Recently me and a couple of my friends have been rushing to get to plat before school starts back up in a week or two. I really want to get better grades this semester. In high school I graduated with over a 4.0, but college is a lot harder, and I am still being as lazy with note taking as I was in high school which isn't helping. Anyways I want to focus more on school so I wanted to get into plat before school started.
The last couple of weeks I have been winning a bunch in the morning, then getting worse and worse as the day went on. I would always net like 20 points a day but i wasn't going anywhere. The last few days though I have been chrusing my opponenets. I have beating plat players like it was my business. And today I play 3 pvps in a row and win them all. Then I was so relieved when I got to play a terran, and I crushed him. He said, " Nice four gate!" It made me laugh that he scouted that not only was I putting on preasure but it was a 5 gate all in. And he didn't even have bunkers up when I got there. So after he rage quit the game I got the message! I finally made it to plat!
Now when I sing when Im gradmaster I will literally just be plat. But now I have to climb the hill to the land of diamond players. I am going to be working on my mechanics and such to hopefully always keep my money low and not get supply blocked. I also need work on micro, but thats like 1000% better than it was when I first started.
As far as HOTS goes I can't wait to play the campain and get to the multiplayer. I really hope I get a betakey. I've opted in and everything so only time will tell.
I haven't been streaming lately, which makes me a little sad. I really wanted to just get to plat and focus on only that. But I have more ram and Im ready to get back to that again. I want to make overlays for ingame and an out of game overlay, but im not artistic and have no idea theme wise for my stream. This is where you guys come in... My name is Goodmourning, so I want some type of theme based on that. I am open for pretty much everything. lol I mostily just want suggestions because I have no idea. My stream can be found on if you could follow me it would make me really happy!
My clan has slowly been getting more active and slowly growing. One of my real life friends just made it to masters, so now we have people in our clan in every league but grandmasters. Hopefully some of us will start catching up to him but we will see. If you are looking for a good group of people to practice with and just play some custom games join our clan!!!! Its still kind of small, but we are slowly growing like i said above. So join at!!!
Lastly if any custom game makers read this, I would really like a civil war game like in broodwars, where you place your headquarters and then units spawn there. Then you use those units to take over towns and such. The more towns you get the more units get and the better your general gets. And if you general dies you have to start leveling him up again. That broodwar civil war game. i know there multiple ones. I dislike the one where you fight seperately. The one where you fight on the actual map is probably my favorite custom game ever.
I know this was longs, so thanks for reading!
Goodmourning (Mark)