I am a Diamond Terran player, I was Masters last season and I am trying to work my way back up there. I met my last group of SC2 friends by doing the exact same thing I'm doing now, posting a blog, hopefully it works as good as last time!
I must stress that I am looking not only for practice partners for Starcraft, but a group of friends to play customs or teams or different games as well, which is why I am not using the Practice Partners thread, or asking people to join their clans in Starcraft. I would like people around my skill range, so around mid Diamond to maybe low Masters. Skype is preferred, but something like TeamSpeak or RaidCall is fine too, but some sort of voice chat service is necessary. I am on the west coast of Canada, so I'm in PST, but timezones don't matter too much to me, as long as you aren't like 5 hours ahead or something. If you have a group of friends that wouldn't mind having another member, or if you have any questions, message me here on TL or:
Battle.Net: AethariA.720
Skype: aethariasc
Thanks everybody, had a good one! :D