Currently looking for Platinum + players. Some staff members. People willing to help build an amazing community.
RiVaL Gaming Website
Server: North America [NA]
Team Name: RiVaL Gaming
Leader/Managers: [Founder] Exiler.261, [Team Leads] HypaSnipa.613, iMGosu.846
Clan Channel: TrG
General Team League Level: Platinum-Mid Master
Goals of Team: To develop a strong community and competitive team for practices and clan wars.
Requirements[From our recruitment page]:
-No try-out needed yet.
-Must be 16+ years of age
-Must be currently 1v1 Platinum+ League in HOTS
-No bad mannerism, Must be friendly
-Must have RaidCall installed or will install. RC is mandatory!
-Cannot be inactive for more than 2 weeks
-Passionate about Starcraft 2 and it's community
-Motivated to help develop the clan's potential future longevity
-Caught cheating or hacking results in instant removal from Clan
-Complaints from members/admins due to mannerism results in instant removal from Clan
-After you're approved, please search the TrG channel and add one of the officers to request invitation to the chat channel if they haven't invited you yet.
-Or simply contact Exiler.261 for invitation request to the clan.
Thank you.