Server: NA Team Name: Gong Show Leader/Managers: TL - gSDreamz / Bnet - gSDreamz.878 Clan Channel: GongShow General Team League Level: High Diamond to Mid Masters Goals of team: Our goal as a team is to practice often to improve on our gameplay and abilities. We are recruiting 2 Master Toss players. Will be doing clan wars as frequently as possible and practice atleast 2 times a week. Other: if you have any questions or you want to try out please message me on SC2 or email me at zacksenters22@yahoo.com or PM me on here.
Team Name: Cloud Gaming http://cloud.enjin.com/home Recruitment Managers: AndeePwns [TL] / AndeePwns 908 [NA] Sever: NA Clan Channel: cloud gaming (all lower case) General Team League Level: Any Race(s) you are looking for: Any Goals of team: To train and help players who are trying to get into the competitive scene or players who just need a training squad or advice on what they can do to improve. This team is meant for dedicated members who will not slack on playing time. Cloud Gaming will hopefully become a staple in the esports community one day, but it cannot achieve that goal without the help of you, the players. Other: Currently, I am just trying to start a team. Anyone is allowed to join the team, but must obviously meet the requirements above. I would like to have members who are willing to practice and communicate through forums, in game chatting, or even by Skype. Contact: Email: AndyPhamHo@hotmail.com / PM here / Talk on SC2 / Skype: AndeeOwns (PLEASE add on SKYPE if you're interested)
Hi all, Message to all clans, if you are looking for a caster to cast some replays I am more then welcome to help you guys out. I am caster/player. I host tournaments and commentate and many people like watching me. I am still an amateur caster but I am looking to improve and get better throughout my journey to be a caster. Also if any clans are looking for help with management, I am currently clanless ( I am looking for benefits) I am a Top Diamond Protoss player and I stream and have 30viewers tops(just started). Great for advertisement
Server NA Finn 468
Hey guys, I am looking for a casual team. I am pretty new to starcraft but I am very intrested and i am playing a lot. I already improved a lot but i would like to have more effective training with partners. I am from Austria. I can speak English pretty well. Right now i am top silver. But I am sure I can improve fast. EU Server My in game name is: kakarott code: 531 pls pm me if you are interested. Kakarott
Server: NA Name: TryHardSon
League: Silver Race: Zerg
Hello. I'm a low level Zerg looking for a small-medium sized team focused on improving. I'm very dedicated and want to consistently practice with plat-diamond level players to force me to improve quickly. I feel like I'm not learning much by playing bronze/silver players on ladder. i'm in silver
Team Tactical Carnage is looking for a strong Protoss player to potentially join our lineup and participate in clan wars and team leagues (we are currently in qualifiers for Indie StarLeague and the IPTL).
Server: NA
Team Name: Tactical Carnage (the competitive team for the Sentinel Gaming Community)
Leader/Managers: TaCZennith.436
Clan Channel: "Sentinel Gaming" (website SentinelGaming.net)
General Team League Level: Mid-High Masters. A Team above 1000 point masters.
Goals of team: Our goal is to constantly strive for improvement with dedicated practice, regularly scheduled clan wars and participation in team leagues. In the long run we are looking to develop into one of the top North American teams. Our current A Team is comprised of mid-high masters players, with a B team of low-mid masters players. For both teams we are looking to improve our depth, and we're especially in the market for a few talented Protoss players, although we will tryout any player of any race. We're a growing group of solid friends and players, and in addition to talent, we're also looking for players who fit our mold - dedicated, well mannered, and always looking to improve their play.
Other: Contact TaCZennith.436 or post on the website to schedule a tryout. You can also message me here on TL if you like!
Team rQ is looking for Masters Terran and Protoss players
Server: North America Team Name: Team Requiem Leader/Managers: rQvicious (291) & rQdjay(347) Clan Channel: Team rQ General Team League Level: Masters Goals of team: Improve individual skill and compete in team leagues & clan wars. Other: Be well mannered, willing to practice long and hard; communicating through Skype &; willing to stream on TL.
Team rQ is also looking for a manager and web designer.
Starcraft 2 is the definite priority for Team Requiem but we also have a competitive League of Legends branch and we need a manager to keep the teams organized. You must be someone who we can trust and is responsible as we will be looking for a perfect candidate.If you are interested, for more information message djdanny212 on Skype.
Useful post for people thriving to better improve their skills on SC2. Pretty cool. Too bad already on a team :D !
Hi, my handle is PvP and I'm a recently promoted NA Diamond league Protoss.
I'm in search of a serious team/clan so that I can practice with. I've progressed quite a bit since my starting starcraft at bronze league, and I know that I'm ready to take it to the next level after Diamond. But in my view, I do not only need people to play against, but also need a group of individuals to seek feedback from so that I can improve. I know I have the potential of an exceptional player.
I'm looking for a team with some players that are of higher caliber than I am. A lot of teams ask for masters and up but I do have a couple wins against masters players and I know I can reach that level at some point in time. So if you are part of/know a clan please feel free to post or PM me any information, I am a dedicated player that WILL show up for practice
I just started my stream as well at twitch.tv/Gosu_PvP and just closed it for the evening, but am willing to contribute the high quality stream any clan/team as well..
PM me on TL or in game at PvP.279,
hey! im looking for any team maybe competing in a lower level team league, shoot me a pm or @RUFinalBoss.296 thx
Dimaond 700 ~ pushing for masters NA server
EU - High Master Terran looking for a foreign team. Belgian french speaker player who is currently top 10-15 master 1200 pts. Searching for a team where players can speak english of course. I like to ladder and custom game aswell.
Previous team: BsC (with Makouni, GM protoss) nSg (with Neoangel (ex-GM), Firecake (GM), Spook (GM).
Lanable in Belgium and France.
Contact: Bnet: nSgDioS 484 mail: vincendios93@hotmail.com
Looking for Team: Server: NA B.net: rpm.902 Race: Zerg League: N/A Other:pro BW player switching to SC2. Currently playing on buddy's account in diamond league, though proving to be extremely successful (100% winrate). I hope to play some GMs soon to see how i can fare against the best. LF clan.
About UCAP eSports
UCAP eSports is a competitive and professional eSports organisation, priding ourself in the progression we make with each player. We strive to be one of the best and we understand the only way to do so is through our players. As such we invest resources and time into providing the best stable and encouraging environment to all our players with regular contact, that we have proven pushes players to their full potential. All shown through us being home to some players that later became well known players and that attended prestigious LAN events.
In UCAP eSports we like to have a comfortable, motivated and active environment in which the main aim of the games we provide for is to improve and enjoy the games they are playing together. However, we also feel that experiencing both casual and competitive play is the most enjoyable way to succeed and stay together with your team members and with us.
We have a team of dedicated and enthusiastic management that between them have and will overcome any obstacles that are apparent to them. They will do their best and go out of their way to help, putting in their upmost effort. With this self motivated and professional culture shown through management we have been able to constantly improve and have forecast the same to happen in the months to come .
Leagues We're Looking for: Diamond+ (we will form our team then improve as a whole) Race(s) We're Looking for: All races
Manner Activeness Passion Working headset
Goals of team: We are a serious small team that is focused on every individual member to push out tournament results. We are sponsored and expect to see active practice partners to go to LAN's and tournaments.
What We Offer You:
- Teamspeak 3 - Website Publicity - Professional Management Team
Our website currently has approxemately 500 unique hits a month which is gradualy rising through addition to teams and affiliates. We will do partnerships to help other companies to increase their web traffic and will either put a free advertisement or link on our site in return for the same from the company or we will ask for a small and resonable fee to add to funding for the organisation.
Name: Dominik 'Yoon' Lösch Role: Management UCAP - SCII TL ID: UCAP.Yoon BNet ID: WHiTE.891 [EU] Email: Yoon@ucap-esports.co.uk
Name: Yannek 'TeCH' Behlendorf Role: Team Member TL ID: tech_tt BNet ID: TecH.259 [EU] Email: Tech@ucap-esports.co.uk
Clan Channel: UCAP-eSports-Starcraft II
Teamspeak 3 IP: - (Join it and ask about joining)
Website: ucap-esports.co.uk
How To Apply: If you wish to apply then either email Yoon or TeCH with the address provided, you can join our Teamspeak and ask about setting up a meeting with someone from management or you can fill out an application on our forums website apply to join and refer back to this forum post.
We’re looking forward to your applications!
UCAP eSports
Server: NA Bnet: sLXonix.141 Race: Zerg League: High plat
I'm a 15 year old gamer looking for clan that can help me get into masters so I can start competing at a high level for them Im very dedicated and have had experience with clan wars and helping run a clan.. Pm me on battle.net or message me on tL
Server: NA Bnet: sLXonix.141 Race: Zerg League: High plat
I'm a 15 year old gamer looking for clan that can help me get into masters so I can start competing at a high level for them Im very dedicated and have had experience with clan wars and helping run a clan.. Pm me on battle.net or message me on tL
Teams/Clan Info: Server: EU. Team Name: X-Terminated (XTD). Clan Channel: XTD. Website: http://xtd.enjin.com/recruitment Leaders/Managers: Lunatic, Mancer, B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Lunatic: 912, Mancer: 334, General Team League Level: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum. Race(s): All races are welcome to join. Goals Of Team: To create A fun community that creates tournaments and hosts matches, Others: *Bellow*
X-Terminated is A clan that just started again and recruiting for new members, We already got over 20 members in that past few weeks and try to get A large community to hosts clan tournaments/Matches,
The members are wel mannered, Helpfull, And quite experienced for they're league levels and always practice against each other to get at A higher level together, We also make our own costume maps we often test and use for tournaments if balance tests have finished,
We also livestream our matches quite often per week and also use raidcall for team conversations,
For more info you can ask the officers/ Leaders mentioned bellow, And of coarse apply on our website!
Edit: Found a team already ^^
LOOKING FOR TEAM: Server: NA B.net: xiphid.657 Race: terran League: Masters
Other: Im looking for an active community EST times to play games and have some fun. 1's and team's. Ideally community runs internal KOTH's and tournaments on consistent basis.