On July 24 2008 01:21 Excalibur_Z wrote: I really don't want McCain to win, but I really really don't want Obama to win. The average conservative is really screwed in this election =( I'll probably end up voting for Bob Barr or some random name.
I'm angry at Romney for putting us in this position. And I'm even angrier at Mike Huckabee for putting Romney in his position. But I don't think I can ever be angry at Stephen.
romney not being strong enough to win, huckabee for splitting the vote, not sure who stephen is? colbert bump?
That or Stephen Harper, is my guess.
Heh. Let's not get into that right now and yes fusionsdf was right. Colbert for giving Huckabee the Colbert Bump.
On July 24 2008 01:31 HnR)hT wrote: McCain's supercilious, moralistic liberalism on immigration and national question issues make him completely unacceptable. Similarly, Obama is automatically disqualified from consideration by his 20+ year association with his racist afrocentrist pastor. This leaves potentially Bob Barr, though his recent shift of positions to be more in line with the left-libertarian platform of the Libertarian Party (e.g. now he's for legalizing marijuana) leaves one underwhelmed... Where's none of the above?
I dont really understand the problem with his pastor
Why does it matter, I dont really get the uproar over what he said, people must be pretty sheltered if they think he said was all that outlandish and bad.
His pastor isnt him, not to mention there are tons of religious bigots who are friends/supporters of other candidates so why just pick Obama out?
Could you explain what your problem with it was?
My problem with what? That Obama's pastor, whom he has called his mentor and in whose church he has married and in whose church he had his children baptized, and to whose church he has donated around 20,000 as recently as in 2006, and from whom he got the title of one of his two major books, preaches that the US (where blacks have been the overwhelmingly disproportionate recepients of government largesse in the form of welfare checks, tyrannical anti-discrimination laws resulting in costly frivolous lawsuits, and affirmative action) is an irredeemably racist society and whites are the source of all evils? Who preaches that, among other things, the US government deliberately manufactured the AIDS virus to kill black people, and that Americans had it coming on 9-11 for bombing Japan and supporting "state terrorism"? And Obama apparently didn't utter a word of criticism while listening to garbage of this sort on a regular basis for 20 years, until it became problematic for his career advancement.
Just what do you think would happen to McCain if it were revealed that he's a long-time close friend of David Duke? His career would be completely finished, right there.
A large proportion of blacks in the USA hate, and I mean hate white people. Blacks, who are about 10 percent of the population, commit around half of all murders. Is it ok with you that Wright and many others like him get rich stoking such hatred, and that Obama has apparently approved of such behavior until the furthering of his political goals could no longer be based on appealing to black racialist resentment?
And to think that after much of this has been belatedly revealed by the mainstream media, Obama had the nerve to lecture whites about racism. And this man wants to be president of the United States. It would be funny if it weren't so sad.
On July 24 2008 01:31 HnR)hT wrote: McCain's supercilious, moralistic liberalism on immigration and national question issues make him completely unacceptable. Similarly, Obama is automatically disqualified from consideration by his 20+ year association with his racist afrocentrist pastor. This leaves potentially Bob Barr, though his recent shift of positions to be more in line with the left-libertarian platform of the Libertarian Party (e.g. now he's for legalizing marijuana) leaves one underwhelmed... Where's none of the above?
I dont really understand the problem with his pastor
Why does it matter, I dont really get the uproar over what he said, people must be pretty sheltered if they think he said was all that outlandish and bad.
His pastor isnt him, not to mention there are tons of religious bigots who are friends/supporters of other candidates so why just pick Obama out?
Could you explain what your problem with it was?
My problem with what? That Obama's pastor, whom he has called his mentor and in whose church he has married and in whose church he had his children baptized, and to whose church he has donated around 20,000 as recently as in 2006, and from whom he got the title of one of his two major books, preaches that the US (where blacks have been the overwhelmingly disproportionate recepients of government largesse in the form of welfare checks, tyrannical anti-discrimination laws resulting in costly frivolous lawsuits, and affirmative action) is an irredeemably racist society and whites are the source of all evils? Who preaches that, among other things, the US government deliberately manufactured the AIDS virus to kill black people, and that Americans had it coming on 9-11 for bombing Japan and supporting "state terrorism"? And Obama apparently didn't utter a word of criticism while listening to garbage of this sort on a regular basis for 20 years, until it became problematic for his career advancement.
Just what do you think would happen to McCain if it were revealed that he's a long-time close friend of David Duke? His career would be completely finished, right there.
A large proportion of blacks in the USA hate, and I mean hate white people. Blacks, who are about 10 percent of the population, commit around half of all murders. Is it ok with you that Wright and many others like him get rich stoking such hatred, and that Obama has apparently approved of such behavior until the furthering of his political goals could no longer be based on appealing to black racialist resentment?
And to think that after much of this has been belatedly revealed by the mainstream media, Obama had the nerve to lecture whites about racism. And this man wants to be president of the United States. It would be funny if it weren't so sad.
The truth is that you know very little of reverend Wright's work or message. You know what you've seen on TV, and those are short 2 second sound bites. You can't judge an article from a sentence in it. You can't judge a book from a paragraph in it. And you can't judge a 30 minute sermon from a 2 second sound clip. You can't remove something from it's context without missing the point. You have seen one representation of reverend Wright,and you bought it hook line and sinker. Sorry my friend, but you're another casuality of the mania trash media.
I have to call you out on misrepresenting what the reverend said. He never said the US government manufactured aids, deserved 9-11, or that white's are the source of all evils in America. More importantly, you've never listened to any of his sermons. At least listen to the ones where you drew your misqoutes from before you continue this.
On July 24 2008 01:31 HnR)hT wrote: McCain's supercilious, moralistic liberalism on immigration and national question issues make him completely unacceptable. Similarly, Obama is automatically disqualified from consideration by his 20+ year association with his racist afrocentrist pastor. This leaves potentially Bob Barr, though his recent shift of positions to be more in line with the left-libertarian platform of the Libertarian Party (e.g. now he's for legalizing marijuana) leaves one underwhelmed... Where's none of the above?
I dont really understand the problem with his pastor
Why does it matter, I dont really get the uproar over what he said, people must be pretty sheltered if they think he said was all that outlandish and bad.
His pastor isnt him, not to mention there are tons of religious bigots who are friends/supporters of other candidates so why just pick Obama out?
Could you explain what your problem with it was?
My problem with what? That Obama's pastor, whom he has called his mentor and in whose church he has married and in whose church he had his children baptized, and to whose church he has donated around 20,000 as recently as in 2006, and from whom he got the title of one of his two major books, preaches that the US (where blacks have been the overwhelmingly disproportionate recepients of government largesse in the form of welfare checks, tyrannical anti-discrimination laws resulting in costly frivolous lawsuits, and affirmative action) is an irredeemably racist society and whites are the source of all evils? Who preaches that, among other things, the US government deliberately manufactured the AIDS virus to kill black people, and that Americans had it coming on 9-11 for bombing Japan and supporting "state terrorism"? And Obama apparently didn't utter a word of criticism while listening to garbage of this sort on a regular basis for 20 years, until it became problematic for his career advancement.
Just what do you think would happen to McCain if it were revealed that he's a long-time close friend of David Duke? His career would be completely finished, right there.
A large proportion of blacks in the USA hate, and I mean hate white people. Blacks, who are about 10 percent of the population, commit around half of all murders. Is it ok with you that Wright and many others like him get rich stoking such hatred, and that Obama has apparently approved of such behavior until the furthering of his political goals could no longer be based on appealing to black racialist resentment?
And to think that after much of this has been belatedly revealed by the mainstream media, Obama had the nerve to lecture whites about racism. And this man wants to be president of the United States. It would be funny if it weren't so sad.
The truth is that you know very little of reverend Wright's work or message. You know what you've seen on TV, and those are short 2 second sound bites. You can't judge an article from a sentence in it. You can't judge a book from a paragraph in it. And you can't judge a 30 minute sermon from a 2 second sound clip. You can't remove something from it's context without missing the point. You have seen one representation of reverend Wright,and you bought it hook line and sinker. Sorry my friend, but you're another casuality of the mania trash media.
I have to call you out on misrepresenting what the reverend said. He never said the US government manufactured aids, deserved 9-11, or that white's are the source of all evils in America. More importantly, you've never listened to any of his sermons. At least listen to the ones where you drew your misqoutes from before you continue this.
So why did Obama publicly end his membership in the chruch and distance himself from the Reverend?
A large proportion of blacks in the USA hate, and I mean hate white people. Blacks, who are about 10 percent of the population, commit around half of all murders. Is it ok with you that Wright and many others like him get rich stoking such hatred, and that Obama has apparently approved of such behavior until the furthering of his political goals could no longer be based on appealing to black racialist resentment?
On July 24 2008 01:31 HnR)hT wrote: McCain's supercilious, moralistic liberalism on immigration and national question issues make him completely unacceptable. Similarly, Obama is automatically disqualified from consideration by his 20+ year association with his racist afrocentrist pastor. This leaves potentially Bob Barr, though his recent shift of positions to be more in line with the left-libertarian platform of the Libertarian Party (e.g. now he's for legalizing marijuana) leaves one underwhelmed... Where's none of the above?
I dont really understand the problem with his pastor
Why does it matter, I dont really get the uproar over what he said, people must be pretty sheltered if they think he said was all that outlandish and bad.
His pastor isnt him, not to mention there are tons of religious bigots who are friends/supporters of other candidates so why just pick Obama out?
Could you explain what your problem with it was?
My problem with what? That Obama's pastor, whom he has called his mentor and in whose church he has married and in whose church he had his children baptized, and to whose church he has donated around 20,000 as recently as in 2006, and from whom he got the title of one of his two major books, preaches that the US (where blacks have been the overwhelmingly disproportionate recepients of government largesse in the form of welfare checks, tyrannical anti-discrimination laws resulting in costly frivolous lawsuits, and affirmative action) is an irredeemably racist society and whites are the source of all evils? Who preaches that, among other things, the US government deliberately manufactured the AIDS virus to kill black people, and that Americans had it coming on 9-11 for bombing Japan and supporting "state terrorism"? And Obama apparently didn't utter a word of criticism while listening to garbage of this sort on a regular basis for 20 years, until it became problematic for his career advancement.
Just what do you think would happen to McCain if it were revealed that he's a long-time close friend of David Duke? His career would be completely finished, right there.
A large proportion of blacks in the USA hate, and I mean hate white people. Blacks, who are about 10 percent of the population, commit around half of all murders. Is it ok with you that Wright and many others like him get rich stoking such hatred, and that Obama has apparently approved of such behavior until the furthering of his political goals could no longer be based on appealing to black racialist resentment?
And to think that after much of this has been belatedly revealed by the mainstream media, Obama had the nerve to lecture whites about racism. And this man wants to be president of the United States. It would be funny if it weren't so sad.
The truth is that you know very little of reverend Wright's work or message. You know what you've seen on TV, and those are short 2 second sound bites. You can't judge an article from a sentence in it. You can't judge a book from a paragraph in it. And you can't judge a 30 minute sermon from a 2 second sound clip. You can't remove something from it's context without missing the point. You have seen one representation of reverend Wright,and you bought it hook line and sinker. Sorry my friend, but you're another casuality of the mania trash media.
I have to call you out on misrepresenting what the reverend said. He never said the US government manufactured aids, deserved 9-11, or that white's are the source of all evils in America. More importantly, you've never listened to any of his sermons. At least listen to the ones where you drew your misqoutes from before you continue this.
So why did Obama publicly end his membership in the chruch and distance himself from the Reverend?
He didn't initially. What happened first was he refused to reject the reverend. He said the reverend holds some views that are outlandish, but that the reverend had played a major role in his life and he wasn't going to completely reject the man.. After all, unlike you, Barrack actually knows something about the reverend. He went against his political advisors on this decision. But it was hurting him in the polls against Hillary thanks to people who reason like you. He was forced to play politics. His message has always been one of unity and acceptance. Don't believe for a second he genuinely wanted to outcast the reverend completely from his life. Would you want to do that to a family friend? someone you've know for 20 years? no one would.
On July 24 2008 01:31 HnR)hT wrote: McCain's supercilious, moralistic liberalism on immigration and national question issues make him completely unacceptable. Similarly, Obama is automatically disqualified from consideration by his 20+ year association with his racist afrocentrist pastor. This leaves potentially Bob Barr, though his recent shift of positions to be more in line with the left-libertarian platform of the Libertarian Party (e.g. now he's for legalizing marijuana) leaves one underwhelmed... Where's none of the above?
I dont really understand the problem with his pastor
Why does it matter, I dont really get the uproar over what he said, people must be pretty sheltered if they think he said was all that outlandish and bad.
His pastor isnt him, not to mention there are tons of religious bigots who are friends/supporters of other candidates so why just pick Obama out?
Could you explain what your problem with it was?
My problem with what? That Obama's pastor, whom he has called his mentor and in whose church he has married and in whose church he had his children baptized, and to whose church he has donated around 20,000 as recently as in 2006, and from whom he got the title of one of his two major books, preaches that the US (where blacks have been the overwhelmingly disproportionate recepients of government largesse in the form of welfare checks, tyrannical anti-discrimination laws resulting in costly frivolous lawsuits, and affirmative action) is an irredeemably racist society and whites are the source of all evils? Who preaches that, among other things, the US government deliberately manufactured the AIDS virus to kill black people, and that Americans had it coming on 9-11 for bombing Japan and supporting "state terrorism"? And Obama apparently didn't utter a word of criticism while listening to garbage of this sort on a regular basis for 20 years, until it became problematic for his career advancement.
Just what do you think would happen to McCain if it were revealed that he's a long-time close friend of David Duke? His career would be completely finished, right there.
A large proportion of blacks in the USA hate, and I mean hate white people. Blacks, who are about 10 percent of the population, commit around half of all murders. Is it ok with you that Wright and many others like him get rich stoking such hatred, and that Obama has apparently approved of such behavior until the furthering of his political goals could no longer be based on appealing to black racialist resentment?
And to think that after much of this has been belatedly revealed by the mainstream media, Obama had the nerve to lecture whites about racism. And this man wants to be president of the United States. It would be funny if it weren't so sad.
The truth is that you know very little of reverend Wright's work or message. You know what you've seen on TV, and those are short 2 second sound bites. You can't judge an article from a sentence in it. You can't judge a book from a paragraph in it. And you can't judge a 30 minute sermon from a 2 second sound clip. You can't remove something from it's context without missing the point. You have seen one representation of reverend Wright,and you bought it hook line and sinker. Sorry my friend, but you're another casuality of the mania trash media.
I have to call you out on misrepresenting what the reverend said. He never said the US government manufactured aids, deserved 9-11, or that white's are the source of all evils in America. More importantly, you've never listened to any of his sermons. At least listen to the ones where you drew your misqoutes from before you continue this.
So why did Obama publicly end his membership in the chruch and distance himself from the Reverend?
The cynical view: It's probably the same reason your man Romney became pro-life all of a sudden.
Let me clarify exactly what happened here. Someone went through hours and hours of the reverends recorded sermons and found about 3 sentences they could use to create this image of reverend wright as a tyranical hate mongering nut. This was done to hurt Obama's campaign. Now, I've already said you can't judge a 30 minute sermon from a 2 second sound clip. I'm even going to go as far as saying that those qoutes are taken completely out of context and are devoid of their intended effect. Watch the sermons those qoutes were taken from and you will see what I mean.
On July 24 2008 01:31 HnR)hT wrote: McCain's supercilious, moralistic liberalism on immigration and national question issues make him completely unacceptable. Similarly, Obama is automatically disqualified from consideration by his 20+ year association with his racist afrocentrist pastor. This leaves potentially Bob Barr, though his recent shift of positions to be more in line with the left-libertarian platform of the Libertarian Party (e.g. now he's for legalizing marijuana) leaves one underwhelmed... Where's none of the above?
I dont really understand the problem with his pastor
Why does it matter, I dont really get the uproar over what he said, people must be pretty sheltered if they think he said was all that outlandish and bad.
His pastor isnt him, not to mention there are tons of religious bigots who are friends/supporters of other candidates so why just pick Obama out?
Could you explain what your problem with it was?
My problem with what? That Obama's pastor, whom he has called his mentor and in whose church he has married and in whose church he had his children baptized, and to whose church he has donated around 20,000 as recently as in 2006, and from whom he got the title of one of his two major books, preaches that the US (where blacks have been the overwhelmingly disproportionate recepients of government largesse in the form of welfare checks, tyrannical anti-discrimination laws resulting in costly frivolous lawsuits, and affirmative action) is an irredeemably racist society and whites are the source of all evils? Who preaches that, among other things, the US government deliberately manufactured the AIDS virus to kill black people, and that Americans had it coming on 9-11 for bombing Japan and supporting "state terrorism"? And Obama apparently didn't utter a word of criticism while listening to garbage of this sort on a regular basis for 20 years, until it became problematic for his career advancement.
Just what do you think would happen to McCain if it were revealed that he's a long-time close friend of David Duke? His career would be completely finished, right there.
A large proportion of blacks in the USA hate, and I mean hate white people. Blacks, who are about 10 percent of the population, commit around half of all murders. Is it ok with you that Wright and many others like him get rich stoking such hatred, and that Obama has apparently approved of such behavior until the furthering of his political goals could no longer be based on appealing to black racialist resentment?
And to think that after much of this has been belatedly revealed by the mainstream media, Obama had the nerve to lecture whites about racism. And this man wants to be president of the United States. It would be funny if it weren't so sad.
The truth is that you know very little of reverend Wright's work or message. You know what you've seen on TV, and those are short 2 second sound bites. You can't judge an article from a sentence in it. You can't judge a book from a paragraph in it. And you can't judge a 30 minute sermon from a 2 second sound clip. You can't remove something from it's context without missing the point. You have seen one representation of reverend Wright,and you bought it hook line and sinker. Sorry my friend, but you're another casuality of the mania trash media.
I have to call you out on misrepresenting what the reverend said. He never said the US government manufactured aids, deserved 9-11, or that white's are the source of all evils in America. More importantly, you've never listened to any of his sermons. At least listen to the ones where you drew your misqoutes from before you continue this.
So why did Obama publicly end his membership in the chruch and distance himself from the Reverend?
Don't believe for a second he genuinely wanted to outcast the reverend completely from his life. Would you want to do that to a family friend? someone you've know for 20 years? no one would.
Sometimes sheer political expedience takes precedence though, apparently at least if you're Obama
Actually, you have it wrong. Obama only distanced himself from Wright after Wright came on tv and rendered it no longer feasible to deny what his actual views are by invoking the excuse of "two second soundbites", as Obama initially had tried to do and as you've just repeated on his behalf.
I'm not going to go into any more detail trying to explain my judgement on this matter, since someone will always pick a quarrel over this or that point and it will be a different person each time, and each time it will take 10 times the effort to explain than what it takes to raise the objection in the first place. I've said enough for anyone with a genuine good-faith effort to understand where I'm coming from.
On July 24 2008 01:31 HnR)hT wrote: McCain's supercilious, moralistic liberalism on immigration and national question issues make him completely unacceptable. Similarly, Obama is automatically disqualified from consideration by his 20+ year association with his racist afrocentrist pastor. This leaves potentially Bob Barr, though his recent shift of positions to be more in line with the left-libertarian platform of the Libertarian Party (e.g. now he's for legalizing marijuana) leaves one underwhelmed... Where's none of the above?
I dont really understand the problem with his pastor
Why does it matter, I dont really get the uproar over what he said, people must be pretty sheltered if they think he said was all that outlandish and bad.
His pastor isnt him, not to mention there are tons of religious bigots who are friends/supporters of other candidates so why just pick Obama out?
Could you explain what your problem with it was?
My problem with what? That Obama's pastor, whom he has called his mentor and in whose church he has married and in whose church he had his children baptized, and to whose church he has donated around 20,000 as recently as in 2006, and from whom he got the title of one of his two major books, preaches that the US (where blacks have been the overwhelmingly disproportionate recepients of government largesse in the form of welfare checks, tyrannical anti-discrimination laws resulting in costly frivolous lawsuits, and affirmative action) is an irredeemably racist society and whites are the source of all evils? Who preaches that, among other things, the US government deliberately manufactured the AIDS virus to kill black people, and that Americans had it coming on 9-11 for bombing Japan and supporting "state terrorism"? And Obama apparently didn't utter a word of criticism while listening to garbage of this sort on a regular basis for 20 years, until it became problematic for his career advancement.
Just what do you think would happen to McCain if it were revealed that he's a long-time close friend of David Duke? His career would be completely finished, right there.
A large proportion of blacks in the USA hate, and I mean hate white people. Blacks, who are about 10 percent of the population, commit around half of all murders. Is it ok with you that Wright and many others like him get rich stoking such hatred, and that Obama has apparently approved of such behavior until the furthering of his political goals could no longer be based on appealing to black racialist resentment?
And to think that after much of this has been belatedly revealed by the mainstream media, Obama had the nerve to lecture whites about racism. And this man wants to be president of the United States. It would be funny if it weren't so sad.
The truth is that you know very little of reverend Wright's work or message. You know what you've seen on TV, and those are short 2 second sound bites. You can't judge an article from a sentence in it. You can't judge a book from a paragraph in it. And you can't judge a 30 minute sermon from a 2 second sound clip. You can't remove something from it's context without missing the point. You have seen one representation of reverend Wright,and you bought it hook line and sinker. Sorry my friend, but you're another casuality of the mania trash media.
I have to call you out on misrepresenting what the reverend said. He never said the US government manufactured aids, deserved 9-11, or that white's are the source of all evils in America. More importantly, you've never listened to any of his sermons. At least listen to the ones where you drew your misqoutes from before you continue this.
So why did Obama publicly end his membership in the chruch and distance himself from the Reverend?
The cynical view: It's probably the same reason your man Romney became pro-life all of a sudden.
I think it's a pretty fair notion. I don't think Romney is stupid enough to believe in Mormonism just as I don't think Obama is any more than a social Christian, albeit one who has good command over religious philosophy.
On July 24 2008 01:31 HnR)hT wrote: McCain's supercilious, moralistic liberalism on immigration and national question issues make him completely unacceptable. Similarly, Obama is automatically disqualified from consideration by his 20+ year association with his racist afrocentrist pastor. This leaves potentially Bob Barr, though his recent shift of positions to be more in line with the left-libertarian platform of the Libertarian Party (e.g. now he's for legalizing marijuana) leaves one underwhelmed... Where's none of the above?
I dont really understand the problem with his pastor
Why does it matter, I dont really get the uproar over what he said, people must be pretty sheltered if they think he said was all that outlandish and bad.
His pastor isnt him, not to mention there are tons of religious bigots who are friends/supporters of other candidates so why just pick Obama out?
Could you explain what your problem with it was?
My problem with what? That Obama's pastor, whom he has called his mentor and in whose church he has married and in whose church he had his children baptized, and to whose church he has donated around 20,000 as recently as in 2006, and from whom he got the title of one of his two major books, preaches that the US (where blacks have been the overwhelmingly disproportionate recepients of government largesse in the form of welfare checks, tyrannical anti-discrimination laws resulting in costly frivolous lawsuits, and affirmative action) is an irredeemably racist society and whites are the source of all evils? Who preaches that, among other things, the US government deliberately manufactured the AIDS virus to kill black people, and that Americans had it coming on 9-11 for bombing Japan and supporting "state terrorism"? And Obama apparently didn't utter a word of criticism while listening to garbage of this sort on a regular basis for 20 years, until it became problematic for his career advancement.
Just what do you think would happen to McCain if it were revealed that he's a long-time close friend of David Duke? His career would be completely finished, right there.
A large proportion of blacks in the USA hate, and I mean hate white people. Blacks, who are about 10 percent of the population, commit around half of all murders. Is it ok with you that Wright and many others like him get rich stoking such hatred, and that Obama has apparently approved of such behavior until the furthering of his political goals could no longer be based on appealing to black racialist resentment?
And to think that after much of this has been belatedly revealed by the mainstream media, Obama had the nerve to lecture whites about racism. And this man wants to be president of the United States. It would be funny if it weren't so sad.
The truth is that you know very little of reverend Wright's work or message. You know what you've seen on TV, and those are short 2 second sound bites. You can't judge an article from a sentence in it. You can't judge a book from a paragraph in it. And you can't judge a 30 minute sermon from a 2 second sound clip. You can't remove something from it's context without missing the point. You have seen one representation of reverend Wright,and you bought it hook line and sinker. Sorry my friend, but you're another casuality of the mania trash media.
I have to call you out on misrepresenting what the reverend said. He never said the US government manufactured aids, deserved 9-11, or that white's are the source of all evils in America. More importantly, you've never listened to any of his sermons. At least listen to the ones where you drew your misqoutes from before you continue this.
So why did Obama publicly end his membership in the chruch and distance himself from the Reverend?
Don't believe for a second he genuinely wanted to outcast the reverend completely from his life. Would you want to do that to a family friend? someone you've know for 20 years? no one would.
Sometimes sheer political expedience takes precedence though, apparently at least if you're Obama
Actually, you have it wrong. Obama only distanced himself from Wright after Wright came on tv and rendered it no longer feasible to deny what his actual views are by invoking the excuse of "two second soundbites", as Obama initially had tried to do and as you've just repeated on his behalf.
I'm not going to go into any more detail trying to explain my judgement on this matter, since someone will always pick a quarrel over this or that point and it will be a different person each time, and each time it will take 10 times the effort to explain than what it takes to raise the objection in the first place. I've said enough for anyone with a genuine good-faith effort to understand where I'm coming from.
Your understanding of this issue stretches about as far as my dick. That's not very far might I add. The reason Obama abandoned the "Minnesota strategy" as it has been called was simply it was hurting him in the polls, not because Wright made a TV appearance. You've ignored the majority of my points and now you're retreating behind the "I don't feel like it" veil. You haven't said enough, and now you've proven it.
[aside]Not Rev. Wright again! This can only end up badly.
I'm voting for Bob Barr, not because I dislike Obama and McCain (which I do), but because he is the closest match to my views. If I had to choose between Obama and McCain, I'd choose McCain and hope for gridlock. *dies a little inside*
That was Obama's defense before he went to multiple public venues and proved those sermons were the real Wright.
I have no problem acknowledging the reverend holds outlandish beliefs. Obama acknowledged this as well in his "A more perfect union" speech. This was before most of the reverend's public appearances.
On July 24 2008 10:24 Camilus wrote: I'm voting for Bob Barr, not because I dislike Obama and McCain (which I do), but because he is the closest match to my views.
Huh? You're a fan of government that's small enough to fit in your bedroom? Or is that one of the authoritarian policies he stopped advocating when he decided to run for the Libertarian nomination?