I've gone out alone before, but it has always been by accident. I was supposed to meet someone somewhere at some time and I got tied up so I ended up walking around and finding a bar to head into. Every and each one of those times I have had fun; I met people and the night turned into something unexpected. The difference between those times and this time is that then I was already out.. I was already suited up, ready to go, and wasn't shy about being alone because I technically was supposed to meet up with somebody. This time I have to start from square one leave my apartment without any plan or purpose and wander into a random bar and try to be social. I'm not a shy fellow and meeting people is never a problem for me but I just feel like I might end up sitting alone hunched over the bar wasting money on expensive drinks and eventually walking home with a sense of failure-- and this fear gives me pause, and makes me think that my attitude will increase the chances of fulfilling this prophecy.
So what I'd like to ask is: What do you guys do when you can't get in touch with anyone but have the urge to go out? It's more than an urge actually, it's a sense of urgency that comes from the fact that I don't have work tomorrow and I feel like I should be doing something.
Anyways.. do you just call it a night and stay in? Does it bother you that you are alone? How do you approach a group of people? I have no problem meeting people 1on1 or when I am also in a group.. but approaching people that are already in a unit is difficult for me... or do you just have a few drinks at the bar and see what happens?
Who knows. I might read this later tonight if I don't make it or I might read it tomorrow with a completely different perspective. Either way, I'd love to know if you guys have ever been in this situation and how it makes you feel / what you do.
Btw I am a 26 year old male and I live in New York city.