(full post here if interested)
If I happen to get married and have kids in the future, I'll tell them bedtime stories of the BW Legacy.
I'll tell them stories about...
The Emperor who paved the way, overcoming the ruthless Storm,
To continue protecting the empire, it was then succeeded by the Cheater,
Many have tried to take it down, including the God of War with its mighty horns,
But it took a Tornado reigning the crown as long as it could, making him one of the best victors,
Then came along a Maestro, destroyer and savior in the kingdom's darkest hours,
Until it was stopped by a Revolutionist, to maintain balance with its new found power,
However the Tyrant was there too, devouring all known legends with ferocity,
Thank goodness however, there exist an Ultimate Weapon ending his monstrosity,
Many thought he will win it all till the end, nonetheless the Terrorist struck him down first,
Wanting to return the empire's former glory, he did all he could killing many,
Only to be defeated by the Almighty twice, giving the hero his deserved price.
Though the Terran and Zerg have won more,
but in the end it was the Protoss that won the Brood War.
It was an honour :')