So over the past few days my life has gotten a little ridiculous and much has changed! I have gotten rather sick with the flew which is why there has not been a blog post from me in a few days despite that I have gotten in to the habit of posting something new almost every single day. Aside from that there have been a couple other things that have just brought my life in a whole new direction.
The Job and the Passion
Up until yesterday I had been working for a local ISP that I wont name as my intention is no to cause defamation, but simply explain my own situation. Putting it quickly and simply I started working for these guys not too long ago thinking that I would enjoy working in a more tech related industry compared to my last job. Also this happened to be my ISP for a very long time and I had never really taken much issue with them so I had grown to enjoy the company and thought this was surely not one of those giant evil ISP's you always here about. Sadly I had been experiencing issues with being able to upload to Twitch which I have talked about previously on this forum and my attempts to optimize to my constraints. This problem started around October the same time they were purchased by Amazon. I was now streaming to a different server than I use to and I thought this was surely to blame. As it turns out, after troubleshooting with Twitch it was my ISP throttling me. I was pretty mad. Especially because it meant I had been lied to not just as a customer but as an employee. My ISP had repeatedly told me that they do not throttle any connection. I was so infuriated that I quit promptly. I refuse to work for a TeleCom that does this.
The Future and Education
I took this as a sign to go back to school. So that is what I am doing, taking an augmentation based certificate for the degree I already have to allow me to get in to a career more suited to my interests. Although these days I am finding my self more and more interested in the regulation of the internet and might find it of great intrigue to possibly master's on just that topic, either globally or nationally here in Canada. However in the short term I will have no job at all and no school and in this time I intend to pump out as much content as I can to the community. This is what I love doing and I am hoping that I can start to get a warmer and warmer reception from you guys to keep me doing it. After January starts I will only be in school, still no job. It is unlikely the content creation will slow down much during this as the courses are not much of a hindrance and online based. Starting in February I might be slowed as I go back to work and still in school. That might be a bit slowing to the content creation but I am hoping by then to have the correct infrastructure set up that I am creating more stuff in less time. In April it will be back to full throttle (pun intended) and not likely ever slow down.
Thanks for the read and regards,