Just finished watching a game that just finished in WCS Asia+ Show Spoiler +WCS Creator vs Curious game 3 , and it made me think about PvZ in general.
Protoss players (the majority of the time) seemed to all in versus Zergs. They are strong. They usually work. They go well with the current meta game. But in PvZ as a whole, does it all just boil down to Zergs need to just play to survive?
Late game armies for zerg consist of free attacking units (infested terran and broodlings), these are what die in battle if the zerg has good position. Correct? So in general, considering how expensive the ideal army for Protoss is, shouldn't the zergs always try and just drag out the game as long as possible?
That being said, what are the changes in HotS that will allow Protoss to have a more cost efficient end game army? Will the Tempest give them that edge that the need to win that big final battle, or will is still come down to killing the zerg before the game gets to that point. If Tempest are, can someone please post a video on here of that being used effectively? If there is another way, please post that too.
Just curiousity...
Much Luv DJ Wilma ♥
+ Show Spoiler +My god, my mind will blow if the finals is herO vs HerO
ha i was just watching that game. i don't know much about balance but it sure is frustrating to watch
I think the tempest makes it so that zergs will actually have to push forward in engagements. Right now, they can be too defensive with brood lings, infested terrans and fungal. And if they are pushing, they will have to put their infestors in the line of fire. One reason Zerg army is so effective late game is that unless the Zerg losses their whole army, they are able to retain most of their infestors.
On October 14 2012 16:15 vthree wrote: I think the tempest makes it so that zergs will actually have to push forward in engagements. Right now, they can be too defensive with brood lings, infested terrans and fungal. And if they are pushing, they will have to put their infestors in the line of fire. One reason Zerg army is so effective late game is that unless the Zerg losses their whole army, they are able to retain most of their infestors.
Pretty much this. Tempest will give the toss the ability to force the zerg to move his main army. With so much range you can begin to 1sht units and buildings such as spines and spores. So instead of sitting back waiting for the toss army come to you have to start moving your 45 infestors around.
In my opinion Protoss all ins are simply too strong vs Zerg. Often times the Zerg will know it is coming, prepare well and just get run over by FF's and constant warp ins. erg definitely has the late game edge but Zergs can not just play to survive or they will be run over by a three base Protoss. If Zerg doesn't play the mid game perfectly (make the right amount of drones and units at the right times) they will either die right there and then or die soon after.
If the Zerg is able to do this then most times they simply just win in the late game (unless its Ret...) but often times they can not and that is why Protoss is dominating right now.
United States15275 Posts
The problem with PvZ is not the endgame, but how the entire matchup plays out due to the design of Protoss. PvZ usually boils down to an all-in or a a one-time lategame battle that depends on the accuracy of one vortex since Protoss is a schizophrenic race when it comes to tech advancement.
The Tempest is a terrible concept that will make PvZ worse by giving Protoss a way to turtle and another excuse for keeping a deathball together. Blizzard should ask themselves why Protoss seems to have no way to play a gateway-dependent midgame; that is the first step to fixing the matchup.
Out of curiosity what league are you in?
On October 15 2012 02:14 CosmicSpiral wrote: The Tempest is a terrible concept that will make PvZ worse by giving Protoss a way to turtle and another excuse for keeping a deathball together. Blizzard should ask themselves why Protoss seems to have no way to play a gateway-dependent midgame; that is the first step to fixing the matchup.
Infestors 2 stronk
That's literally it. Infestors ruin PvZ because of how well fungal shuts down pretty much every non-colossus augmented attack.
Yeah, infestors and force fields make the matchup really boring and terrible. Force fields dominate mid game, forcing zerg to play perfectly, fungals ruin late game, protoss needs to play perfectly.
It's so much easier for protoss to win midgame, and zerg needs to hold on without losing hardly anything.