A few days ago I had the chance to talk with Snute about his life, future plans, tournaments, training and much more.
This will also be the kick-off interview for my interview series with pro gamers and casters, where I try to focus a bit more on their life besides the game.
Behind The Nickname #1: Jens Waller 'Snute' Aasgaard
Before we start with the interview, I would like to thank Snute for taking his time to answer the questions.
To begin this I would love to talk to you a bit about your life and your career in general.
TrAiDoS: First of all, how is life for you in general at the moment?
Snute: It's good, spending most of the time by myself and I'm living with my parents. It is not bad, I do miss being in a team house or living by myself, though. I spend most of my time alone so I'm just trying to make the best of that.
TrAiDoS: You have been a pro gamer for quite a while now but when did you decide to start playing professionally and was it a tough decision? What would you have done otherwise?
Snute: It was tough, I decided on it at the very end of 2011. If I hadn't become a pro-gamer, I would probably be stuck in Uni not enjoying it to the fullest.
TrAiDoS: What did you want to be when you were younger?
Snute: Game developer, I think? That was one of my first passions. After that I wanted to become a piano player or producer.
TrAiDoS: What do you think your life would look like without eSports?
Snute: I'd be far more social - most likely I would have a 8-5 job or be a student. I would still play a lot of computer games, but more to relax than for competition.
TrAiDoS: The first time we met, I believe it was at HomeStory Cup VI, you were a little bit more silent and maybe a shy person. You didn't even want to party after winning the tournament. Since then, in my opinion, you have changed as a person in a positive way. How do you think StarCraft II and all the things around it have changed you as a person? Does this make you a more well-rounded person?
Snute: I think I've changed for the better on some things. SC2 changes the way you think. I feel more confident in my willpower for sure and I've learned to open up a bit more too. But you also sacrifice things as a pro-gamer.
TrAiDoS: Every career will come to an end someday. What would you like to do after your career as a StarCraft II pro gamer? I addition to that, where do you see yourself in 5 years and where in 10?
Snute: I'm probably going to become a university student, I think I'll still enjoy computers but based on my past I think it's impossible to predict what my future life will be like. The contrasts are too huge over the span of just a few years. I think my passion for computer related things will not change, though.
TrAiDoS: For the near future in StarCraft II, what are the goals you have set for yourself?
Snute: I want to make it to the global finals, top 16 WCS points.
TrAiDoS: How do you spend your time besides StarCraft II?
Snute: I sleep a lot, drink a lot of tea, exercise a little, socialize a little, housekeeping, making food, taking care of emails, twitter, Skype ... once in a while I play around with music software or listen to new songs but that's about it.
TrAiDoS: Since you have become one of the best foreign Zergs, especially in Europe, you did play in quite a few tournaments. How do you like to prepare for tournaments? Do you have any routines you follow?
Snute: I try to prepare for all match-ups and keep them in sync, lthough it is difficult. I'm trying to find styles and strategies that are viable against all kinds of play and sometimes I prepare special strategies, too. Mostly I try to become as solid all-round as possible and have good mechanics and a solid understanding of the game.
TrAiDoS: Do you include mental and especially physical training into your life? If so, how does it help you in your job as a pro gamer? How does the training look like and are your teammates helping you with that?
Snute: I go to the gym and running sometimes. It's important to do this because you'll eventually get neck pains if you practice too hard without exercise. Mentality wise I don't use coaching or anything like this, but my teammates have been immensely supporting when I haven't been feeling well.
TrAiDoS: How do you relax the best, for instance after a hard tournament? Is there anything you like to do specifically?
Snute: Getting back home, catching up on VODs from other tournaments ... getting back to practice is great. It's so nice to come back to a clean desk and resume the grind. If I've done really well I try to go out with my real-life friends or play a few hours of Counter-Strike. Mostly I just sleep a bit extra and try to practice extra hard because my skill usually drops a little after tournaments.
TrAiDoS: What was the best and what was the funniest experience you ever had at a tournament?
Snute: The best experience was undoubtedly winning HomeStory Cup 6, I didn't have any huge victory like it and it was very moving after working so hard. The funniest experience, um ... not a single event stands out in particular but I really enjoyed the afterparty :D
TrAiDoS: Winning tournaments such as the SeatStoryCup is surely giving you a huge boost of confidence. But how do you keep being motivated in general?
Snute: I think there's a deep motivation to understand and learn that keeps me going.
TrAiDoS: In about two weeks there is another tournament in Krefeld – the HomeStoryCup IX. In the past you have been able to show great performances there, reached top ranks and even the first place. How do you explain that? Is there something special about this place? Do you think the nickname „King of Krefeld” is justified?
Snute: TaeJa has won two HSCs, but if I could be called that then that's an honor. I'm doing well in Krefeld, probably because of how much I like being there - it is peaceful, awesome people, tasty food (Chinatown Krefeld is my favorite)... I'm trying to bring that good feeling with me to other events.
TrAiDoS: Since you will compete again at the HomeStory Cup IX: What are your goals and expectations for that event?
Snute: The competition will be very tough, I'm hoping to make it into the top 8 and if I can get lucky draws from there and play well I will become the champion once more.
TrAiDoS: Your victories at such events are even more impressive if you think about how many Korean players are competing there who are really good. We all know that Koreans sometimes have different ways and routines of practicing. Sometimes you hear people talking about all the advantages Korean pro gamers have compared to foreigners but are there any advantages, in your opinion, foreign players have compared to Korean players?
Snute: There's a huge advantage coming from the Korean environment and speaking Korean, all your practice is better on average because of more resistance and there are more players that are serious about the game in that region that you can talk to and learn from.
TrAiDoS: By playing this game you earned quite a lot of money so far. We all know that you like green tea but where does a Jens Aasgaard spend the rest of his cash on?
Snute: I don't really use money anymore except for buying food, tea and essential things. Sometimes I buy drinks for my friends but for the most part I'm saving as much as possible.
TrAiDoS: You are also one of the guys who doesn‘t stream that often. What is the reason for that? Do you want to prevent people from seeing your strategies etc.?
Snute: It's mostly because I don't want to show everything.
TrAiDoS: After the serious part of the interview I am going to throw some random questions at you and I hope you don't mind.
Snute: kk
TrAiDoS: If you could be an animal, which one would you like to be and why?
Snute: A cat, maybe? But it would be nice to fly, so perhaps a bird? Haha.
TrAiDoS: If you could sing only ONE song on a TV show, what would it be?
Snute: No clue probably some easy-to-sing Norwegian song.
TrAiDoS: Are you more of a hunter or a gatherer and why?
Snute: Gatherer! It's more peaceful than hunting and killing things.
Big thanks again to Snute for answering the questions.
Please make sure to follow Snute on Twitter, he is @LiquidSnute
Please follow me as well, I am @TrAiDoS_ on Twitter.
Thanks for the read!