720 Posts
On July 25 2008 10:45 {CC}StealthBlue wrote: Why the hell is Obama not gaining any ground in the polls, damn! He is now losing ground in 4 battleground states. Shows you the fundamental problem with democracy. It is only as good as the level of voter education and the extent to which they are able to inform themselves. That sadly, simply isn't too high. | ||
United States985 Posts
I hate stupid people. | ||
United States41117 Posts
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