This is just to air out my feelings on the MST1 final production quality. For info on the games and some battle reports check out this thread.
I thought Diggity's commenting was really great in this series. Very fast, informative, and quite insightful at times. It helped a lot to have him with another obs view pointing out things that were not on the screen since the GameFire obs was.. Well..
Here is the thing. I think I know what the GF obs was going for: don't jump around too much to make people nauseous and keep your eye on the battles. But I really felt like I needed to use my imagination to describe the huge portions that Diggity was describing and the GF obs was missing. We never got shots of the bases after very early game, drops were routinely missed, large multi-front battles usually only offered us a glimpse of a single front, and in general I felt very annoyed at the camera work. I hate to bad-talk a guy who Diggity said was taking time away from his family, helping support the event, and also new to StarCraft.. But well. The fact that he is new to the game shows. I hope he gains some experience and any future events he may do a better job.
My next complaint is about the extra obs. While the lag problem in the first game mostly didn't show up again I felt there were many times the obs were making annoying comments showing up on the main screen. The brief stint that the GF obs did not have DND mode turned also seemed incredibly unprofessional.
And finally the whole production being done by GameFire seemed odd in the first place. As you can see from their website or from the FPS-centric intro they had (which was HORRIBLY normalized sound-wise) they just didn't seem like StarCraft was on the radar for them. I don't know who would have been better off running the streams.. Oh right, TL.net! But TL.net was not participating in the Multi-Site-Tour thing. Kind of sad.
But, thankfully the games were great and Diggity was a pretty damned competent caster. It kind of surprised me since some of his previous work I had heard (such as the Ascension series) I really didn't care for. I guess the guy is putting a lot of effort into his craft and it is showing through... So if you read this Diggity: Keep up the hard work!
Yeah the poor obsing really agitated me as well. You could hear the casters talking about a drop, or you know even see it on the minimap for yourself. Now while missing that is fine for something overall more game altering, while he's just sitting there doodling over miners it's kinda like T_T I suppose.
Zurich15306 Posts
Yeah, Diggity really got better I must say. Miscalled the FD, and didn't see a lot of details, but good overall.
The observer really sucked though.
I have to agree with the obs comments, it really ruined it for me. You could see a huge battle on the minimap and they would only look at it after it was pretty much over and you missed all the action. Instead we got to see probes mining for 20 seconds or something equally boring.
The whole thing seemed really unprofessional with the observers spouting immature comments and chatting in-game as well as lack of DND. Maybe it was a spur of the moment thing but it really let down what was an otherwise great set of games.
The observer was absolutely terrible. Diggity definitely got better, but there's still some room for improvement. But then again, when is there not? R1CH has a good point about the lack of professionalism. Maybe it's an unfair comparison, but it really paled next to the TSL.
On July 06 2008 19:13 Motiva wrote: I agree 100%
Yes, I totally agree. The casting was great, but the observer really started to bother me. It would see an arbiter move towards the terran base for a recall, then he wouldnt follow it. You would see the recall on the minimap and the observer wouldnt pick up on it for awhile. The observer also saw nony sneak a dt into the zerg base, but then he didnt watch what the dt did, just going back to it as it died. I can understand if he compeltely misses something, but when he sees what is going to happen, and then just doesnt watch it, it is really annoying. Also in a lot fo teh big battels he wouldtn have the screen focused on the best action.
Thanks for the feedback guys.
I would like to clarify some things.
First of all I did not do ascension, that was Artosis and in my opinion it was a fantastic cast. (I mean come-on it was Artosis)
Second this entire event was free top down. There was no paid funding. There were 3 people working on it.
The brunt of the honor belongs to PuertoRican who organized the games, the brackets, the sites and managed to arrange the games with eStro. He also arranged the video casting with GameFire.
GameFire.com is of course the second individual involved.
I honestly worried about the quality of the gamefire caster from top to bottom. He is a first person shooter guy and has not played broodwar to any extent as far as I know. I was very much appreciative to him for taking time away from his family (his daughter was having a hard time going to bed just prior to the cast).
Additionally Gamefire did this entirely for free.
PuertoRican was very generous in offer me a chance to cast the games live. I, of course, jumped at the opportunity and I still stand by the statement that JF v Fancy and Nony v Fancy were probably the two best games I have ever casted for obvious reasons.
My casting was predictably not perfect. I am human, not Tasteless. Any suggestions or issues you wish to point out can be sent in the form of a PM to my youtube account as always. I greatly appreciate feedback. I would like to thank D's, Chill, and G5 in particular for helping me in this regard.
Overall we lacked basically three things comparatively over the TSL 1) major funding 2) R1CH who is a god damned genius. (seriously jesus dude) 3) (which is linked to 2) a video caster who plays broodwar
For a first time out I thought this ultimately went smashingly. The video caster was off but it was existent, two of the games were epic and I found the entire thing to be immensely fun.
This is a first time out and things will only improve from here.
I think the ultimate tragedy is that Dynasty did not get to play in the final matches. He would probably have 5-0'ed eStro ez.
Almost forgot. Thanks to everyone who tuned in and listened.
Hey thanks for the extra info Diggity. Sorry to get you messed up with the Ascension thing.. I could have sworn it was Artosis + you, but I guess I am just offending someone else now by forgetting them.
Sorry if I am too down on the obs. I definitely appreciated the opportunity to watch some awesome games of Starcraft and have a huge amount of appreciating for everyone who put this together. I am curious if Alex from GameFire is now turned on to Starcraft? Perhaps if he obs the next MST he will be on top of his game :D
Sorry if I am too down on the obs. I definitely appreciated the opportunity to watch some awesome games of Starcraft and have a huge amount of appreciating for everyone who put this together. I am curious if Alex from GameFire is now turned on to Starcraft? Perhaps if he obs the next MST he will be on top of his game :D
Yep that is what I am hoping for as well.
Regardless of the issues, I thought the games were entertaining. Yes, the obs was slightly off and probably could have used some work. The casting was quality and we should appreciate the effort from game fire regardless.
Here's a POSITIVE solution, watch the replays + the vods listening only to the audio. Problem solved eh?
On July 07 2008 16:18 Alizee- wrote: Here's a POSITIVE solution, watch the replays + the vods listening only to the audio. Problem solved eh?
Pretty good idea, actually.