Croatia9462 Posts
| Season 45 |
Season 45 starts Sunday, May 13th, 17:00 CET | | | | | | | | Assignation based on the previous season standings, new teams start from last division. | |
| DIV-A | DIV-B | DIV-C | [KDV]-A | [KDV]-B | [eF] | ash | Inae | BuLL) | dM- | iRk-B | FGs | iRk-A | mSj | Fkc | NaS | pSi | iM- | Red-A | Red-B | Rev |
| | | |
| • SC:Remastered, Battle.net, Europe. | | • The default Channel is respectively DIV-A, DIV-B, DIV-C | | • All matches have to be payed on Speed Setting '7 — Fastest'. | | • Dynamic turn rate has to be used. | | • Third party observers are only allowed if both players agree. | | • Official casters and streamers must be allowed into the game lobby. | | • Replays of every match must be saved. | | • If a disconnect occurs during the first two minutes of a Clan League match, the match must be repeated; players have to use the same race as in the disconnected match. | | • If a disconnect occurs after the first two minutes of a Clan League match, players may agree who caused the disconnects and act accordingly; if the players cannot agree, a BWCL Admin must be notified, to decide on the issue. | | • Every player may pause or unpause a Clan League match at any time, without giving a reason; complaints referring to pausing or unpausing a Clan League match are not accepted by the BWCL Administration. The administration advices both parties to follow the motto of fair play and not try to gain an advantage in these cases. |
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Transistor |
Neo Jade |
Mist | | | |
Eye of the Storm |
Gladiator |
Colosseum | | | |
Heartbreak Ridge |
Tau Cross |
Aztec | | | |
Andromeda |
Heartbeat |
Roadkill | | | |
Blue Storm |
Circuit Breaker |
Fighting Spirit | | | |
| • The official BWCL Map Pool has to be used. | | • The first map of every set is chosen by the Administration and is displayed at grids. | | • The Maps for the second (and third, if any) match are chosen by the loser of the match just played. | | • No map is allowed to be chosen twice, unless the opponent agrees. |
| | | • It's a double round-robin League (each Clan meets twice)
| | • This season starts with 3 divisions composed by 6 Clan each, hence the regular season stands 10 weeks. | | • Clan League matches (CW) take place once a week; the default time is Sunday, 17.00 CEST. | | • The CW format is four 1v1 and one 2v2, all best of 3. | | • If the opponents team does not show up, a walk over may be requested by the team leader. If a team lacks players for single sets, a walk over for the set can be requested. Every walk over request should be posted in the according topic along with a Screenshot of the channel; include the /whois information for proof. | | • A walk over can be requested if a team/player misses to show up 15 minutes after the scheduled time. | | • Single sets can be post poned if both teams agree. It is the duty of the teams to play out the missing sets within 48 hours after the scheduled war. |
| | • Every set win give a point, the winning Clan receive one extra point. example: CW scored 3:2, points +4 and +2. | | • Walk-Over is counted as +3 and -1 points. | | • All replays must be saved and submitted at grid, without exceptions. |
| | • Every Clan has to nominate a leader who manages the team in the ongoing season. Captains can serve as second in command to help. The Leader is the only and final responsible for his team. | | • Captains can add and remove players from the roster and can edit the line-up, so give this position to trusted members only. | | • The minimum number of active players required is 6 with the max of 20 members. | | • Koreans allowed, except pro or semi-pro. | | • Adding and removing players during the regular season is allowed and has to be informally announced in the Discord Roster-changes channel. | | • A new player can play if he was added at least 48 hours before the Clan War is scheduled to start. |
| | • PLAY-OFF: first 3 teams play a single elimination bracket seeded 2-3; winner vs 1. The final winner is promoted to higher division. | | • PLAY-OUT: last 3 teams play a single elimination bracket seeded 4-5; loser vs 6, winner is safe. The final loser is demoted to lower division. | | • Roster changes are not allowed during playoffs/out and players have to have played at least one match in the regular season. | | • Postponements are not allowed during playoffs/out. | | • Streaming personal games, sets or entire wars for the playoffs/out phase is only allowed after being granted permission by the BWCL Administration. |
| | | Our weekly stream will be casted every Sunday evening right after first matches, by our veteran Vincent at twitch.tv/vincent4tv | | | | BWCL Administration reserves the right of admission for each and every player or team. | Also reserves the right to modify the rules without justification or prior announcement. |
| | | | | Admins: Cele, Face, Gecko, Fischei, Fry, Scorn, Vincent |
| | |
looking forward to it
We’re getting closer!!!
Few more days to go !!
GLHF all
Where is Third World and Sparkle?
Cele is from the third world, that's bad enough for everyone.
On May 11 2018 07:30 GeckoXp wrote: Cele is from the third world, that's bad enough for everyone.
I know you love me and simply don't know how to express it. You shouldn't be ashamed of your feelings. Just let it out and you'll feel better if you are able to express all those forbidden feelings and ideas.
P.s. your not my type. Really. Sorry.
I am content with this map pack. Good work.
Singapore66064 Posts
nice map pack! hope to see vods on youtube :D
Netherlands4660 Posts
Is Brood War Clan League the right Liquipedia or is there something newer?
VincentTV, please try to fill out everything when you add an event to the calendar.
This is the liquipage BWCL Season 45 feel free to help to update and make it better.
Important changes to second phase:
LEAGUE WINNER: The top4 Div-A teams will play a single elimination bracket seeded 1-4 and 2-3.
MIXED FORMAT for PLAYOFF/OUT: with the chance to have 2 teams to jump in div-A, 4 teams jump in div-B, 2 teams jump in div-C
Div-A rank 5 vs. Div-B rank 2 Div-A rank 6 vs. Div-B rank 1
Div-B rank 6 vs. Div-C rank 1 Div-B rank 5 vs. Div-C rank 2
• PLAY-OFF: first 3 teams play a single elimination bracket seeded 2-3; winner vs 1. The final winner is promoted to higher division. • PLAY-OUT: last 3 teams play a single elimination bracket seeded 4-5; loser vs 6, winner is safe. The final loser is demoted to lower division.