But before I begin, I think there are something that needs to be clarify:
About the English stream:
Artosis arrived around noon, when the games are almost half way through, Rob and Snowkiss were already casting for a while, this gave him very little time to prepare and adjust to the completely new casting environment.
A lot of you might know, that the connection to twitch.tv is NEVER good in China, you know there is a freaking Pacific Ocean! But seriously, I totally didn't expect thegunrun to be there, and it's so appreciated that he was there to the rescue, I hope the laggy English stream did not bother you guys too much, and we all can enjoy a better broadcasting experience the coming 2nd day.
About the games:
To be honest, this is not the best WCS itself can offer, not the best game the players can offer, even not the best production value that the broadcasters can offer. The stage is set up at the corner of a comic/anime exhibition, which means very crowded, and noisy. There were like over 200 audiences all day long, I estimate over 1000 ppl was there watching the WCS. This could be a very big potential pressure for the LB players, especially the up-and-coming talents, when a ticket to Asian Championship is on the line, and you are just 1 or 2 games away from being eliminated all together, this really meant a whole lot to their career, Like Spider.Ash, I can tell, that is not him playing on that stage yesterday, he could offer much much more, but it's the sheer amount of pressure, that defeated him, more of his opponent.
We have 4 veterans and 4 winners playing this coming day, I hope they can hold the line, and sure they will.
My Day 2 LR thread: http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=352586
see you there.