Wow, totally awesome!!! But it takes a little bit to get used again to listen to Korean commentary, haha.
On August 08 2014 15:30 BLinD-RawR wrote:that was fucking sick
wow gosu play
Awesome! Korean BW will never die!
Sick micro of a dying zerg :p Still a very nice play
There's a stream. Bisu HiyA Mind Sea.
some1 put it on snipe
On September 18 2014 18:33 Stratos wrote: There's a stream. Bisu HiyA Mind Sea.
some1 put it on snipe !setmanual hungrytv HungryTV
whoever is in chat and has rights let them know. I can't access twitch.
omg bisu in a tournament!!!
United Kingdom12021 Posts
Awesome news! Could this be the company sponsoring Love TV 3?
On August 08 2014 12:09 BigFan wrote:My only concern is if this is sustainable. Show nested quote +On August 08 2014 11:42 BisuDagger wrote:On August 08 2014 10:05 BigFan wrote:On August 08 2014 09:45 Peeano wrote:Event Match 1 (July 24) Final 46:35 - 46:43 Pimpest Play 2014 right there. lol. I didn't realize you could cancel like that, thought it would be locked in. That's a hard catch to see, but very smart play. yep, very smart though hard catch? :S
The move was simply 2 GDLK 4 cameras
Would love to have the interviews at the end translated, especially Sea's one lol.
I get home just to catch the last game.
Could anyone upload VOD's and recommend the best games?
Hehe, Kim Sang-hyun skipping SC2 casting for BW~ <3
Feel the BW passion
rebuilding everything from the ground ehhhhhhhhh its gonna take ages
HiyA vs Bisu WAS MIND BLOWING SERIES gooosh nerdchillls
United States2948 Posts
Started a review/recap thread over in the Tournament board - includes Liquipedia page and VOD links to all matches
Was Goodfriend one of the commentators on this event?