A little about me? LOL
The past few years of TeamLiquid, Starcraft and ESports(spelling??) have been a pretty wild ride. We've had an absolutely incredible amount of great games, personalities, stories, drama, happiness, sadness and possibly the most amount of absurdity anyone participating in this scene 10 years of could have ever have hoped for.
More recently however, it seems as though things have gotten a whole lot worse.
I assume that the majority of us here are here because we all play this series of games.
Starcraft | Broodwar | Starcraft 2
That's what I'm here for. I love to play, watch, talk, think and dream about Starcraft.
If Starcraft had a pleasure giving orifice I'm not sure I'd need much else in life.
One things for sure though, Starcrafts got heart. But whats crazy is that the heart isn't even the games themselves. It's us. Without us it'd be some game sitting on a store shelve or installed on some computer doing nothing. Instead it's being played, it's being streamed around the world, there are an incredible amount of people who straight up give a fuck! We have these tournaments where people travel around the world to compete and even more just watch! HOLY SHIT! People are driving hours/days and even in some situations FLYING to different countries just to watch this video game.
That's saying a lot about something.
I just think we should all take this into consideration and stop being so goddamn negative about every possible thing we can think of.
Lets instead give thanks to this incredible thing we have all helped create.
Happy Thanksgiving Starcraft! TeamLiquid! Blizzard! and Everyone who somehow has anything to do with any of this shit going on right here.