On April 10 2013 17:10 ETisME wrote:
the biggest problem with the graphic improvement imo, is that it is gonna make the lack of AI improvement and the poor physic body engine in most games.
Crysis 3 for example, a complete tech demo fancy game but showing the flaw of a poor AI.
The death motion of the enemies are always extremely poor rigdoll effect. They cannot rely on motion capturing for all the motions of a game.
This problem will get worse in open world games like skyrim. The awkwardness of the AI will just keep breaking the realism of the game.
even in the MGSV video, we can see the really good animation and texture on character's face but when it turned to the game play, snake had little "weight" to him, he looked as if he was floating. Then his motions on the horse also looked really stiff until the lighting breaking bridge part.
so we will be seeing lots of good pre-captured animations but still the poor in game motions from the characters.
anyway, that was a really good, smooth, well paced show. It's definitly one of the better (one of the best in my case since I don't watch these game news videos often) videos out there.
This is actually a very interesting point I had not thought of.
I really like the advancements toward true open-world games, but I do get very annoyed when games like Assassin's Creed have huge AI and graphics glitches. I had never thought of them being correlated. Hopefully they revolutionize it somehow, because I can't see myself giving up open world or realistic physics games!