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This map's distinctive feature is surrounding cliff Main to 4th. the cliffs can offer you overlord sights and liberator's attack points. but can not drop any units. this cliffs can be so big variables. The center is too important. because, the center is the fastest route to enemy's bases and main bases. so, the player should use 3rd cliffs and centers at the same time.
I think air is strong right now and this map may exaggerate it to something unbalanced. The also cliffs end up congesting the map and make it more difficult to flank and counterattack since you have to go through the center. I'm unsure that this map will be balanced. You may want to redesign the expansions at the 12, 3, 6, and 9 o'clock positions so that they offer a path that avoids the center; maybe you could cut a path through the cliffs around those bases and block it with rocks? That way you would have a path that doesn't go through the center once the rocks are taken down, but in the early game it won't matter. A downside of that kind of feature would be more rotational imbalance depending on spawns.
The name Zephyr really resonates with the blue, swirling cliffs - 10/10 for flavor!
The name brings back memories of Zephyr Cove. Alas, this map has air pwnage literally written all over it
in addition to what other people said, i think the 4th bases might be too far away