Looking for training and some good fellows (why not?)! Nationality: Italian Server: KR B.net: Kastlo.152 Age: 20 Race: Terran League: Platinum SC2Ranks: http://sc2ranks.com/kr/2553272/Kastlo Skype: kastlo128
Would like to improve on all 1v1 match ups. I feel Diamond is a hop-skip away and have the goal to make Masters. Voice chat (Skype, Vent, C3, Mumble). Playing at set times on set days of the week works very well with me. Online fairly regularly. Casual 2v2/3v3 or Customs are ok too. If I'm not on Battle.net tweet me @Tatlreach.
Server: EU Server and NA server Team Name: aftershock Leader/Managers TL ID: Reflex General Team League Level: Diamond+ Race(s) you are looking for: All Goals of team: Competitive going to lan Other:we are looking for players that are in Diamond League and above. In-House Tournaments, Clan Wars, Practice/Ladder Sessions E-mail @ reflex@aftershockgaming.org Steam pezza747 Skype: perry.ray5 or please list anything below and visit the wesite for more info aftershockgaming.org
NOOB Gaming was formed in April of 2012 by a group of friends who have played Battlefield on the PS3 for a a couple of years together. NOOBExPres.757 was an active SCII player and decided in September of 2012 to create a Starcraft Battalion within the team. The team continues to grow with the original members forming the base of the team. We have a dedicated site, our own BF3 server(s), and numerous events for members to participate in.
Our recruiting process is a 31 day process in which we evaluate our recruits. During this process recruits may participate in clan wars, and all of our member only events. We believe this is the best way to truly evaluate potential members. Read more about it here.
NOOB Gaming has an A-Team of Masters+ players, a B-Team comprised of Platinum and above players, and a community team where we allow any person of any league to join. Our philosophy revolves around creating a strong community of like minded players where we can train, practice, and compete together to create an amazing gaming organization and team. Through our community minded approach we can create a potential farm of talented gamers, just as professional sports teams do. Our community members and B-Team members improve, and eventually move up within the team, constantly improving our organization and membership skill level.
We have numerous events for members to participate in. They are:
Activity Ladder - Our activity ladder is the bread and butter of our Starcraft team. Members of our A and B Teams must participate or they lose their positions on those teams to members who outscore them. Each season is 1 month long and our first month, November 2012, has a $20 prize for the winner. Members earn points by playing and participating in team events. If you ever wanted a team that had something to keep an active player base this is it. Hit the following link for the numerous ways we allow members to earn points. We also do "You pick em' challenges for large tournaments for chances to earn bonus points during the season.Read more about it here.
KOTH - We have a KOTH event like any other team. Our method however is slightly different. Two players play, and the winner becomes the acting "king". The player must defend that title 5 times in best of 3 matches to claim the season KOTH crown. Its hard, its brutal, and we like it.
Weekly Tournaments - This is new for us, and we've done two so far. We conduct weekly tournaments with $5 prizes. Each season of these is 2 months. The next planned event is November 30th for a $15 prize due to recent LAN events which have taken priority over the tournaments.
Clan Wars - Both our A and B Teams participate in clan wars. We will begin participating in clan leagues once a solid roster is formed and leagues open up to us.
With that said I urge players looking for a quality team to check us out. While I don't have any amazing sponsorships or contracts I operate under the idea that a good team is built from the ground up and works toward those goals rather then make promises that I cannot keep. Great teams were created in the Starcraft community long before E-sports became as big as it has and this is a great team for all those players, bronze through grand master who want a good organization to be a part of.
Check us out today, get involved, and on December 1st take part in our 2nd season of the Activity Ladder!
Server: NA/EU Team Name: LiNK Gaming Leader/Managers: JRH.766 General Team League Level: Mid-High Masters+
Description: We are looking to build our worldwide squad. At the moment the team consists of 3 NA and 3 EU. As an organisation we have many achievements at LANS around the globe. We also have our academy for players below mid masters.
All LiNK team members get high quality stream graphics and overlays.
We are able to offer LAN support depending on your skill and achievements.
We are building a friendly team that will practice regularly, enter cups and attend events. Website: http://www.link-gaming.co.uk/ Players - Joey 'TelecoM' Cacalano (NA) Zerg - Matthew 'Micromancer' Fong (NA) Terran - Mike 'Misery' Slater (NA) Terran - Luke 'Finnz' Finlayson (EU) Terran
Academy - Laure 'MiYaKoW' (EU) Terran - Michael 'Wolfy' Wolfenden (EU) Protoss Contact details Skype: james.hines97 Email: jameshines@link-gaming.co.uk
hihiiii so I'm looking to enter the professional scene one day (or another career in eSports.) I play around 4-5 games a day at the moment but I'm looking to play much more and improve as much as possible during December (at least to Plat) and beyond. I have 160APM and around 100EPM average at the moment, getting higher all the time I am a fast learner with an aggressive midgame style and I'm 100% obsessed with eSports. I have written SC2-related articles for the CSL and Quantic Gaming and I would love to contribute my writing skills to a team as well. Basically, I have huge dreams and I'm looking for a good relationship with a solid team in order to achieve those dreams. Thanks for reading!
We are going to open a Starcraft II team with 6 players to stoke up the SC2 scene!
So, what we need is a 8-head team including 2 organizers. Of course we need at least one 2v2 team, that means we prefer to receive applications of a already formed 2v2 team. We are not giving any minimum skill, that you need to have.First we want to see how many applications will income.
You should be able to use Teamspeak 3 and to show all your skill in the matches. It would be nice to see you on our website regulary as well!
We can offer you a great website with a big community. We will cover your matches with news and organize various events! If you want to take part on a offline event, we will try to sponsor you!
Our target is to reach a well known status in the SC2 community and to have a lot of fun togther!
You want to join us? Then you can apply on our forum by introducing yourself. Tell something about your life and your history in eSports... it's simple!
Greetings, Your infected management
Server: eu General Team League Level:Master Homepage: http://www.infected-gaming.com Leader/Manager: eowaaaa Contact Skype: Multitalent_ffm Battlenet channel : infected-gaming.com
What I am looking for A solid clan where there is ample opportunity for improvement and practice, be it practice partners or coaching. I would prefer a clan of a certain size to ensure activity as well as a large skill-level span to ensure the possibility of growth and improvement. Multiple training session per week as well as coaching sessions are a huge plus!
What I bring A mature and enthusiastic player with a sincere desire to improve and to help others improve. I will gladly help other players practice against particular builds and give feedback. I will also help coach lower ranked players and generally be active on the forum and such.
Subject: (Clan recruiting) Wicked Shenanigans the team name can change by voting if need be
body: First off I would like to introduce myself name is John. I am getting back into starcraft been on break for a while used to play brood war a lot. I am wanting to get people together so we can practice and get better and maybe get into very important competitions. What I am looking for is players that are serious and also love the game. I am accepting players of all leagues: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Masters, and Grand Masters. The Masters and Grand Masters would become leaders and teachers. There is no limit of players I am looking for. I am looking also to have small league tournaments within the clan and also outside the clan. p.s. I doubt Grand Masters will join lol but worth a shot.
Types of matches I am looking for: 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, 4v4 mostly 1v1 though.
Races I am looking for: Terran, Protoss, Zerg
Clan requirements: RULES:
Must be 16 or older. If younger I may consider after watching how you play. Must be active in the game at least 4 days a week. Must show respect to other members of the clan. Must help each other the clan is as strong as their weakest player, so help each other. Must know English I do not know other languages Must show good sportsmanship with other clans.
We are looking for people that love to play the game, Less chances of trolls in customs, clan wars, custom clan events, team tournaments for 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, FFA, PVP, Ect... free Coaching from members in the clan, Bonuses for joining the website.
-About the clan-
We started off with a small base of members playing Starcraft 2. From then on we have grown ever so quickly, we have very enthusiastic team players. we compete in clan wars across the gaming scene and are looking for more players everyday. For the people that prefer to play socially, just come into a game and talk over our C3 voice channel or have a chat in the clan in game chat channel, we have a wide base membership and accept all ranks and skill levels. Social players are always welcome to Draconis rising, We love meeting new faces!
- - Clan requirements and info - -
1) Must be over the age of 16. If younger your membership will be evaluated. You must be a mature player. 2) Headset or mic is strongly recommended, but is NOT REQUIRED, English is our primary language. 4) We have a clan tag [xDRx], it's NOT REQUIRED to change name. 5) Must abide by the clan rules and the clan forum rules. 6) Must be active in game and on the clan website.
-How do i join?-
If you wish to join Draconis Rising you must register on our site and fill out an application, Be sure to read the "Clan Rules and Forum Rules" threads, on instructions. Here at Draconis Rising we are always looking to expand, so if you have an idea, be sure to tell someone about it!
On behalf of everyone at Draconis Rising, we welcome you to our website and hope to welcome you into our community.
General Team League Level: Currently accepting all levels currently. Both Wings of Liberty and Heart of the Swarm.
Goals of team: Relentless Heroes gaming recently underwent a major transformation which hit us hard at the management level. We have now cleaned house and are ready to yet again become one of the largest SC2 clans / communities as we were in our prime.
Please register for the forums and submit a quick membership application. Feel free to join us on our teamspeak server (this is the best place to chill and game) and log onto battle.net and seek us out!!!
Sentinel Gaming is currently in the market for mid-high masters Protoss players (800pts +).
Server: NA Team Name: Sentinel Gaming Competitive
Leader/Managers: TaCZennith.436
Clan Channel: "Sentinel Gaming"
General Team League Level: Mid-High Masters+
Description: Our goal is to constantly strive for improvement with dedicated practice, regularly scheduled clan wars and participation in team leagues. In the long run we are looking to develop into a top tier North American team. Our current A Team is comprised of a group of strong high-masters players, with a B team of low-mid masters players. For both teams we are looking to improve our depth, and we're especially in the market for a few talented Protoss players, although we will tryout any player of any race.
We're a growing group of solid friends and players, and in addition to talent, we're also looking for players who fit our mold - dedicated, well mannered, and always looking to improve their play.
We provide training nights, clan wars, and consistent participation and placement in North American team leagues such as the 6pool Gaming Team League, Sc2Clans Team League, and the IPTL. In addition, we've added regular In-House tournaments, occasionally with cash prizes!
->Clan Name:ToXic Gamers (TG) ->General Team League Level:------ ->Goals of team:To Have Fun ->Recruitment information:To join, please email me at tariq.mohammed8@yahoo.com, or must pm me here :D
Description: LaG Gaming is a highly competitive High Master to Grand masters semi-professional team that has placed Top 8 in ESEA a Top Premier Team League. Raising players such as FXO.jEcho and iS.TTF we bolster an impressive lineup of players from all races but now were opening our doors to you. Looking to strengthen our lineup for the upcoming season of Team Leagues and clan wars, we are searching for players from all races to help us reach the next level. Think you have what it takes to play in the big leagues against high caliber teams like FXO, Its GoSu, and LighT eSports? If so, feel free to contact us at the skype account below or visit us in our SC2 Channel at LaG Gaming.
Qualifcations: -Reliable -Responsible -Team Player -Willing to Practice -Willing to Grow -Active
Contacts: General Manager: Alonsitov or at darklizardRx41@hotmail.com Assistant Manager: jesse.love. Team Email: LaGSc2@gmail.com