I haven't watched this video yet, do you still play sc2?
Unfortunately I dont, I still love the game but decided to move on and pursue other things
You stopped few days after you hitted GM for first time right? I feel like 90% of all players did this way too in HotS.
it was entertaining! thanks
dat German efficiency...haha jk, thanks for the vid
It's all fine and dandy. But you say "fuck" way too much. Make it a goal to say "fuck" less in videos. Will saying "fuck" make the clip better? Probably not. So don't say it!
I rated 5 because it all makes sense but please don't say "fuck" and "shit" that much. It really degrades the quality of your work and will make you progress in life too.
@dingodile yes x) @wintex thanks! Hope you also try it out! @parkufarku thanks for watching! @bestfan haha, best fan always at its finest
@hymn thanks I will think about it, tho I must say I'm a very blunt person so I usually don't really "give a fuck" for whether or not my way of expressing fits our social norms. It's funny, as you see this stuff a lot with people in self help actually, because they literally don't think about how they come over like that. I agree, it's probably not very beneficial for my career, but at the very same time it's a side effect of when I started to really try and develop an independent Mindset. I'm going to take your advise serious, but then again I will always be very blunt and if I feel like expressing myself more extreme or pointing out things that are especially important, I'm still going to do it my way. However I must after rewatching say that in terms of frequency, it's really quite Unnecessary Haha. I didn't even realize that before :D
Greets, shock
On November 03 2015 06:03 ShoCkSC2 wrote: I'm going to take your advise serious, but then again I will always be very blunt and if I feel like expressing myself more extreme or pointing out things that are especially important, I'm still going to do it my way.
I see your point. But to be more expressive you don't need to be vulgar. You need to be eloquent. Read a couple of books of your fellow countryman Erich Maria Remarque. Learn from the way he describes the surroundings, the emotions of the characters. I envy you for the chance to read it in the original language. I read the books in English and the translation is obviously amazing because the stories are deeply touching and emotional but if I could I'd read them all in Deutsch.
Anyway, your video makes a fair point for a healthy averagely intelligent man with no relationship and no children so I enjoyed even though it's inapplicable for the most part for me. Before I think "Will this benefit me in the long run?", I have to think "What does my daughter need now?". And even if it's something that will not benefit me, I have to do it. Like, the times I've been to the 24 hr open grocery store in 12:30 am to buy a piece of cake or something equally ridiculous are countless. The money I've spent on useless toys which are touched once and forgotten, are in the thousands. But when I think about it, it all actually benefits me, mentally at least. Because it all makes the bond with my child deeper and stronger. So a question for you - if I do those things for the child, not for my well being but for hers and all ultimately leads to me being closer to her, how does that apply to your advice? I mean, I do things with different motivation than my benefit, but they yield the same result in the long run - by caring for the needs of my child, I feel better and happier.
Thank you for your input hymn, I will work on it. In fact I already started yesterday right after you wrote this post, because it got me thinking.
Honestly, caring for your family, just like having to go to the grocery store to fulfill your own needs is a neccessity. If you do this to take further care of someone elses needs, I think that it is not just neccessary but also beneficial on a social level (just like you say, you strengthen your connection to your daughter, thus supporting your and her own happiness).
Besides that, sometimes 'beneficial' can be as easy as taking care of things so that you can maintain a certain balance in other things.
In fact, the greatest purpose you are serving is your own happiness, thats eventually what you are seeking anyways. Everything that in the slightest supports that, is always going to be beneficial.
I believe that there is several areas in life that you need to master to live a fulfilling life.
1) Work/Career/Job 2) Love-life 3) Family/friends 4) Self
I think that all these components should be your desired fields of mastery. Dont think of goals as being simply materialistic. Sure, you might have goals like becoming a Grandmaster or whatever, but even becoming better in social situations or developing a greater sense of self and awareness can be one of those goals.
So, for example when going to the grocery store, you might as well develop your social-skills there, whilst taking care for your daughter which in return strengthens your bond. You might as well even train your thinking, start being more aware of the things that 'annoy' you in other people if you have problems with that, or become aware of things that stress you out. Find a way of mastering thinking-patterns whilst youre doing these simple activities.
Basically, you can almost always use your time to grow in some way shape or form.
Me personally, I am far from perfect in the way my mind and ego works, but I am doing progress every day, and I'm thinking about how I can improve on that level, and thats what matters. Even the better because it gives me a lot of opportunities to work on it.
Just today, I had a situation that most people would never think about being beneficial. I actually have this one prof at university that is incredibly toxic at times. Sure, he has his reasons, but he can be really damn straight up with people and that can be a pretty shitty feeling. Anyways, today as he was on a 15 minute rant, I learned something important. His rage was not directed towards me, tho that situation reminded me of some other time.
For example, some weeks ago we had to do a 'live-test' in front of him. So as you were doing your test, he was observing and giving you directions. Even tho I am skilled at what I was supposed to do, I could not deal with the pressure well at all. My head was just giving me a lot of trouble - the classical "what if I fail" stuff. I think knowing that I was capable of impressing him or at least easily satisfying him in what he wanted to see was putting even more pressure on me, because most importantly I did not want to disappoint myself.
On top of that, that professor keeps on putting you under extreme pressure whilst you have to think on the fly in front of him. Shouting at you for not being fast enough etc. Now I've never been good in these situations and the last few weeks have really motivated me to try and find a way of getting better at situations like that.
Well - and one of the things that I have realized today, when I was sort of going back in time like a dejavu as he was ranting about some students - was that by simply becoming the observer, I have nothing to fear. I know and I understand the concepts of EGO and SELF, and if you understand that, you know that your suffering and pain can only come from one source - your "perfect" self-image that someone is trying to rip you off.
Once You become the observer however, and you become more concious of what is actually happening, more objective rather than emotional - more clear - you have nothing to fear. There is no need for spinning in anxiety, because you can shout at me all the much you want - if I truely understand that it is only a concept that I have of myself, that someone is trying to worsen - well than I am happy to invite you to do so, because I dont care about some concept.
So you see, theres a lot of ways to take a normal or even a 'bad' situation and make it into something beneficial or a learning-lesson
greez ShoCk
Hahaha, I had one of those professors as well. The guy that was teaching animal anatomy. I got to mess up with him though. He didn't like me at all. One time he got me in front of all the people in a try to humiliate me. Asked me something ridiculous like "What is this brain area called?". I said "I don't know, how is it called?". He started to rant "I asked you, I am put here to teach you bla bla, how are you not ashamed, more bla bla...". He went for a couple of minutes and when he was done, I just said "Ok, first, I am not deaf, I will not allow you to shout at me one more time. Second, I have no idea what you were shouting because I wasn't listening at your shouts. If you would please repeat in a calm voice, I would listen though.". Everyone went silent. He had to apologize to me in front of all the students for being rude. He never gave me trouble afterwards.
United States4146 Posts
feedback: move the camera less; it is distracting; shorten the message, you repeated yourself several times, this also distracts; keep it up, liked the message
Thanks for the critics physician, will take notes on it !