Tuesday, Feb 02 5:00pm GMT (GMT+00:00)
Official Stream
Semi Final
ByuN vs Soulkey
sOs vs herO
Grand Final
+ Show Spoiler +
+ Show Spoiler [Semi Finals] +
ByuN <Ruins of Seras> Soulkey
ByuN <Dusk Towers> Soulkey
ByuN <Lerilak Crest> Soulkey
ByuN <Ulrena> Soulkey
ByuN Wins 3-1 and moves on to the finals!
sOs <Orbital Shipyard> herO
sOs <Prion Terraces> herO
sOs <Dusk Towers> herO
sOs <Ruins of Seras> herO
sOs <Lerilak Crest> herO
sOs Wins 3-2 and moves on to the finals!
+ Show Spoiler [Grand Finals] +
+ Show Spoiler +
★★ - Pretty meh (0)
★★★ - It was alright (2)
★★★★ - Pretty darn good (12)
★★★★★ - That was amazing! (2)
17 total votes
Your vote: Recommend ByuN vs Soulkey Game 1?
(Vote): ★ - Ugh, disgusting
(Vote): ★★ - Pretty meh
(Vote): ★★★ - It was alright
(Vote): ★★★★ - Pretty darn good
(Vote): ★★★★★ - That was amazing!
★★ - Pretty meh (2)
★★★ - It was alright (0)
★★★★ - Pretty darn good (8)
★★★★★ - That was amazing! (12)
22 total votes
Your vote: Recommend ByuN vs Soulkey Game 2?
(Vote): ★ - Ugh, disgusting
(Vote): ★★ - Pretty meh
(Vote): ★★★ - It was alright
(Vote): ★★★★ - Pretty darn good
(Vote): ★★★★★ - That was amazing!
★★ - Pretty meh (3)
★★★ - It was alright (4)
★★★★ - Pretty darn good (6)
★★★★★ - That was amazing! (0)
13 total votes
Your vote: Recommend ByuN vs Soulkey Game 3?
(Vote): ★ - Ugh, disgusting
(Vote): ★★ - Pretty meh
(Vote): ★★★ - It was alright
(Vote): ★★★★ - Pretty darn good
(Vote): ★★★★★ - That was amazing!
★★ - Pretty meh (1)
★★★ - It was alright (7)
★★★★ - Pretty darn good (6)
★★★★★ - That was amazing! (1)
15 total votes
Your vote: Recommend ByuN vs Soulkey Game 4?
(Vote): ★ - Ugh, disgusting
(Vote): ★★ - Pretty meh
(Vote): ★★★ - It was alright
(Vote): ★★★★ - Pretty darn good
(Vote): ★★★★★ - That was amazing!
★★ - Pretty meh (1)
★★★ - It was alright (4)
★★★★ - Pretty darn good (0)
★★★★★ - That was amazing! (3)
9 total votes
Your vote: Recommend ByuN vs Soulkey Game 5?
(Vote): ★ - Ugh, disgusting
(Vote): ★★ - Pretty meh
(Vote): ★★★ - It was alright
(Vote): ★★★★ - Pretty darn good
(Vote): ★★★★★ - That was amazing!
+ Show Spoiler [sOs vs herO] +
★★ - Pretty meh (2)
★★★ - It was alright (1)
★★★★ - Pretty darn good (4)
★★★★★ - That was amazing! (11)
18 total votes
Your vote: Recommend sOs vs herO Game 1?
(Vote): ★ - Ugh, disgusting
(Vote): ★★ - Pretty meh
(Vote): ★★★ - It was alright
(Vote): ★★★★ - Pretty darn good
(Vote): ★★★★★ - That was amazing!
★★ - Pretty meh (0)
★★★ - It was alright (2)
★★★★ - Pretty darn good (10)
★★★★★ - That was amazing! (6)
18 total votes
Your vote: Recommend sOs vs herO Game 2?
(Vote): ★ - Ugh, disgusting
(Vote): ★★ - Pretty meh
(Vote): ★★★ - It was alright
(Vote): ★★★★ - Pretty darn good
(Vote): ★★★★★ - That was amazing!
★★ - Pretty meh (2)
★★★ - It was alright (4)
★★★★ - Pretty darn good (6)
★★★★★ - That was amazing! (2)
14 total votes
Your vote: Recommend sOs vs herO Game 3?
(Vote): ★ - Ugh, disgusting
(Vote): ★★ - Pretty meh
(Vote): ★★★ - It was alright
(Vote): ★★★★ - Pretty darn good
(Vote): ★★★★★ - That was amazing!
★★ - Pretty meh (5)
★★★ - It was alright (1)
★★★★ - Pretty darn good (2)
★★★★★ - That was amazing! (4)
12 total votes
Your vote: Recommend sOs vs herO Game 4?
(Vote): ★ - Ugh, disgusting
(Vote): ★★ - Pretty meh
(Vote): ★★★ - It was alright
(Vote): ★★★★ - Pretty darn good
(Vote): ★★★★★ - That was amazing!
★★ - Pretty meh (1)
★★★ - It was alright (1)
★★★★ - Pretty darn good (3)
★★★★★ - That was amazing! (37)
43 total votes
Your vote: Recommend sOs vs herO Game 5?
(Vote): ★ - Ugh, disgusting
(Vote): ★★ - Pretty meh
(Vote): ★★★ - It was alright
(Vote): ★★★★ - Pretty darn good
(Vote): ★★★★★ - That was amazing!
+ Show Spoiler [Grand Finals] +
★★ - Pretty meh (1)
★★★ - It was alright (6)
★★★★ - Pretty darn good (15)
★★★★★ - That was amazing! (5)
28 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Grand Finals Game 1?
(Vote): ★ - Ugh, disgusting
(Vote): ★★ - Pretty meh
(Vote): ★★★ - It was alright
(Vote): ★★★★ - Pretty darn good
(Vote): ★★★★★ - That was amazing!
★★ - Pretty meh (4)
★★★ - It was alright (6)
★★★★ - Pretty darn good (5)
★★★★★ - That was amazing! (0)
16 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Grand Finals Game 2?
(Vote): ★ - Ugh, disgusting
(Vote): ★★ - Pretty meh
(Vote): ★★★ - It was alright
(Vote): ★★★★ - Pretty darn good
(Vote): ★★★★★ - That was amazing!
★★ - Pretty meh (1)
★★★ - It was alright (1)
★★★★ - Pretty darn good (6)
★★★★★ - That was amazing! (23)
39 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Grand Finals Game 3?
(Vote): ★ - Ugh, disgusting
(Vote): ★★ - Pretty meh
(Vote): ★★★ - It was alright
(Vote): ★★★★ - Pretty darn good
(Vote): ★★★★★ - That was amazing!
★★ - Pretty meh (4)
★★★ - It was alright (1)
★★★★ - Pretty darn good (8)
★★★★★ - That was amazing! (7)
26 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Grand Finals Game 4?
(Vote): ★ - Ugh, disgusting
(Vote): ★★ - Pretty meh
(Vote): ★★★ - It was alright
(Vote): ★★★★ - Pretty darn good
(Vote): ★★★★★ - That was amazing!
★★ - Pretty meh (3)
★★★ - It was alright (8)
★★★★ - Pretty darn good (2)
★★★★★ - That was amazing! (5)
19 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Grand Finals Game 5?
(Vote): ★ - Ugh, disgusting
(Vote): ★★ - Pretty meh
(Vote): ★★★ - It was alright
(Vote): ★★★★ - Pretty darn good
(Vote): ★★★★★ - That was amazing!
★★ - Pretty meh (4)
★★★ - It was alright (1)
★★★★ - Pretty darn good (1)
★★★★★ - That was amazing! (11)
30 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Grand Finals Game 6?
(Vote): ★ - Ugh, disgusting
(Vote): ★★ - Pretty meh
(Vote): ★★★ - It was alright
(Vote): ★★★★ - Pretty darn good
(Vote): ★★★★★ - That was amazing!
★★ - Pretty meh (8)
★★★ - It was alright (3)
★★★★ - Pretty darn good (1)
★★★★★ - That was amazing! (8)
23 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Grand Finals Game 7?
(Vote): ★ - Ugh, disgusting
(Vote): ★★ - Pretty meh
(Vote): ★★★ - It was alright
(Vote): ★★★★ - Pretty darn good
(Vote): ★★★★★ - That was amazing!