I have time and time again thought about writing this, but it's such an awkward and deeply personal subject to write about and the reasons for writing this are for what purpose? A cathartic exercise, for conformation on my viewpoint? This blog is one take, I'm not going to edit and format this so excuse the probable mess that this is.
I was diagnosed formally with aspergers at age 11 which depending on which study you read is either the average age of diagnosis or 3-5 years late. (Aspergers is no longer a diagnosis and has been put into the high functioning end of autism) From when I was younger, I was considered an intellectual but naughty child, in my primary school I got about 7-8 exclusions from behavior like criticising the teachers/staff (telling them to fuck off repeatably) to getting in fights with other students. For the most part primary school was perfectly fine, I was a popular kid (being a very active/athletic child helped, captain of the cricket team the person with the furthest throw in school ect) My education was also pretty good, I live in quite an affluent area (average house price is over £500k here) so our school had very good facilities and teachers. I was put into the gifted and talented sections for maths, science geography ect had a reading/writing age of an adult (for anyone UK based, in KS2 all the tests I took were done at level 6 sat which was maximum allowed) So by all account my educational life and external life were pretty good, had solid friend group doing very good in all my studies. I then was diagnosed with Aspergers, right before I had to go to secondary school, the nurse and headteacher/deputy at my primary had thought I was from around the age of 10, but getting a formal diagnosis is expensive and my parents thought I wasn't. That was because they were recommended to read a book, but the book was about Autism/Aspergers and they read skim read the first part and decided it wasn't anything like me and put the book away. My mother then had a conversation with someone who had an aspergers child and the things that had happened in his life sounded similar to mine, so she read the book focusing on the aspergers section and thought I was similar enough to warrant testing. Que diagnosis of aspergers and the recommendation to join mensa (99.99th percentile, and yes an formal IQ test was done as it would help the diagnosis) Part of the reason you get the diagnosis is because supposedly you're meant to get things that help you put in place.
Anyway que the transition to secondary school, the secondary school I went to was a fucking dump, people do fuck all because most of the kids that go there were pretty intelligent (affluent area problems) and therefore the barest minimum input was required to get people to do well, oh and it was an all boys school. Anyway my first day I get punched by a year 11 (age 15-16 I was age 11-12) it was for no reason (it was a dare from his friend), I took the punch well (rolled with the blow) (also have a high pain threshold) and just walked to my next class. The reason I mention this was because I think it changed my mindset on the environment as such when anyone pissed my off in the slightest I would react very aggressively (throw a chair at someone, put them in a headlock and drag them off a chair into a wall) I got my first exclusion within 2 weeks. Not to mention year 7 was so fucking boring it was recapping things and not teaching us so pretty much everyone just messed about, the teachers used me as an example tool, they would send me out the room or give me a detention because it was easy for them to do so, because I had a diagnosis there was a wing for anyone with a disorder/condition could go or be sent to meaning it was less of a punishment for me than anyone else, also I didn't care or show up to any detentions. My attendance dropped to non-existent (fun note my total secondary school attendance age-11-16 was 3% average amount of school days in a year is about 180 so I had about 27 days of full schooling the percentage excludes days where I had half days in school) Anyway, I was still on the name list for the school until I was in year 9 before I was kicked out. I then had a year of home "education" which just amounted to me doing fuck all, was pretty much just so me being at home wasn't illegal. Forgot to mention my parents were suggested to send me to a borstal they told them to politely fuck off. If you don't know what a borstal is it's pretty much a place a bunch of stab happy youths end up. This is when my parents had the bright idea to send me to a "specialist school" a place that is intended for the care of people with mental disorders. I trialed through about 3, pretty much all of them were not suitable because the intelligence levels of the majority of their pupils was low and they offered at maximum 5 GCSE's. So I end up at this school that's supposedly designed for high functioning autistic and aspergers pupils. Seemed "good" so I was sent to trial there, the trial was 3 months of staying there with limited contact with my parents to see if I settled. Perfect way of settling someone in. My first room there was very welcoming, it only had help me etched into the wood about 5-6 times oh and the windows were barred, so you could only get the window open about 1-2 inches. The rules were good, you can only eat at certain times you have limited time doing things you want to do (called free time was about 1-2 hr a day, 2hr on weekends) rest of the time was scheduled to "activities" with the rest of the medicated psychopaths, not kidding, I was the only kid in the school who wasn't medicated (broke into the filling cabinets when they took my phone from me) put it this way for the 2 years I was there there was something like 5-10 "suicide" attempts, lots of fights, probably daily (all the staff had radios and they had a team of men that were trained in supines, which is pretty much were you have 2 people pin your arms down one person over your legs and holding your feet) two of the memorable psychos at that school were someone that poured boiling water over someone because he thought they stole his earbuds and a kid that woke up at 7 in the morning and opened his door and slammed it repeatably until people woke up and told him to shut the fuck up, then he'd give you this crazy stare, recently found out that kid is now in a criminally mental hospital. Anyway this place is fun, the people that were "normal" were manipulative fuckers, if you wanted something you'd piss off one of the more psycho kids so the staff were busy and you could do what you wanted. (Not going to lie, I did do that sometimes) Anyway this is all just sort of vague background stuff. Now the bit that pertains to me, when I was at this school it was all about control, the school needed to control the students, since I refused medication (my parents also refused it) they used various measures to try and force me to conform. Now I'm a very fussy eater, I've had the same lunch for the past 3 years pretty much the same breakfast and a choice of dinners. I also don't eat certain foods in certain places liquid food (soup) I will only eat at home. I dislike eating in public or with people I distrust. This is because I find it difficult to keep food down, if something is disgusting and I'm eating I lose appetite also if the food isn't pleasing in looks/texture/taste I won't eat it. Anyway to send someone to this school costs from £100k-£200k a year (council/statefunded) this was mostly because there was 5-7 staff for each pupil that was on site, this includes cleaners/maintenance. Forgot to mention there was different sections and they could be locked down by magnetic doors. Anyway, the cost they spent each day for feeding a pupil was £2, meaning the food was poor quality, pre cooked bought bulk shit. I couldn't eat it because it was so repulsive, not to mention peoples eating habits were fucking disgusting there. So I brought in my own food and would cook in the kitchens we had. Everything was locked away and you would only be allowed in if you had a staff member there. Point is because there's not a policy on people bringing in their own food if I didn't attend the school or didn't engage in their "activities" then I wouldn't be allowed to cook/make my own food. They would offer me their food but I wouldn't eat it and they knew that. So pretty much I'm being starved but it would be recorded as me refusing to eat. Another thing I forgot to mention, everything we did was recorded and logged in books and on their system. So I go from being a normal kid to being 6 stone, my muscles had atrophied it was that bad, I would go without eating for 2 weeks on some occasions before I would be allowed home (every 2 weeks I could go home for a weekend) So at worst it would be 2 weeks without food but more common was 3-4 days without food then a day of food and so on. (I was fed decently at home) It got to a stage a NHS nurse was called in. Anyway I would be up for 3-4 days without sleep crash for 2 days, I would sometimes hallucinate (very rarely not sure if it was sleep or lack of food) at worst I went without water for a day and a half (hadn't eaten for a week and a half at the point also) I was 5ft 4 at 6 stone at the age of 16 when I finally left that school. I would have killed myself if I hadn't got a phone, internet and everything was restricted but I had a phone that I could connect with. They tried taking it from me but I would keep it on me at all times, so then they took my charger ect. I also tried hiding food in my room I got pretty good at that but at best all I could hide was packets of biscuits, one good hiding spot was in the lining of a bike helmet. They would check pretty much everywhere and take away stuff. Anyway the one time they took my phone was thankfully a couple of days before I got to go home and they had to hand it back to me so I learnt my lesson and either hid it or kept it on me all the time, as I said they then tried taking my charger so I had to keep that on me. Throughout this obviously I was pretty angry at some points, as I said earlier there was the supine, I was so fragile that when I was supined (how the fuck is a 6stone starved kid a threat) that I bruised so badly on my arms where they kept them down. I would call my parents every day, or at least try I would explain what was happening and they would either say I'm sure that's not the case and phone the school where someone would give an altered account (I mean who would you listen to the aspergers kid who is manipulative or the "professional") I would cry in despair and swear at them, they would just hang up half the time. It took me two years before I managed to get them to take me out of that school. (I did point blank refuse to go back many times but my parents would just force me into the car and if not the school had a provision that would go and pick kids up and take them there) Anyway they didn't really see how skinny I was, I would wear a hoodie and baggy clothes all the time and wouldn't really let anyone near me but as I said, 6 stone 5ft 4 at 16. (I didn't grow in height since I was 11 and I think before I went to the school I was 7 1/2 stone) Now I'm close to double that weight and I'm 6ft 4 I have stretch marks on my back from where I grew so fast. There's lots more I could say and this post is just random collections and ramblings about key things that fucked my life. I left half way through my final GCSE year, I didn't go back just to do the tests I was pretty fucking done with that school. When I left that school I didn't leave my house for 2 years, I had 0 real life friends since I was taken away to a boarding school and because I never wanted to see anyone since around year 8. I have 0 qualifications, no prospects and I'm whiling away the time playing games. Before anyone suggests therapy or anything like that I was sent to someone, they said I was too much of a closed book for them to really do anything. I'm a pretty bottled up person, I've got very good at controlling my anger, after all that shit not much really gets me annoyed. Anyway, I don't really know where I lie with my parents, they obviously fucked up big time not taking me out that school sooner, but my mum had depression during that time and I suppose they just wanted it to work. They care a lot about me now but I can't fully care back after all that. Anyway, I'm really not sure where to go with my life, I can learn things quick if they interest me but I'm pretty much stuck making my own way in life I mean with a track record like mine who the fuck would hire me except for manual labor jobs.
TL:DR anyway to get motivated and get back a lust for life?
Here goes posting this emotionally charged festering pile of shitty writing.
That's pretty fucked up man. Really sorry to hear you had to go through that. I'm glad you aren't hostile towards your parents after that experience, they were probably just doing what they thought best. One of the biggest things that helped me out of depression was when I was finally able to go to school for computer science, a subject that I'm really passionate about. School might not be on the table for you (and you might not even want to if it was) but I'd just recommend trying to find what you are passionate about and pursuing it, and maybe trying to find a hobby or two to spend your time on. For what it's worth, skill and knowledge are more important than a degree for a lot of technical and computer-related subjects... so you might not be stuck on manual jobs.
Life can be hard man, I'll be hoping for the best for you.
You have my great sympathy. Your parents were told & reinforced that was how they should "help" you. And, somewhere in some government agency, what you went through is considered "help". But it wasn't. So it is to your credit that you don't hold a massive grudge for what you went through, even if it was pretty wrong.
As for what to do? If you actually have Asperger's (let's ignore the stupidity that the DSM caused in that area), all you ever really needed was some specific training for how to read people better and to drop subjects. Classically, those with Asperger's tend to obsess over minor details, which can make them very difficult to interact with.
So my recommendation would be "learn how to & get in great shape". If that seems cliched, don't take it that way. I don't mean the standard "hit the gym & do what everyone else does". No, I mean go and learn how to do actual fitness. The deeper science behind mechanics and human physiology.
I suggest this for two distinct reasons. Firstly, getting in good shape will help in general. The health of the body drives a significant portion of both mood & mental state, so the direct health benefits are there. The second is that it's a truly life-long valuable skill to have, yet the topic is deeper than any human can truly understand. While not a directly marketable skill, it could open up your thoughts to directions you might want to go. Who knows, maybe you're a natural medical device engineer? There's a whole world of careers & fascinating parts of life revolved around topic itself. Considering you're a pretty intelligent guy, I'm sure there's some part of the study of human physiology that would really enjoy learning. It's an idea for a world you've only experienced in the really nasty parts. There are parts of the medical industry that actually do a lot of good, and maybe you're meant to be there. Or maybe you decide to become a professional rock climber.
But it's a suggestion that will have a good benefit in the first place, and if you find something highly fascinating to pursue, all the better. If you want a starting point, find a copy of Starting Strength by Mark Rippetoe. While that's a lifting book, it's a really good introductory lesson in how the body actually works from a guy that's really blunt about not being stupid. (Form is everything in workouts. Otherwise you hurt yourself.) There's also a whole world of body weight literature and gymnastic activities. True fitness is a practical but "hard" science. And you get in great shape with it, so everyone wants to know your "secret". (It's always proper time investment & eating properly, haha.)
I do hope things go well for you. Good luck.
I can relate to a lot of this, I got diagnosed with aspergers as well (around the same age coincidentally.) These days I seriously question the legitimacey of the disorder/diagnosis :/ but that's another topic.
Anyways, mostly what I can relate to is how the program I was put into wasn't really about helping so much as just dealing with me. The expectation being that I would just stay there for the rest of my life just like everyone else in it. Fortunately I'm out of it now but those were not the better years of my life.
TL:DR anyway to get motivated and get back a lust for life?
After going through all of that I can understand the desire to just get going and getting on with life but in my experience it wasn't that simple. A lust for life may not return all that quickly and if you focus on that too much it could cause you even more grief. I found it easier to just focus on making sure things never fell that low again and over time I slowly began to feel that "lust for life".
Get your doctors to give you Ritalin/Aderall (don't know where you're from). It's a HUUUGE quality of life improvement. I think your problems stem from the lack of executive function and those help greatly.
It's disturbing to hear about this. I like the other replies in this thread.
What really helped me to erase my mind's faulty programming was to try psychedelic substances. hope it helps.
I can relate somewhat as I was also diagnosed with aspergers at age 11. I don't really give a fuck though It's mostly just a lable that society creates to put you in place.
I can also relate to the part with criticising teachers and getting into fights. The school I went to never gave a fuck about me. So I just did whatever and got into lots of trouble. That's all behind me now. I guess it's over for you too.
This is the part where I'm supposed to wish you good luck in life but well... I couldn't be bothered to read it all so just remember this one thing.
The ball is in your court. Do what you must. Find something you like or want to get and get to work. Literally.
Sporting is good like already mentioned. Drop by the TL health and fitness thread and we can help you start. Maybe try getting a job or something? Doesn't have to be complicated as long as it gives you something useful to do and it's a way to meet other people.
First of all, you can never blame anyone. Your parents just wanted the best for you. All those teachers thought they were doing a good job when they were trying to drill you down; most people are terrified of something different and want everyone to behave and act the same for a lovey peaceful world (vomit). The teachers that didn't give a fuck about you were just bored of their job and just wanted easy money to bring home, which is what most people would do in their situation. That's just how people are.
They tried to make you like them. They tried to kill what made you unique. They tried to kill your spirit and your soul. JUST BY WRITING THIS POST I can see so clearly that it has failed.
A big fact you may not realize is that your lust for life is ALREADY IN YOU right now. This is because you know who you are; you know why you're different and what makes you an individual and you've never forgotten it. That is the most important thing we can hope to achieve in this life, knowledge of ourselves and who we are. Once you lose that, then it really is all over; then there won't be any more TL posts....you'll just be another cog in the machine.
As long as you never forget who you are and hold that close, you have a chance of staying 'alive'
On February 17 2016 17:59 firehand101 wrote: First of all, you can never blame anyone. Your parents just wanted the best for you. All those teachers thought they were doing a good job when they were trying to drill you down; most people are terrified of something different and want everyone to behave and act the same for a lovey peaceful world (vomit). The teachers that didn't give a fuck about you were just bored of their job and just wanted easy money to bring home, which is what most people would do in their situation. That's just how people are.
They tried to make you like them. They tried to kill what made you unique. They tried to kill your spirit and your soul. JUST BY WRITING THIS POST I can see so clearly that it has failed.
A big fact you may not realize is that your lust for life is ALREADY IN YOU right now. This is because you know who you are; you know why you're different and what makes you an individual and you've never forgotten it. That is the most important thing we can hope to achieve in this life, knowledge of ourselves and who we are. Once you lose that, then it really is all over; then there won't be any more TL posts....you'll just be another cog in the machine.
As long as you never forget who you are and hold that close, you have a chance of staying 'alive' People tend to be pretty resilient. If I look back at some years during which I was quite miserable I still learned a lot and had many happy memories and a few years after I was already perfectly content with my life. Anyone who is playing games or writing on TL or making online friends is already not beyond redemption, I would say, it's already vastly more than nothing.
I personally had a time during which I was preoccupied with something akin to revenge or justice on the people that made my high school years a living hell as well as develop an understanding of the effect it had on me as a person. Eventually I was granted an interview with the dean of the school who mumbled some common place excuses about how they did not know any better in those days and about how policy has changed since then. It did not help me much, but it contributed to the process of allowing me to resolve my childhood traumas by distancing myself from them and accepting that there was nothing I could about it. And when I used to see former class mates I would literally hide to avoid meeting them, but nowadays I no longer care.
I read that there is a dangerous form of nostalgia which can be damaging: it depends on whether you can identify yourself with the person that you once were. If you are haunted by bad memories which are associated with a situation and a self which are unrecognisable to you then it might be hard to come to terms with them, while if you see the clear connection between the person you once were and the person you are now and you can trace the development, then it might be possible to find some form of closure. Just a theory, anyhow.
The average price for housing here is much higher than that but the average education level for any non-East Indians is somewhere between caveman and ghetto level.
So I end up at this school that's supposedly designed for high functioning autistic and aspergers pupils
I was forced into different programs whose purpose was basically to section off people so no one else has to deal with them. Sounds similar. The similarities end there, though. I was harassed and attacked daily, my grandmother did her darnest to get rid of me until it became financially damaging to do so, and the systems suggested basically to throw me in a ditch. I was first diagnosed with ADHD then, between multiple months-long stays at the hospital, bipolar. It changed in 2009 to High Functioning Autism with traits of Schizophrenia. 100k is more than what we have made net in the last 16 years. My grandmother were actually 30k in debt for most of this time. She paid a debt solution thing to get rid of it only to go right back into debt the next month.
Unlike you I didn't socialize at all. I dropped out in grade 11 and never stepped outside other than starting in 2014 to go to the vet to try to save my cat. Other than my cat and sometimes my grandmother I have no conversions to a physical entity. Your meals are more expensive than what I've eaten, too. I've lived off of a cheaper version of ramen for my entire life, the most exotic food I've had is cereal and very very rarely (once a year or so) I have enough money for chinese food or something. I've also never owned (nor desired) a phone, but that will likely be more because I have always remained in a single spot and mobile is never a consideration. At this point in time I can't even walk since my knee is so bad but, even so, staying in place in total silence and darkness is my ideal place to be.
That you can do nothing about these things will erode at you as the years trickle on by. As my disabilities became stronger and crippled my ability to pursue my personal ventures, and my life's work died in my hands over 26 long years, I came to realize that my time, and all of the effort and tears and blood and sweat spent on trying to cling to that time, was a complete waste. in 2009 I gave up on the one thing that kept me going, and I attempted suicide multiple times. However, this is Canada, knives aren't sharp and no one has firearms, and most of our drugs aren't potent enough to harm you even when you down an entire bottle.
in 2006 all of our dogs were put down one by one and I was the one to carry them to their death, half due to age half due to cancer (heriditary). My dog was put down the same day we were evicted so our landlord could sell the house. With my disabilities any changes of environments are hard. Each and every single day I have nightmares about the house, the dogs, or my cat, who I have struggled with nonstop over the last two years to keep alive through perpetual eye ulcers. Between that and the physical pain of day to day living, the overwhelming anxiety and stress, life is rather miserable. Of course, like clockwork, we were evicted in 2014 as well and since housing in canada has gone up by four fold since before the pension and disability between my grandmother and I doesn't pay for rent much less food. We are far below the poverty line and it's only a matter of time until she caves in and moves into an apartment, which I will not enjoy, so at that stage I am going to down a bottle of warfarin and step in front of a train or bus. If my cat goes under before then, same thing. I am committed to ending this demented road here.
Although it may not seem like it, having real parents and the ability to function near people is an incredible blessing. I envy you greatly. My mother simply tried to kill me, and encouraged my grandmother to do so as well. I've never once seen my father. No child care from either of them. Rather, they stole my grandmother's husband's will money and left her with nothing.
I've done well to absolve my past, present, and future by acknowledging that all things are outside of one's control and that there is no point spending energy on emotion. The nonstop depression and anxiety has slowly burned away all of my humanity and left me with only isolation and anger. But anger is a useful emotion if you can keep it in check - it produces a driving force which can be directed to performing mundane tasks, like drinking or eating, which is about all I can manage to do during the times we have anything to eat. The joke that is Canadian mental health abandoned us at all roads and the doctor I tried to get to help just moved his practice after meeting me 2 years after we made an appointment (which is short as far as Canadian waiting lists are concerned).
Every day I consider what things could have been like had certain, simple elements been different. Had I parents, had the parents money, had I been born in a real country, had I been younger or older, a bit stronger, had the circumstances with housing and dogs been different etc. Your story provides me a window in one of the many possible alternative routes there could have been. I would have preferred it. Having someone who genuinely gave some shred of a shit about what you thought or said, even if it is only at surface value, is something I'll never experience no matter how many weeks I have left. I'll be 30 in one and a half years and I've never held eye contact, never held a conversation, never so much as been close to someone. None of this bothers me nearly as much as knowing I, as an individual, failed every single thing I set out to accomplish. The things I spent my every waking hour attempting to forge are all distant, bitter memories, and all things I want to do are merely the desperate dreams of a fool. I committed every ounce of my living energy into stepping forward towards what I believed in and I could not even crawl. I live as a shadow awaiting my appointed time to finally be free of it all. But I can't go yet. Not while my cat still needs me. I swore I would keep her safe until the end of her days or until I can no longer, and I am anything but a liar.
You can learn things, you say. Never, ever underestimate the value of this ability. You only come to realize the value of things after you lose them. Live your life and never forget the past, but don't let the past become your demon. The lessons learned therein should be only your lessons, not your tutor.
On February 18 2016 20:10 IskatuMesk wrote:The average price for housing here is much higher than that but the average education level for any non-East Indians is somewhere between caveman and ghetto level. Show nested quote +So I end up at this school that's supposedly designed for high functioning autistic and aspergers pupils I was forced into different programs whose purpose was basically to section off people so no one else has to deal with them. Sounds similar. The similarities end there, though. I was harassed and attacked daily, my grandmother did her darnest to get rid of me until it became financially damaging to do so, and the systems suggested basically to throw me in a ditch. I was first diagnosed with ADHD then, between multiple months-long stays at the hospital, bipolar. It changed in 2009 to High Functioning Autism with traits of Schizophrenia. 100k is more than what we have made net in the last 16 years. My grandmother were actually 30k in debt for most of this time. She paid a debt solution thing to get rid of it only to go right back into debt the next month. Unlike you I didn't socialize at all. I dropped out in grade 11 and never stepped outside other than starting in 2014 to go to the vet to try to save my cat. Other than my cat and sometimes my grandmother I have no conversions to a physical entity. Your meals are more expensive than what I've eaten, too. I've lived off of a cheaper version of ramen for my entire life, the most exotic food I've had is cereal and very very rarely (once a year or so) I have enough money for chinese food or something. I've also never owned (nor desired) a phone, but that will likely be more because I have always remained in a single spot and mobile is never a consideration. At this point in time I can't even walk since my knee is so bad but, even so, staying in place in total silence and darkness is my ideal place to be. That you can do nothing about these things will erode at you as the years trickle on by. As my disabilities became stronger and crippled my ability to pursue my personal ventures, and my life's work died in my hands over 26 long years, I came to realize that my time, and all of the effort and tears and blood and sweat spent on trying to cling to that time, was a complete waste. in 2009 I gave up on the one thing that kept me going, and I attempted suicide multiple times. However, this is Canada, knives aren't sharp and no one has firearms, and most of our drugs aren't potent enough to harm you even when you down an entire bottle. in 2006 all of our dogs were put down one by one and I was the one to carry them to their death, half due to age half due to cancer (heriditary). My dog was put down the same day we were evicted so our landlord could sell the house. With my disabilities any changes of environments are hard. Each and every single day I have nightmares about the house, the dogs, or my cat, who I have struggled with nonstop over the last two years to keep alive through perpetual eye ulcers. Between that and the physical pain of day to day living, the overwhelming anxiety and stress, life is rather miserable. Of course, like clockwork, we were evicted in 2014 as well and since housing in canada has gone up by four fold since before the pension and disability between my grandmother and I doesn't pay for rent much less food. We are far below the poverty line and it's only a matter of time until she caves in and moves into an apartment, which I will not enjoy, so at that stage I am going to down a bottle of warfarin and step in front of a train or bus. If my cat goes under before then, same thing. I am committed to ending this demented road here. Although it may not seem like it, having real parents and the ability to function near people is an incredible blessing. I envy you greatly. My mother simply tried to kill me, and encouraged my grandmother to do so as well. I've never once seen my father. No child care from either of them. Rather, they stole my grandmother's husband's will money and left her with nothing. I've done well to absolve my past, present, and future by acknowledging that all things are outside of one's control and that there is no point spending energy on emotion. The nonstop depression and anxiety has slowly burned away all of my humanity and left me with only isolation and anger. But anger is a useful emotion if you can keep it in check - it produces a driving force which can be directed to performing mundane tasks, like drinking or eating, which is about all I can manage to do during the times we have anything to eat. The joke that is Canadian mental health abandoned us at all roads and the doctor I tried to get to help just moved his practice after meeting me 2 years after we made an appointment (which is short as far as Canadian waiting lists are concerned). Every day I consider what things could have been like had certain, simple elements been different. Had I parents, had the parents money, had I been born in a real country, had I been younger or older, a bit stronger, had the circumstances with housing and dogs been different etc. Your story provides me a window in one of the many possible alternative routes there could have been. I would have preferred it. Having someone who genuinely gave some shred of a shit about what you thought or said, even if it is only at surface value, is something I'll never experience no matter how many weeks I have left. I'll be 30 in one and a half years and I've never held eye contact, never held a conversation, never so much as been close to someone. None of this bothers me nearly as much as knowing I, as an individual, failed every single thing I set out to accomplish. The things I spent my every waking hour attempting to forge are all distant, bitter memories, and all things I want to do are merely the desperate dreams of a fool. I committed every ounce of my living energy into stepping forward towards what I believed in and I could not even crawl. I live as a shadow awaiting my appointed time to finally be free of it all. But I can't go yet. Not while my cat still needs me. I swore I would keep her safe until the end of her days or until I can no longer, and I am anything but a liar. You can learn things, you say. Never, ever underestimate the value of this ability. You only come to realize the value of things after you lose them. Live your life and never forget the past, but don't let the past become your demon. The lessons learned therein should be only your lessons, not your tutor.
Things can change really fast. That's the reason not to commit seppuku
Ignore this post for now, clicked post rather than edit. If a mod could delete.