Match 2, Game 2 Leenock (1-0) vs Supernova (0-1) on Yeonsu
6:30 - Starport on the way
7:00 - Lair for Leenock
7:30 - cloak starts for SuperNova, natural CC lands
8:00 - Three gas for Leenock, spire starts at 8:10 and fourth gas taken
8:30 - Supernova checks for third with hellion-reaper, pokes up into natural
9:00 - fairly large group of lings
9:15 - Lings get a runby into the natural, has to bring back his hellions from the front
9:45 - ~7 mutas in production from Leenock, Spire scouted
10:00 - engi bay finishes, armory on the way
10:30 - vikings in production, as well as missile turrets
11:00 - two cloakshees harassing the third hatch, maybe force a cancel
11:30 - Mutas are forced to come back to deal with banshee attacking the third hatch
12:00 - hellions run into third to get drone kills, mutas and lings come in to shut him down
Supernova doesn't look all that good today. A bunch of small mistakes and a few bigger ones. Leenock on the other hand is playing really solidly, scouting well, making good decisions and on point with his mechanics.
I hope Supernova has some cool proxy strategies prepared against Toss, else it's looking really bad for him here
If suno can last a while those roaches wont cut it.
Match 2, Game 2 Leenock (1-0) vs Supernova (0-1) on Yeonsu
12:40 - +1 weapons for Terran, +1 air and range for Leenock
13:00 - Leenock finally hunts down the 5 hp banshee
13:30 - Supernova takes his third
14:00 - Leenock poking in with a roach-ling attack, not enough units
14:15 - Tanks come out, force Leenock's poke back
14:45 - Drones return from an adventure with the roach club
15:15 - burrowed roach preventing third from landing is cleared out
15:45 - Infestation pit, second spire from Leenock
16:00 - +2 weapons/armor for Supernova
16:30 - Leenock taking fourth and fifth base in bottom right
On February 07 2014 19:29 Aeromi wrote: Why no SHs ?
Leenock is too awesome for that.
On February 07 2014 19:29 Aeromi wrote: Why no SHs ? Plz do you want to kill us after yesterdays EU Challenger? :D
Australia54747 Posts
hrmmm not looking good for leenock here i think
Is it plausible to mix in Widow Mines into a mech composition? Too supply inefficient?
i love base trade and base trade culture
Charlie Sheens House51432 Posts
Hate when zergs just go....BASE RACE ;_; Makes game scrappy. I mean Leenock messed up here by waiting to long to go more muta then he makes 40 and has no gas for roachies
Match 2, Game 2 Leenock (1-0) vs Supernova (0-1) on Yeonsu
17:00 - Hive 2/3rds done for Leenock
17:30 - Fourth CC started for SuperNova, +3/3 on the way for Leenock
18:00 - 13 Mutas on the way
18:45 - SuperNova clears out watchtower, Leenock goes for a counter, gets some scv kills but not a lot else
19:15 - 22 Mutas on the way
19:30 - Supernova moving out towards Leenock's third, Leenock up to 41 Mutas
20:00 - SuperNova pushes into the natural, Leenock going for a basetrade with the mutas
20:30 - third base for Supernova goes down to the muta flock, spires go down
21:00 Mutas heading back towards the bottom right, fail to save the fifth base
Belgica34432 Posts
Knock knock. The Mech army has arrived
Australia54747 Posts
On February 07 2014 18:59 DrPandaPhD wrote:They have one, doesnt seem to use it though
Yoe Flash Wolves is listed in GameHeart as just "Flash Wolves". I am always really confused about team names.
On February 07 2014 19:32 Lorning wrote: Knock knock. The Mech army has arrived Knock knock. No.
magic boxing should be removed
United States4126 Posts
That was some pretty sick patience from Leenock.