checking to see if you would use reverse psychology
39489 Posts
^ hahahahah good one L^O^L
Write an intro, write a paragraph for the body and copy and paaste it for a few pages, then write a solid ending.
Works every time!
Anyway, if your spamming abilities are applicable elsewhere in life, I'm sure you'll be fine. GL dude!!
Damn you certainly went apeshit on your equipment :-O
GL on the thesis!
United States41656 Posts
Two and a half week thesis? Sick yo.
gl man, I fully expect to see you ridiculously wealthy in five years and having your own nostalgic invitational tournament.
nasty. Are you going for more grad school after?
39489 Posts
2 years working then MBA.
so i guess answer is yes.
Jesus MBA too? You must enjoy torture .__.
39489 Posts
you do know that MBA is the easiest most bullshit grad degree ever? Pple who like torture are Hotbid / GI who are pursuing law, Jathin who's going into Med, etc.
One of my mom's friend's daughters got into Harvard MBA and apparnetly she was going on about how it's so hard and etc.
L^O^L I've seen what Harvard MBA courses are like, it's a fucking joke. We'd see footage of their classes during our high tech entrepreneurship course at Princeton and we'd all just laugh at it.
"we" were all like electrical / mechanical engineers + comp sci majors >__>
39489 Posts
just finished Raman Spectral analysis + writing about it woot!
Maybe I'm just bitter cuz I changed majors and it's gonna take me six years ._.
39489 Posts
take summer courses to speed up the process?
39489 Posts
man some old woman (i GUESS she is one of those random language exchange students here for the summer) came into the comp lab and damn she smelled terrible for one reason or another.
If that is perfume I want to know what retarded company manufactures that.
Yeah, I'm in two now.
Working from 9 to 4, then class from 5 to 1030 isn't fun ._____.
Especially when it's an assload of reading/writing too, woooo
but I can't complain, you're doing a thesis ;p
39489 Posts
whoo combined the literature review and edited some stuff, broek the 10k words wall (although it's not very accurate since i'm jamming the latex code into ms word and just taking a word count - and some of the code isnt actual text, but w/e!)
about two more sections to write and I'm done for the night~
you do know that MBA is the easiest most bullshit grad degree ever? Compared to a lot of the arts degrees, they're substantially more difficult, but any difficult science easily tops it. Depends 100% on your perspective : ).
39489 Posts
haha very true L.
whoo compiled it now it's 40 pages atm.