On December 15 2013 02:15 Fusilero wrote:Show nested quote +On December 15 2013 02:10 Lylat wrote:On December 15 2013 02:06 wei2coolman wrote:On December 14 2013 19:43 Lysanias wrote:On December 14 2013 10:59 wei2coolman wrote:On December 14 2013 10:31 Redox wrote:On December 14 2013 09:41 wei2coolman wrote:On December 14 2013 09:18 orzeu wrote:On December 14 2013 09:12 onlywonderboy wrote: Again, Forgiven is a beast. EU keeps this up half of their teams are actually gonna have a good ADC hue. Half? Rekkles, Genja, Tabzz, Creaton, Forgiven, Candy, Freeze are really good. genja and tabzz. Good. lol. I see some people still cant let go of 2012 myths. Eu has decent adc's genja and tabz just aren't poster boys for um. Yet you would put Candy in there ? Tabzz sure he's been AD 1 season and did decently to soon to call him at the top. But Genja has proven time and time again he is one of the best AD's we have in europe and for sure belongs up there, above maaaany of those mentioned. If genja is one of the best in EU. That says a lot about eu adc's. Also didn't notice candy meant candpanda. He's mediocre. Imo puszu iconic representative of eu adc's. Makes all the right decision. Plays the game out very intelligently, rarely makes glaring mistakes, but simply outclassed by worldclass adc, just due to mechanics. Did you even watch IEM ? Genja played like a beast Genja is... annoying. At random points he will bust out world class mechanics and then switch back to tear varus. For every match where he goes HAM on ezreal or lucian making the plays he goes triple doran > tear > LW varus. Well to be fair he didn't get tear or triple dorans this time
United Kingdom50293 Posts
No K[A]zmith or T[A]bzz? Remove alliance bot lane from premises.
Soooo.. How many death for Kiwikid ? I'm going to be optimistic and say 6 at 25min
Lol alliance letting dig get olaf and sivir?
On December 15 2013 02:22 Fusilero wrote: No K[A]zmith or T[A]bzz? Remove alliance bot lane from premises.
Well, for whatever reason their tag is "ALL" which looks a bit silly. I'm honestly not sure if you can use special characters in LoL names like that? "[" and "]" specifically. I don't think I ever saw team tags ingame that didn't consist of text only.
United Kingdom50293 Posts
On December 15 2013 02:24 wei2coolman wrote: Lol alliance letting dig get olaf and sivir? Gotta get those kiwi targeted support bans through
Dignitas winning the picks by a mile.
On December 15 2013 02:24 Fusilero wrote:Show nested quote +On December 15 2013 02:24 wei2coolman wrote: Lol alliance letting dig get olaf and sivir? Gotta get those kiwi targeted support bans through
which they then didn't ban either :p
Lol gg. Dig wins. Olaf shyv and sivir is op'd combo.
United Kingdom50293 Posts
sweet zilean support baby
Oh is this in cologne? German crowd - prepare for clap clap clap only!
United States15536 Posts
Bans ([A]): Dr. Mundo, Annie, Kha'zix Bans (Dig): Kassadin, Lee Sin, Evelynn
Picks ([A]): Elise, Renekton, Lucian, Nidalee, Zilean Picks (Dig): Shyvana, Olaf, Gragas, Sivir, Karma
United Kingdom50293 Posts
Sivir/Karma/Olaf/Shyv. Why no jayce mid, gotta go faster.
Wow Shyv Olaf and Sivir.. OO
Youtube seems to have a bit of a delay, you guys spoiling the zilean pick </3